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Char MSG Ep1 (11)
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Rick Sanchez (Bushworld Adventures)
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Morty: Oh... oh, Rick?
Rick: Get in the car, Morty! GET IN THE CAR!
Morty: Oh, Rick... I was asleep. I was having a little Morty sleep.
Rick: Morty, get in the damn car now! Get in here!
Morty: Whuh, why?

~ Rick's first lines, threatening Morty.
Aw come on Morty just one lil' suck! It'll save your life!
~ Reek to Morty
Morty, Check it out. I did some sience to me portal gun and now it's also a real gun... I'm gonna kill you today Morty. You're actually gonna die... Shut the fuck up Morty, SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm so tired lf you. All you do is winge and complain! Its really getting on my nerves Morty! I'm gonna kill you and then im going to kill myself...We're gonna DIE,we're gonna DIE!...Wait one sec. We gotta go get some petrol first.
~ Reek threatening Morty

Rick (pronounced "Reek"), is the main protagonist of the Adult Swim parody, of Rick and Morty, Bushworld Adventures.

He is voiced by Michael Cusack, who also voiced Uncle Barry and Beth in the same short, Grim, Mr. Frog, and Rex in Smiling Friends, and Mammon in Helluva Boss.


Reek appears for the first time when he forces Morty to get into the car after threatening him in the car with a gun they arrive at the gas station and refill the car however Morty taking too long with the cashier warns Reek that it will take some time to buy food so Reek shoots the cashier dead, after discovering that Reek has the wrong fuel for the car they go on foot looking for adventures in Bendigo.

After Morty is dead on the penis Reek will try to suck it but then they will go to Dougie (Jerry) who dressed as a wizard will put some maggots on Morty's bread which will be of no use because the snake bite was not poisonous.

After arriving at the house of uncle Barry ,a giant with Alzheimer's ,the two kill him but his soul enters the car and together with his wife they fly to Bendigo and leave Morty and Reek in the middle of nowhere, Reek will then ask Morty what they are doing there and when Morty says that he was the one who wanted to go there, Reek will reply that he doesn't know where they are or why they went there.


Reek: So...where is the cube?

Morty: I dont know. You're are the one that said it was in Bendigo.
Reek: What the f*ck are you talking about, Morty? I never said that.
Morty: What do you mean? Why are we here then?
Reek: I dont know i was following you, Morty.

~ Reek after he forgets a psychotic event.

Reek's personality is very violent and easily irritable, he very often shows psychotic episodes where he goes crazy or talks to himself and in these episodes he can even kill and hurt those around him, he often has extremely unpredictable mood changes and from a moment at another from being happy he can become extremely angry and dangerous out of nowhere.

Sometimes he may forget what he did in his psychotic events and often acts like he is on drugs or drunk by going places aimlessly for no real reason.



Smith Family
Rick C-137 (Drunk Rick) | Rick Prime | Council of Ricks (Riq IV & Rick Prime) | Evil Rick | Tiny Rick | SEAL Team Ricks | Toxic Rick | Shadow Council of Ricks (Rick D. Sanchez III & Garment District Rick) | Fascist Rick | Fascist Shrimp Rick | Facist Teddy Rick | Indiana Jones Rick | Rick Allen | Bushworld Rick
Morty Prime | Evil Morty | Toxic Morty | Cop Morty | Big Morty | Mortytown Locos | Fascist Morty | Morty 304-X
Jerrys, Beths and Summers
Jerry Prime | Doofus Jerry | Beth's Mytholog | Night Summer | Bushworld Beth Alternate families
Smith Family Decoys | Night Family

Prominent Groups
Galactic Federation/New Galactic Federation
The President | Tammy Guetermann | Cornvelious Daniel | Phoenixperson | Gromflomites
The Vindicators
Alan Rails | Crocubot | Million Ants | Supernova | Vance Maximus
The Government
President Andre Curtis | General Nathan | Turkey President

Individuals/smaller groups
Frank Palicky | Snowball | Scary Terry | Poncho | Prince Nebulon | Elderly Meeseeks | King Jellybean | Gazorpians | King Flippy Nips | Lucius Needful | Lucy | Fart | Krombopulos Michael | Gearhead | Blim Blam | Alien Parasites | Mr. Poopybutthole | Cromulons | Numbericons (Emperor Dread Nought, Sinistar-7, & Infinity) | Rick Sanchez's Personal AI | Zeep Xanflorp | Cat People | Agency Director | Concerto | Worldender | Risotto Groupon | Uncle Barry | Peacock Jones | Glootie | Monogatrons | Space Snakes | Miles Knightly | Miles' Heist Crew | Heistotron | Heistotron's Heist Crew | Abusive Wizard | Story Lord | Glorzos | Reggie | Mr. Nimbus | Hoovians (Japheth & Adam) | Diesel Weasel | Planetina | Tina-Teers | Sperm Queen | Mutant Sperm | Hellraisers | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Crab Spiders | The Gotron Team | Nick | Pussifer | Mr. Frundles | Jons | Jennith Padrow-Chunt | Meteors | Self-Referential Six | Rhett Caan | Previous Leon | Pissmaster | Legion of Hitlers | Gul'Karna | Chuxly | Observers | Kenneth | Kwyatt | 8 | The Pope | Bigfoot | Fear Hole Guy
