The Butcher is a major antagonist in the DC Universe, and serves as the Embodiment of the Red Light; Rage. It is the prime figure of the Red Lantern Corps, and is one of the most powerful and destructive forces in the cosmos. Born from the Emotional Spectrum, it represents a fundamental emotional necessity, and is unrestrained, unbridled, unstoppable rage. It’s one of the five archenemies (Eclipso, Zachary Zor, Parallax and Azmodus) of the Spectre.
The Butcher Entity is the 5th of the Emotional Embodiments to come into existence, and represents the red light that came into existence at the dawn of time when the Emotional Spectrum was shattered. This red light is Rage, and The Butcher itself was born after the first act of murder was committed.
After eons, The Butcher's power would finally find a suitable host in Atrocitus. Following The Massacre of Sector 666, Atrocitus was consumed by rage. He slaughtered the other survivors of the massacre, and used their blood to create the great Red Lantern Central Power Battery. Through this, The Butcher's fury was able to be directly channeled and unleashed with the use of the Red Power Rings, and Atrocitus would become the universe's first Red Lantern. He would then go on to create the Red Lantern Corps, welcoming all those who devote themselves to rage.
Butcher appears as a colossal and demonic looking red bull. Its size and bulk gives is one of great strength, fitting to its being of pure rage. It glows red, and can change its size to anything it wishes.