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Villains Wiki

♪ My father was a sailor, my mother was a fish,
Since I was little girl, I've only had one wish
A tiny dream, belonged to me
To be known across the seven seas!
I started small, but my ambition grew!
And now I'm known across the ocean blue!
All my life what I wanted to be
The fiercest monster in the deep blue sea!
It's a lonely life, but the only life
I would ever want for me
But I've come so far, and now I'm a star!
And everyone knows me!
Yes, I am number one sea beast!
~ Cala Maria singing "Number One Seabeast" about her motivations and rise to infamy.
Dinner. Your name is dinner.
~ Cala Maria to Mugman.

Cala Maria is a minor antagonist in the 2022 Netflix animated series The Cuphead Show!, serving as the main antagonist of the Season 2 episode "A High Seas Adventure!".

She was voiced by Natasia Demetriou.


Cala Maria mostly resembles her game counterpart. She has a physical appearance reminiscent of a typical humanoid female character. She is a giant, tall, slender mermaid with fairly wide hips. She has pale lavender-pigmented skin, an exposed belly, and a small button-nose.

On her head, she has a dead purple octopus with pale lavender eyelids over X-crossed eyes, with a lighter purple coloring and pale pink suckers under the tentacles. The octopus clearly acts as her hair since the three tentacles in front of Cala's face are flipped back over her head, resembling curly hair bangs in a pompadour, while the octopus's head vaguely resembles a hair bun.


Cala Maria is a sadistic siren who takes pleasure in hurting others, be it by sinking ships, turning pirates into stone, or eating innocent people. She is rather cold and dismissive, as she continuously shoots down at Briney Beard's attempts at flirting with her. Additionally, Cala makes it clear she intends to eat Mugman when meeting him, as she dismisses him as "dinner" after he was smitten by her singing (and also her).

She seems to suffer from loneliness, as shown during her song. Although, she is entirely at fault for this since she wrecks whatever ship comes her way in order to spread her name, something even she acknowledges. This makes her a narcissist of sorts. However, Cala Maria is not beyond reasoning, as she begrudgingly allowed Mugman to explain why they came to her after threatening him. She also appears to have a sense of honor, as she gave Cuphead, Mugman, and Brinybeard a 10 second head start before chasing them, and even let them go via blowing a kiss that allowed their ship escape after being partially moved by Brinybeard's affection.



Cala Maria was born to a sailor and a fish in the sea. Since she was a little girl, she had a wish to be known across the ocean. She managed to achieve her goal by wrecking ships and either turning sailors into stone or eating them. Cala Maria eventually started off small by wrecking one ship at a time, although she went bigger and began attacking them in groups.

At one point, she met a pirate named Brineybeard and the two went out on a date together. While the experience left Briney smitten with her, Cala Maria was disinterested and even intended to eat him, but was already full and decided against it.

Season 2[]

A High Seas Adventure[]

After sneaking on board his ship, Captain Brineybeard begrudgingly takes Cuphead and Mugman to see Cala Maria, who he claimed to be his girlfriend. As they travel through thick fog, Cuphead and Mugman notice some of the wrecked ships nearby, along with pirates who were turned into stone. Briney would explain to the brothers that not only were they turned to stone by a giant sea monster nearby, but his "girlfriend" was that sea monster, much to their terror. As if on cue, Cala rose from the water in her gorgon form and roared. Unfazed, Brineybeard tries to woo her by giving her a present he bought, only for her to turn him down by saying, "You talk too much." and turns him and his parrot into stone, before leaving, which indirectly caused a tidal wave that crashes their ship onto her lair.

After regaining consciousness, Cuphead and Mugman would carry Brineybeard and his gift into the depths of her cave. They accidentally break off his legs while doing so, forcing Mugman to replace them with wooden sticks. By the time they arrive, they secretly listen to Cala Maria sing about her past and ambitions. Mugman becomes smitten by her singing and applauds her, which exposes himself. Despite trying to be kind and introduce himself, Cala bluntly says she intends to eat him and his brother. However, Mugman hands her the box of sweets Briney brought for her and opens them, only for the revelation that they were body parts and guts of fish, much to his embarrassment. To their surprise, Cala is touched by the gift and thanks them but admits she still intends to eat them.

Before she could feast on Cuphead and Mugman, Brineybeard and his parrot were brought to life, thanks to love, and asked her to be his girlfriend. Cala declines but tries to let him down lightly as she also reveals that she would have eaten him on their first date had it not been for a full stomach. She once again reminds the crew that she is going to eat them, but gives them a ten-second head start for their efforts. This causes the brothers and captain to flee as she gives chase.

They are able to make it back outside, but Cala blocks them off from their ship. Thinking fast, Mugman chucks the box of "sweets" for her into the ocean, forcing her to go out and retrieve it, which gives the trio enough time to swim to their boat. To their misfortune, it's stuck on the rocks and unable to move. Just as it seems they are about to become Cala's lunch, BrineyBeard blows her a kiss, which she reciprocates and blows one back. This gives them a giant gust of wind that blows them off of the rocks and back to the Inkwell Isles. However, just as Briney voices his respect for Mugman as a pirate for keeping his promise, Cuphead loses his grip and is blown off the ship, leaving him at the mercy of Cala Maria.

Cala Maria later appears in “The I Scream Man“, albeit with a notably smaller role. She appears in Mugman's book as a sea beast in love with a captain, who just happened to be Mugman himself.


  • She is most likely inspired by Ursula from The Little Mermaid as evident to being both similarly mermaids and villainesses.
  • Cala Maria and Mugman being love interests in the latter's book in “The I Scream Man“ is most likely a reference to how they are normally paired together by fans of the Cuphead series, which mostly stemmed from Mugman's innocent and passive nature in contrast to Cala's somewhat alluring and seductive personality.
  • In the video game version, she redeems herself at the good ending, alongside the other redeemed villains, by cheering up Cuphead and Mugman for freeing them from the Devil's deeds. But in this version, she remains a villainess. (though, given that the show is a hidden prequel to the games, it's possible that she reformed in the end)
    • Even then, she mostly fought out of self defense in order to keep her soul contract in the game. Whereas in the show, she explicitly states that the reason behind what she does is purely sadism.


           CupheadDon'tDealwiththeDevil Logo Villains

Main Game
The Devil | King Dice | Casino Bosses
The Delicious Last Course
Chef Saltbaker | Moonshine Mob | The Devil | Angel and Demon | Mortimer Freeze |

The Cuphead Show!
The Devil | Henchman | King Dice | Stickler
Baby Bottle | Ribby and Croaks | The Root Pack | Cala Maria | Baroness Von Bon Bon | Ludwig | Birnbaum Quadruplets | Werner Werman | Penguin Caretakers
