Captain Peghook is a supporting antagonist in the DuckTales reboot, serving as the main antagonist of the first episode of the series, Woo-oo!. He is played by Keith Ferguson, who also voiced Professor Souichi Tomoe in Sailor Moon, Johan Liebert in Monster, Chairman Rose in Pokémon: Twilight Wings, Masayoshi Shido in Persona 5, and Deep Sea King in One Punch Man.
Webby absolutely does not want to let everyone consider the adventures of Scrooge and Donald to be false. In the attempt he finds a magical casket which when it opens frees the ghost of Captain Peghook.
Dewey now believes in his uncle's stories and finds the Excalibur sword to kill Peghook, and in the scuffle, Pixiu's Gong is knocked to the ground and Webby warns the triplets not to get him slammed again otherwise a great evil would happen, but the worst. is that then Louie stumbles upon the Headless Man Horse which awakens to the horror of the three boys.
Scrooge arrives in the basement having heard all the commotion, and Captain Peghook as soon as he sees him orders his head as a tribute before he goes back to the afterlife, but Scrooge tricks him into giving him the head of the statue of himself.
With his "wish" completed, his captain and crew vanish with Peghook complaining that he needed to be more specific.
At the end of the episode after Scrooge goes to take a nap, Webby and the twins discover a portrait of Scrooge and Donald with the duck in the cellar as they fight Captain Peghook on an adventure.
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Glomgold Industries De Spell Family Rockerduck Family Beagle Boys FOWL Air Pirates Fearsome Four New Quackmore Institute Others See Also |