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“ | Meet the family! | „ |
~ A line of text in front of the mural of the monsters in Garten of Banban II. |
The Cases are the main antagonists of the indie-horror game franchise Garten of Banban.
Created by Uthman Adam and the staff to be caretakers for children in Banban's Kindergarten, these monsters were designed after the kindergarten's main mascots and were originally gentle and docile until they mysteriously grew hostile and most of them preyed on the protagonist when the latter enters the kindergarten to find their missing child.
Sometimes referred to as The Twisted One. Nabnab is a tall, lanky indigo humanoid monster with three eyes. He also wears one gray party hat, in contrast to BanBan's two red party hats. In fact, the name Nabnab is Banban backwards. He resides in the Underground maintenance facility where he likes to hang from the ceiling and wait for the right moment to attack. He teaches kids that it's okay to not have any friends, like he does. He is seemingly the outcast of the entire Banban Family. In Garten of Banban III, it is revealed that he has a female counterpart of him and in Garten of Banban VI, it is revealed that when injected with presumably Givanium, he transforms into a monstrous, giant creature resembling a centipede with giant teeth.
Slow Seline[]
A giant-yellow snail, who despite being slow, is quick to help those in need.
After the protagonist reunites Opila with her chicks, Seline appears in the hallway. The player is required to move when her eyes are looking under the doors, and to stop when her eyes return back to their original places. Otherwise, she'll spot the player, and immediately dash into them, which results in an instant death.
She reappears at the end of Garten of Banban II, activating the button to send the player further down into the kindergarten, waving with her head as the player descends. In Garten Of Banban III, Slow Seline only appears in one of Stinger Flynn's flashbacks.
In Garten of Banban 4, she's seen locked in one of Toadsters' jail cells. She's inside of her shell, as snails do when they're distressed, implying that she's scared of Toadster.
In Garten of Banban VI, thanks to a hidden tape, it is revealed that Slow Seline has escaped her cell after running through the glass.
Jumbo Josh[]
A giant, green humanoid monster who encourages kids to eat healthy food and become strong.
He appears at the end of Garten of Banban while the protagonist is riding down a red lift, where he climbs up to it, and prepares to attack, before the lift collapses and he presumably falls and gets crushed to death.
However, in Garten of Banban II, it is shown that Jumbo Josh had survived the fall, as he is later seen chasing after the player in Opila Bird's hallway, along with Banbaleena, trying to block off the ways to escape. He then abducts Banbaleena after accidentally squashing her.
In Garten Of Banban III, Jumbo Josh is the monitor of his own super secret lounge as he has to make sure that everything is in place in the room. Later near the end of the game, he saves the protagonist from a hijacked Banban, who attempts to eat the protagonist's pancreas but soon gets into a fight with Stinger Flynn.
In Garten of Banban IV, he gets captured by Sheriff Toadster but is later released, after the Naughty Ones and Sir Dadadoo were freed from Queen Bouncelia's pouch.
Jumbo Josh's siblings[]

The Jumbo Josh Lounge.
Four giant monsters that are siblings of Jumbo Josh, with their colours being magenta, blue, orange, and lime, respectively. None of them have confirmed names. Although not actually appearing in game, if the player scans a QR Code on one of the boarding passes, they are taken to a website by the developers of the game themselves where they are seen circling a cake with Jumbo Josh.[1]
A wall of text is shown on the right side, which says that the player is spared by the former due to the latter putting a lot of effort to find the place. They're then free to rest in what is known as "The Jumbo Josh Lounge".
A white monster who encourages the spreading of kindness. She's also the female counterpart of Banban.
In Garten of Banban II, she rescues the protagonist from Opila Bird and leads them to her classroom to attend class. She will then give out basic questions for the protagonist to answer and will attack them if they give out the wrong answer. Later on, she becomes fully hostile and will begin chasing them in the assembly room only to be tricked by the protagonist into getting abducted by Jumbo Josh.
In Garten Of Banban III, she was held in Jumbo Josh's super secret lounge as Jumbo Josh believes that she is a lifeless doll. As he always make sure that everything is in their place when he was comes to monitor, this allowed Banbaleena and the protagonist to use it to their advantage in escaping. After escaping Jumbo Josh's lounge, Banbaleena takes an elevator to return to class, though she'll warn the protagonist to not miss it.
She appears as a minor character in Garten of Banban IV, where she appears as a prisoner of Sheriff Toadster, but was later released after the Naughty Ones have been unleashed by Bittergiggle.
She returns in Garten of Banban VI, and it is revealed that her genome donor is Weverly Mason, a frequent name in notes and letters in the game. She is naughtified off-screen by Sir Dadadoo after one of the Naughty Ones captures her and drags her away, fighting Banban off-screen at the end alongside the other monsters possessed.
A red devil-like monster and the lead mascot of the Kindergarten that is his namesake. He tells kids to share and care or he'll take their pancreas.
He makes his debut in Garten of BanBan II, where he proves to be the least hostile out of all the monsters, rivaled only by Sheriff Toadster and the more benevolent Queen Bouncelia. He plans to help the player in their mission of finding their children, claiming someone "far stronger" has them. However, a letter from a child reveals Banban as "the evil red man".
In Garten Of Banban III, it is revealed that Banban can transform into his hellish form when very angry or hypnotized. After guiding the player through the game, Stinger Flynn activates this form and Hellish Banban chases the player, riding on Tarta Bird, and Little Beak, riding on Opila Bird. As they enter a big room, Banban confronts the player, who flies up onto a ledge. Jumbo Josh fights Hellish Banban and later, Stinger Flynn. Banban gets crushed, but ultimately survives and reverts to his normal form, later travelling down a floor to follow the player off-screen.
In Garten of Banban IV, he meets up with the player in the Kingdom and apologizes for his actions in the previous game. He travels with the player and Mr. Kabob Man, later offering the latter to Zolphius, but Mr. Kabob Man is taken by Nabnab. After Banban fights Nabnab, with Banban briefly transforming into his Hellish form, normal Banban is sitting in the corner of the room they fought in, allowing the player to find the elevator piece.
In Garten of Banban VI, he reunites with the player and helps him activate the switches needed to seal the Naughty Ones with the help of Bittergiggle/The Jester. The three travel into the Scepter Room, to find a piece of the scepter missing and Syringeon (meant to guard the scepter) missing. Sir Dadadoo confronts them and Banban tries to defeat him by injecting Nabnab with Givanium, turning Nabnab into his monstrous form. He runs to the elevator with the player, but sacrifices himself by stalling the Naughtified monsters so the player can find the Surgeon and stop the Naughty Ones. His fate is unknown, but is probably Naughtified, injured or maybe killed, based on the sounds that can be heard at the end of the game.
However, in the first teaser trailer for Garten of Banban VIII, Banban is revealed to have survived, but it is further revealed that he is not one of the main mascots of the kindergarten, but a member of a family of monsters that are rejected experiments, such as Sir. Dadadoo and Zolphius.
Opila Bird[]
A pink, bird-like monster who's depiction form believes that laughter is the best medicine and reminds children to smile, yet this does not reflect the feelings of the real monster Opila Bird.
She serves as the first antagonist in the series as well as the main antagonist of Garten of Banban. Opila Bird, throughout most of the game, appears to look motionless, encouraging the protagonist to feed her eight eggs before revealing a keycard in her beak. However, after the protagonist retrieves an orange keycard from the other side of the empty ball pit, Opila proceeded to follow them with the intention of killing them. This forces the protagonist to run down a path through the ball pit and use the keycard to collapse the path. This forces Opila Bird to made a desperate attempt to reach them by trying to jump at them, only for her to miss the ledge and she falls to her death.
However, in Garten of Banban II, it is revealed that Opila survived the fall. She first chases the protagonist down the hallway, but they are saved by Banbaleena. She later appears after the protagonist gets all of her chicks back to their nest, which allows Opila Bird to let the protagonist move on without ever harming them.
In Garten Of Banban III, she returns in a flashback, where she is seen riding with Banban, Captain Fiddles, Stinger Flynn, and a formerly unknown character in Stinger Flynn's car. During the flashback, she communicates via screeching which Banban and Stinger Flynn can understand. She also appears in flashbacks in later games.
Near the end of the game, she engages in a race with the protagonist and Tarta Bird in a race while at the same time escaping from a hijacked Banban, though the latter is only after the player, After the race has concluded and a fight ensues among Banban and Jumbo Josh, Opila and one of her chicks moved to a safer place to watch the fight alongside Tarta Bird. After the latter accidentally fell to his presumed death, Opila Bird was horrified and after briefly looking at the protagonist proceeded to jump after Tarta Bird.
In Garten of Banban IV, she and Tarta Bird were captured by Sheriff Toadster and confined to a cell, but were later released following the release of the Naughty Ones. While mostly remaining absent throughout Garten of Banban VI, she is shown to have become corrupted by Sir. Dadadoo at the end of the game.
In Garten of Banban VII, she, along with a naughtified Tarta Bird, are seen at the theater where they chase the protagonist. At the end, she is defeated by Jumbo Josh. She is later found in a room with Tarta Bird sleeping and are both back to normal.
Opila and Tarta Chicks[]
They are smaller versions of Opila Bird, though their heads are slightly bigger than their body. They might have hatched from the eggs that the player collects in the Opila Bird Mission in the first game. They appear after the player escapes Banbaleena's classroom, and are required to be put in their nest. One of the chicks is a cyan color, a reference to their mother's old design, as well as being modeled on their father, Tarta Bird. In Garten of Banban III, the protagonist must use Mr. Kabob Man to corner one of them to anger Tarta Bird, so that they can ride the latter. This one is called Little Beak.
The player travels throughout Garten of Banban IV with Little Beak, using her to hold down switches, and eventually falls into a barrel of Givanium and mutates into a giant monstrous bird, stalling Kittysaurus so the player could stop Bittergiggle, although this failed and the Naughty Ones were released.
Mutated Little Beak reappears in Garten of Banban VI, as the player falls into the middle of the giant room Little Beak was perching in. Banban works together with the player to use an electricity trap to defeat her. When her tries to attack the player, she is squashed by a wall, removing the mutated state and reverting her back to her innocent self, before running away.
Tarta Bird[]
A cyan-colored bird-like monster who is the male counterpart of Opila Bird. He urges people to protect their loved ones and that they'll love them back the same.
His model is nearly identical to Opila's, but the body is cyan, his wings and crest are colored red and his beak is orange. While Opila Bird's screeches are high-pitched, the screeches of Tarta Bird are low-pitched.
He first appears in Garten Of Banban III, where he carries the protagonist to safety from a hijacked Banban. When a fight ensues among Jumbo Josh, Banban, and Stinger Flynn, Tarta Bird takes the protagonist to a higher and safer area before dropping them off. While he looks down at the fight, Jumbo Josh throws Stinger Flynn to the ground so hard it causes everything to shake, causing Tarta Bird to lose his balance and fall to his presumed death.
However, in Garten of Banban IV, he is revealed to have survived and was kept in containment alongside Opila Bird. However, after the Naughty Ones escaped from Queen Bouncelia's pouch, Tarta Bird was released by Sheriff Toadster.
Tarta Bird is absent throughout Garten of Banban VI and only appears in the end. He is shown to have become a corrupted minion of Sir Dadadoo.
In Garten of Banban VII, he, along with a naughtified Opila Bird, are seen at the theater where they chase the protagonist. At the end, he is defeated by Jumbo Josh. He is later found in a room with Opila Bird sleeping and are both back to normal.
Captain Fiddles[]
A short, purplish blue monster who just says "Ooga booga!". Not much is known about him, although as seen in Garten of Banban II, he also has colored counterparts similar to Jumbo Josh's siblings. One of whom, being a giant cyan counterpart. He makes his physical debut in Garten of Banban III, as apart of Flynn's group in their travels. He does not speak, and only waves to Banban, when asked if he likes the car music. He later appears in more flashbacks, but is yet to physically appear in the franchise.
Stinger Flynn[]
An orange, jellyfish-like monster who tells kids that having many arms allows him to help lots of people.
Just like with Captain Fiddles, not much is known about him. He serves as Garten of Banban III's main antagonist. Whilst initially serving as an ally to the player, he is immediately angered over the player's refusal to leave, and continuing their mission to find their child. In retaliation, Stinger Flynn turns on the player, and sends out a hijacked Banban to kill them. Later, he was knocked out in a fight with Banban and Jumbo Josh.
In Garten of Banban IV, he was taken prisoner by Sheriff Toadster before being later released by the latter.
He appears as a neutral character in Garten of Banban VI, where he once again sends the player into a dream-like state, much like in the previous Garten of Banban games.
In Garten of Banban VII, he appears before the player goes into the theater and reveals that he can’t be corrupted by Sir Dadadoo, due to his high intelligence. Like all the other games, he once again sends the player into a dream-like state and then vanishes. At the end of the game, he is laying on a hospital bed, having truly made amends with the player, and tell them that the wallpaper doesn't seem right, which reveals to be a mural of Flumbo.
Sheriff Toadster[]
A brown frog monster that resembles a sheriff. He also seems to have an unnaturally large smile, with yellow eyes and a sheriff hat at the left eye, and he encourages kids to treat others with respect. He serves as the protector and law enforcer of Queen Bouncelia's kingdom and is one of the only monsters, alongside the latter, who helps the Protagonist in finding their missing child. He is the main good counterpart and the one that is formerly constantly fighting with Bittergiggle using his toadstars.
Sheriff Toadster made his debut in Garten of Banban IV, where he showed the player the Kingdom and the Queen, as well as imprisoning monsters off-screen, whilst they gathered elevator parts to escape the kindergarten. After Bittergiggle makes the Queen laugh, he runs to the player, having released all of the prisoners (keeping Stinger Flynn) and ran for the partially fixed elevator that only went down.
He made a return in Garten of Banban VI, where he guides the Player in the early part of the game, but later sees the Player with Bittergiggle, causing him to falsely believe that the Player has betrayed him, and ran after the Naughty Ones which had kidnapped Banbaleena. In Garten of Banban VII, he is one of the few monsters who wasn't corrupted by Sir Dadadoo due to his lawfulness, and he was now left to work as a bounty hunter in Cityngeon after Queen Bouncelia's death.
Queen Bouncelia[]
A giantess purple colored kangaroo monster whose drawing depicts her as a queen, in which she wears a crown and is holding a scepter with a heart on it. In her pouch, she holds the Naughty Ones. Queen Bouncelia's motto is; "Jump as much you like, but never to conclusions." While her depiction is seen in Garten of Banban III, her physical model never appeared.
She made her first physical appearance in Garten of Banban IV, where she is one of the few monsters who helps the Protagonist in finding their missing child. They meet the player and tells the Sheriff to fix the elevator, and offers guidance after some parts of the game. By the end, Bittergiggle makes her laugh after much protest, and the Naughty Ones start to break free in a burst of purple-and-pink light.
Her fate is unknown, but she presumably survives this, as in the Teaser Trailer for the next game, the Naughty Ones are seen wriggling around in her pouch, trying to break free, although in GoBb VI, Bittergiggle did mention that she's probably dead.
The Naughty Ones[]
Small monsters who are gray in color and have leech-like appearances with mouths with sharp teeth and kangaroo-like ears. However, they are only shown as eyes on Queen Bouncelia's mural. Their motto is to finish your homework and be nice with others so that you don't end up like them. They made their first physical debut in Garten of Banban VI, where they appear as the main antagonistic faction. Their leader and father is Sir Dadadoo, and they kidnap various monsters and crop up in the game. By the end, half of the monsters are Naughtified and they are on course to taking over the kindergarten. In Garten of Banana VII, after Sir Dadadoo was defeated, several Naughty Ones have died, though it's unknown of how many, although it's said that all of them has died.
She is a black spider-like monster that is nearly identical in appearance to Nabnab. She tells children that there is a right person for everybody and that they just need to look.
In Garten Of Banban III, she first appears as a seemingly dead corpse and the protagonist is required to go through a medical procedure to restore back to life in order to make Nabnab decrease his aggression.
In Garten of Banban VI, she was corrupted (or rather naughtified) by Sir Dadadoo into becoming a member of his army. She returns in Garten of Banban VII as the first antagonist to be encountered by the Player. She plummeted into a deep pit after a barrel of Givanium exploded, but she managed to survive. Later, she assisted the other naughtified monsters in attacking Jumbo Josh, but were all defeated. Nabnaleena was later reverted back to normal.
Mr. Kabob Man[]
A grey metallic figure with eyes whose motto is to be yourself no matter the cost unlike him. He is part of a puzzle the protagonist has to solve in Garten of Banban IIII. He reappears in Garten of Banban IV, as a train conductor and ticket operator, before almost being given to Zolphius as a friend. In Garten of Banban VII, he is seen having a staring contest with a Givanium Citizen.
Tamataki & Chamataki[]
A cyan-colored turtle and chameleon hybrid mascot. The right head, Tamataki, is that of a turtle while the left head, which is Chamataki, takes the appearance of a chameleon. They first appear in one of Stinger Flynn's hallucinations when the protagonist runs towards a door. The latter has to fight them in order to retrieve the party hats needed for Mr. Kabob Man. They are a "mutant", a character that went so horribly wrong upon creation that, they were scrapped from the Banban Family and sealed away in the depths of the facility.
They reappeared at the very beginning of Garten of Banban IV, chasing the player down a hallway after bursting through a door. They get stuck in the hallway after the player squeezes through the side of a frame.
It is revealed that they were Naughtified by Sir Dadadoo by the end of Garten of Banban VI, attacking Banban.
A large, tan, cat-dinosaur hybrid. She assists Bittergiggle in attacking Queen Bouncelia, only for her to be knocked down by Little Beak. Her head is her weak spot, being knocked out after running into 4 walls, and she is the fourth mutant the player encounters.
She reappears in Garten of Banban VI, reuniting with Bittergiggle before being Naughtified off-screen, confronting the Player and Banban alongside the Naughtified army and Sir Dadadoo.
A humanoid lavender and mint-colored mascot who used to be the jester of Queen Bouncelia's kingdom, but ends up going rogue due to making terrible jokes as well as his inability to make Bouncelia laugh, which would have disastrous consequences if it were to occur. Bittergiggle serves as the main antagonist of Garten of Banban IV, eventually making the Queen laugh after stalling the player, releasing the Naughty Ones.
He makes a return in Garten of Banban VI, having shown remorse for his actions and guiding the player through the game, before finding the scepter missing a piece and Syringeon missing. He doesn’t escape with the Player, and decided to stay, since the Naughty Ones liked his jokes, but became a minor antagonist in the end, having become Naughtified by Sir Dadadoo. In Garten of Banban VII, Bittergiggle was freed by Sheriff Toadster, but was inadvertently wounded in the process and he perished from his wounds while in Toadster's arms.
Sir Dadadoo[]
A gray leech monster who resembles the appearance of a business man. While he has no eyes, he, like the Naughty Ones, has a big mouth with sharp teeth and wears a purple tie on his torso with purple gloves. He makes his debut in Garten of Banban VI as the main antagonist. In the end, he has nearly Naughtified all of the monsters, thus forming his own personal army. In Garten of Banban VI, he was lured into a trap set by Bittergiggle, Toadster and the Player and he sends his army to deal with Banban. In Garten of Banban VII, he was lured into a trap set by his former friend Syringeon and the Player, with the two using the center piece of Queen Bouncelia's scepter as a bait. Refusing to listen to Syringeon's reason, Dadadoo restores the scepter to its completed state, but soon fell into the trap, which he had anticipated. He and his army was then defeated by Jumbo Josh.
A large entity made of pure Givanium and a mutant among the monsters. His artwork depicts him as a large happy head alongside Bittergiggle and Tamataki & Chamataki. He first appears in Garten of Banban II, stalking the player above the abyss, and reappears again in Garten of Banban III, appearing in an ocean in one of Stinger Flynn's hallucinations. However, if the player finds a secret audio disk from a secret room in the B2 Medical Sector and plays it on a big speaker, this will make Zolphius physically appear. Once he is encountered, he can be heard saying in Spanish, "I'm sorry...".
In Garten of Banban IV, he appears after Banban knocks out Nabnab. He is the first mutant encountered, the biggest character and the most deformed.
Nicknamed The Surgeon, he is a multi-armed monster that seems to resemble a doctor of some sort. While he was not seen in Garten of Banban IV, a mural can be seen of him. He appears to be a mutant, and is fuchsia colored. Syringeon made his first appearance in Garten of Banban VII, having hid himself from the Naughty Ones, and entrusted with a piece of Bouncelia's scepter. He is further revealed to be the authoritarian mayor of Cityngeon, a town inhabited by cyan-colored humanoid creatures. He helped the player defeat Sir Dadadoo.
The Unnamed Marionette[]
A cyan colored face with a seemingly small body and black hollow eyes, nostrils and mouth. He will presumably be the main antagonist of Garten of Banban V, although there is no known information on him, except potentially a single note that could instead be referring Zolphius instead. It's unknown if he will appear in Garten of Banban VII or any future games, although more info will be revealed once Garten of Banban V is released in 2025. He appears to be a mutant.
A formerly alternate version of Banban with yellow markings over his eyes and the bottom of his mouth. His existence is revealed at the end of Garten of Banban VII; before the Player could rest following Sir Dadadoo's defeat, Stinger Flynn noticed something strange about the Banban drawing on the wall, as it appears to look peeled. Against Syringeon's orders, the Player peels the Banban drawing off the wall, revealing Flumbo, causing an angry Syringeon to immediately attack them, revealing Syringeon's distrust to Flumbo. He will play a big role in Garten of Banban VIII.
- Jumbo Josh, Opila Bird, and Captain Fiddles are the only monsters to have colored counterparts. Banban and Nabnab are also included if their female counterparts are counted.
- Plenty of people criticized the resemblance of the monsters' designs to some of the Toys from Poppy Playtime and to the Rainbow Friends from the titular game.
- Despite this, the monsters themselves gained mass popularity on the internet and YouTube, in which they are used for random fan-made purposes.
- It was originally thought that the resemblance was intentional to parody other mascot-horror games. However, this was debunked by the Euphoric Brothers, who have stated that the designs were made to replicate those simple designs that children at a young age (like those at the kindergarten) would understand.
- Chammataki and Tamataki currently have the most complicated depiction, followed by Bittergiggle and Opila Bird.
- Captain Fiddles is the only monster to not have any characteristics related to his name.
- Banban, Banbaleena, Captain Fiddles, Syringeon, Slow Seline, Stinger Flynn, Zolphius, Mr. Kabob Man, Sheriff Toadster, Queen Bouncelia, Bitterggigle, and Sir Dadadoo are the only monsters so far that can speak.
- In fact, Banban and Stinger Flynn are the monsters voiced by the Euphoric Brothers.
- This is likely due to them being major characters in the series.
- In fact, Banban and Stinger Flynn are the monsters voiced by the Euphoric Brothers.
- Excluding the non-main monsters, Nabnab and Nabnaleena are the only mascots to not be close to the others, as they are spaced way far apart from them in the mural. These spaces may be where the mutants went, before they were scrapped and left to die.
- Tarta Bird, Mr. Kabob Man, the Opila Chicks, Bittergiggle, Zolphius, and Chamataki & Tamataki are the only monsters that don't appear on the big mural. However, the Opila Chicks and Zolphius also don't have any known wall-art seen in the game.
- It is confirmed by the developers that there will be some monsters that are helpful to the protagonist. So far, Opila Bird, Tarta Bird, the Opila Chicks, Little Beak Mr. Kabob Man, Sheriff Toadster, Bittergiggle and Queen Bounceila, are the only ones who act helpful. Banban and Stinger Flynn also initially filled this role, before they turned on the player.
- One of the kindergarten staff, Weverly Mason, is mentioned to be afraid of some of the mascots including Nabnab and Opila Bird. She also hates Stinger Flynn, although it is unknown why although it is assumed that she knew about his intentions.
- Strangely, on the screen where you have click on the clock in Garten of Banban III, Queen Bouncelia is mistakenly named as "Queen Leapcelia", although it could be possible that it was an early name for her.
- Starting on Garten of Banban VI, there’s another mural for a different set of mascots known as The Underground Family. These include Banban, Tamataki & Chamataki, Zolphius, Bittergiggle, Kittysaurus, Sir Dadadoo, Syringeon, Flumbo and Brushista.
- ↑ Jumbo Josh Lounge -