These are all pages for homonymous, eponymous or titular villains.
Disambiguation pages DO NOT get tagged with any categories other than what the {{Disambig}} Template provides. (There may be exceptions if character pages the disambiguation page connects to did not come from the same or related source materials or the page name itself has a unique title.)
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- A.I.M.
- Abigail Williams
- Abra Kadabra
- Adam
- Agahnim
- Agent
- Akuma
- Albert Wesker
- Alberto Falcone
- Alejandro Sosa
- Alien
- Amanda Waller
- Amazo
- Amazons
- Amygdala
- Anarky
- Andross
- Animatronics
- Anti Spirit Team
- Anti-Monitor
- Antichrist
- Anubis
- Aquaman