These villains appear in the My Little Pony series. The original show (despite being incorrectly infamous for its girly nature) had some rather dark and menacing villains, such as Tirac, Lavan, and Grogar (and Tirac and Lavan were killed, thus making My Little Pony's first generation one of the very few TV cartoons in the 1980s to kill characters off).
This stayed the same for the most part in the newer "Friendship is Magic" canon, with villains like Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis, Discord, the Changelings, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, the Storm King and Cozy Glow.
All items (109)
- S'Monies
- Sable Spirit
- Sendak (My Little Pony)
- Shadowfall
- Shadowfright
- Silver Spoon
- Sludge (My Little Pony)
- Smooze
- Snips and Snails
- Somnambula
- Sonata Dusk
- Sphinx (My Little Pony)
- Sprout Cloverleaf
- Squirk
- Starlight Glimmer
- Storm Creatures
- Storm King (My Little Pony)
- Storm King's army
- Sunset Shimmer
- Supernova Zap
- Svengallop
- Swift Foot