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Villains Wiki
NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Catra from the 2018 Netflix series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. The original version can be found here.
Villain Overview

Hey, Adora.
~ Catra's most famous catchphrase.
Some people have a bad day. I've had a bad life. If I want something, it's taken from me. If I win the the fight I lose the war. Threats only work on someone who has something to lose. But me? I've already lost it all. And you can't be any good at this, because you just let yourself get distracted. So...what'll it be?
~ Catra to the Crimson Waste denziens.
Catra: Hey, Adora. Oh... Where are your friends?
Adora: Catra, stop. You have to...
Catra: It's always the same with you, Adora. "I have to do this. Oh, we have to do that." Let's be honest, all of this is your fault. If you hadn't gotten captured, your sword wouldn't have opened the portal. If you hadn't gotten the sword and been the world's worst She-Ra, none of this would've happened. (Adora shouts) Admit it, Adora, the world would still be standing if you had never come through that portal in the first place. You made me this. You took everything from me. You broke the world, and it is all your fault.
~ Catra mocked and blaming Adora when the reality began to shattered.

Catra is the deuteragonist of the Netflix original series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, a reboot of the 1985 Filmation series She-Ra: Princess of Power. She is the Force-Captain of Hordak's Evil Horde (a position previously held by Adora before she defected). Catra later becomes second-in-command of the Horde after Shadow Weaver's imprisonment.

Catra was Adora's childhood best friend and is obsessed with her, as she claims to have feelings for Adora, but in the first season, Catra felt hurt and betrayed when Adora joined the Rebellion and became She-Ra. She is She-Ra's arch-rival-turned-lover during the war for the first four seasons, but reforms in the fifth and final season when Horde Prime arrives and sacrifices her freedom to save Glimmer, after which she is brainwashed by Prime until she was saved by Adora, Entrapta, Glimmer and Bow. Catra subsequently becomes an enemy of Horde Prime and joins the Rebellion against him, as well as becomes the fourth member of the Best Friends Squad. Catra reconciles with Adora, and they become lovers.

She is voiced by AJ Michalka.


Catra is a slender, tan-skinned girl of feline origins with athlete body physics. She has angular features, such as a pointed chin, straight nose, and slanted almond-shaped, heterochromatic eyes in the shades pale yellow (Left) and turquoise (Right). She features three freckles on her cheeks, soft curving dark eyebrows, and a thin fiendish smile with fanged teeth.

Due to her feline display and ancestry, she is depicted as a young woman with sharp claws on her hands and toes, small fangs, large, black, catlike ears, and horizontal markings on her arms and three on her back that resemble a tabby cat's stripes. She also sports wild, slicked back, spiked, grayish-brown hair held back behind a cat-inspired reddish-brown headpiece.

She wears a two-toned orange leotard tank top over torn reddish-violet leggings that wrap around the foot, exposing her toes and heels. Additionally, she's seen in two belts, the thicker of the pair sporting the Horde symbol, and, as the show progresses, we see her sport the Force Captain pin on her shirt over her heart.

At the time she sided with Adora, Catra wore a fusion between her two previous outfits, no longer wore her iconic tiara and now had short hair.


Double Trouble: Whoa, I knew this would get a rise out of you, but, still, you really are obsessed, aren't you, kitten? You know, it took me a while, but I finally figured out your character. You try so hard to play the big, bad villain, but your heart's never been in it, has it?
Catra: What--? What are you? Stop. Stop it.
Double Trouble: People have hurt you, haven't they? They didn't believe in you. They didn't trust you. Didn't need you. Left you. But did you ever stop to think maybe they're not the problem? It's you. You drive them away, wildcat.
Catra: Why are you doing this?
Double Trouble: It's for your own good, darling. We both know this was never what you really wanted.
~ Double Trouble analyzing Catra's twisted personality.

Catra is a fairly teasing, irritable, cynical, disrespectful, stubborn, provocative and violent person. Although she got along with her best friend Adora before she left the Horde, Catra because of her aggressive and violent nature never seemed to be able to be friends with anyone else even at an early age. As a result she was a lonely person In her childhood. Even if she enjoyed the company of Adora with whom she spent time having fun.

Because of her rebellious personality, and her tendency to cause others harm (such as scratching out Octavia's eye, just because Catra didn't like Octavia's face) she was frequently admonished and punished by Shadow Weaver. Due to her selfishness, Catra developed a feeling of inferiority because she believed she was living in Adora’s shadow, and that would later make her a more selfish and power-hungry person that always needs to prove herself to be the best. She also frequently shift-blames and scapegoats others for her faults and actions, never taking responsibility for any of her shortcomings or misdeeds.

As Force Captain, Catra remains largely focused on the success of the Horde. It gets worse as her rank increases, Double Trouble even notes that Catra takes the war against rebellion too seriously. After she lost Scorpia's friendship, Catra suffered a psychological breakdown and gains a slight mental instability. In the end, her all-consuming ambition was finally shattered when Double Trouble betrayed her claiming that Catra isn't a villain. All of this left Catra to the point where she welcomes death and encouraged Glimmer just to kill her, though Glimmer, in an act of pity, denied her this.

Following the total failure of her conquest of Eternia within the Horde and Double Trouble destroying her psychologically, Catra begins to question herself to the point of doubting her life choices. She also attempts bonds with Glimmer due to their similarity in making a lot of misjudgment and pushing their own friends away. Catra risks her life to save Glimmer's and apologizing to Adora for all she has done, claiming to have regretted her past actions and claiming that she realized that Adora has always been there for her. She also sacrifices everything to make sure Adora is safe, telling her old friend not to try and approach Prime and sacrificing her own safety to ensure Adora would be safe, not believing Adora would want to save her because Catra had, in her own mind, destroyed their past friendship.

After her release from Horde Prime's mind control, Catra struggled to fit in with the group, acting in her typically anti-social ways even when Adora wanted to help her, wanting to be left alone, stating that everyone hates her and calling Adora an idiot for saving her. Catra faces her mistakes when she apologizes to Entrapta and becoming touched when the Princess of Dryl forgave her without hard feelings, she would also be touched by the group the accepting among them.

From there, Catra reverted to her teasing personality of her time as a cadet but retained a certain vanity and a bit of her pessimism. Unlike her teammates, Catra had a slightly more level head, as proven when she pointed out how attempting to simply blast through Horde Prime's armada to return to Etheria like Adora intended to would be suicide. She was not happy to see Shadow Weaver again due to her long bitterness towards her but cried when her mother figure sacrificed her life, Shadow Weaver's last words being to tell Catra how proud she was of her. At the end of the series, Catra confesses her romantic feelings for Adora and reconciles with Scorpia, while being up for new adventures with Bow, Glimmer, and Adora. In the end, Catra found happiness.


Adora: Look around. This is a civilian town. These aren't insurgents. They're innocent people.
Catra: Yeah, innocent people who kidnapped a Horde officer. Let's get back to the Fright Zone. Shadow Weaver is freaking out. [laughing] It'd be funny if she weren't such a terrible person.
Adora: Catra, no. I can't go back. Not until the Horde leaves this town alone. Help me.
Catra: What are you saying?
Adora: I’m saying, this is wrong. They've been lying to us, manipulating us. Hordak, Shadow Weaver, all of them.
Catra: Duh! Did ya just figure that out? Manipulation is Shadow Weaver's whole thing. She's been messing with our heads since we were kids.
Adora: How could you possibly be okay with that?
Catra: Because, it doesn't matter what they do. The two of us look out for each other. And soon we'll be calling the shots. Now, can we go home?
Adora: I'm not going home. Not after everything I've seen. Come with me. You don't have to go back there. We can fix this.
Catra: Are you kidding? You've known these people for, what, a couple hours? And you're just gonna throw everything away for them? Ugh. What happened to you?
Adora: I don't know. But I have to do something. I'm sorry, Catra!
~ Catra revealing her evil nature.
Catra: You better have something for me.
Scorpia: Entrapta's recordings. She stored them all in Emily. The chip got damaged when I extracted it, but...hopefully that won't matter? It was just so small, and you know...pincers.
Catra: You broke...the recordings?
Scorpia: I...I didn't mean to...
Catra: I asked you to do one thing! One simple thing and you completely ruined it! But of course you ruined it. Yeah. You're Scorpia. That's just what you do! You couldn't handle Emily...You never know when to shut up...The only thing you've ever done is get in my way! What did I expect, I mean, how could you possibly be this useless?! [Scorpia remains silent] What?!
Scorpia: You're a bad friend.
~ Catra coldly berating Scorpia, something she will bitterly regret.
What are you waiting for? Do it. Looks like we're both alone, Sparkles.
~ Catra emotionally shattered to Glimmer.
Adora: Are you...still getting the flashes?
Catra: Yes, I keep having this horrible vision of a blonde girl who thinks she's better than everyone barging into my room all day. Oh, wait.
Adora: We'll find a way to get the chip off. If you'd just...let Entrapta [Catra quickly grabs a pillow and puts it over her face] take a look at it, I bet she could...
Catra: I don't wanna see anyone, okay?! Not you, not Arrow Boy, or Sparkles, and definitely not Entrapta.
Adora: So, you're just gonna hide in here forever? You'll have to face them sometime...
Catra: No, I don't. Just...drop me off on the closest planet, I'll make my own way.
Adora: What, so Horde Prime can capture you again?
Catra: I can take care of myself.
Adora: I promised I'd take you home, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Why are you acting like this?! We saved your life!
Catra: I told you not to come back! But you just love feeling like a hero, don't you?
Adora: You'd rather I left you there to die?!
Catra: WHAT DO YOU CARE?! I know you all hate me!
Adora: I never hated you!
Catra: ...Then you're even dumber than I thought. Just...leave me alone.
Adora: I'm such an idiot. I thought things would be different this time, but clearly, nothing has changed.
~ Catra argues with Adora.
Catra: Entrapta, wait ...Thank you. And...I'm sorry.
Entrapta: I forgive you.
~ Catra apologizes for what she did to Entrapta.
Catra: Adora! Please! You have to wake up! You can't give up. You have never given up on anything in your life. Not even on me. So, don't you dare start now!
Adora: It's too late. I've failed.
Catra: No! No! I've got you. I'm not letting go. Don't you get it? I love you. I always have. So, please, just this once...stay. Stay.
~ Catra confessing her feelings for Adora.
Catra: Hey, Scorpia. Look, I...[Before she finishes her words, Scorpia gives her a big hug.] Ooh there it is.
Scorpia: You know I'm a huger.
~ Catra reconciles with Scorpia.


  • Catra appearance in the show is very different from her original design. In this case, she's more of a humanoid cat. She retains her typical tiara which in the original series allowed her to turn into a purple panther. During the last season, she stops wearing it.
  • Catra is the first villain role of AJ Michalka.
  • Like most real life cats, she does not like water.
  • Unlike her original counterpart, Catra has a better relationship with Scorpia, although this relationship has deteriorated since the season 3 but it is restored in the last season.

External Links[]


           She-Ra 2018 Logo Villains

Galactic Horde
Horde Prime | Clone Army

The Horde
The Horde Trio | Hordak | Horde Robots | Horde Soldiers | Imp | Octavia | Shadow Weaver | Super Pal Trio (Catra | Scorpia | Entrapta) | Double Trouble

Light Hope | First Ones | First Ones Security Monster
