Captain Catseyes is a minor antagonist in the book Mariel of Redwall, the fourth book within the Redwall series. He is one of Gabool's searat captain, being the captain of the ship called Seatalon rowed by many oarslaves whom he allows to be cruelly mistreated by the sadistic slavedriver on board, Blodge. Despite seeming to be a cruel captain, however, he does seem to get along with his crew pretty well.
Catseyes had been one of Gabool's top captains for quite some time, himself being the captain of the ship Seatalon which is rowed by many oarslaves he permits the slavedriver of it, Blodge, to mistreat for quite some seasons with Blodge going so far as to endlessly whip and starve the slaves for seasons on end while forcing them to row the boat, even tearing off the hides of some of their backs and killing those who couldn't row anymore with glee, also making a song out of their suffering as well. Captain Catseyes is fully aware of this and allows him to do it for as much as possible.
He first appears along with the other captains in front of Gabool, who had been betrayed by Greypatch who had stolen one of the ships with a large crew of his own and abandoned him due to his overgrowing insanity. Gabool sets a price for his head in front of all of them and orders them to go after him, promising to make whoever brings his head his next right-hand. Catseyes instantly departs with the others and searches for him, though none of them (besides Garrtail who had been killed by Greypatch with his crew) seemed to be successful in their search.
At one point, Catseyes' ship crashed into another sailed by the protagonist Mariel along with Tarquin, Dandin, and Durry Quill, with Mariel and Tarquin ending up floating away in the water while Dandin and Durry Quill get captured and taken as slaves along with the other creatures. Catseyes would take the sword of Dandin, which was the sword of Martin the Warrior and keep it as his own, showing himself to be fond of it.
He then appears patting the new sword at his side proudly while watching the two new oarslaves bending their backs as they pulled in stroke with the others with Blodge whipping and tormenting them like he usually does while singing. Catseyes then nods towards Dandin and Durry, asking how they are shaping up as new oarslaves with Blodge telling him that they're no better or worse than the rest of them while flicking his whip toward the pair. Catseyes then strode down the alleyway between the oars until he was facing Dandin. He drew his sword, telling him that he doesn't look much like a warrior mouse and calls him a little fish while asking him where he got it. Dandin then begrudgingly tells him that that is the sword of Martin the Warrior and he isn't fit to wear it. As punishment, Catseyes nods to Blodge to whip him which Blodge does, flailing his whip hard against Dandin's back, though Dandin doesn't flinch, merely continuing to glare his hatred at the searat captain. Amused, Catseyes laughs and comments on what a feisty little brute he is though he remarks that they'll see about that.
Catseyes then gives one of the crew members, Fishtail, instructions as Terramort Isle appeard like a tiny pinpoint on the horizon, He tells him that Captain Flogga should be there with the Rathelm and that it could be dangerous for him since he's no friend of Gabool or Flogga. He instructs him that when they drop anchor in Terramort cove, he is to go up to Fort Bladegirt and spy out the lay of the land while taking most of the crew with him while Catseyes stays on board with everyone else. He tells him to stay well armed and careful, keep an eye peeled on Gabool and learn if anyone brought Greypatch back and claimed the booty from the Darkqueen's hold. He suggests to him to have a chat with Flogga to see if he favors Gabool and listen out for any talk of the other captains forming an alliance against him. He then gives him a warning to be careful of Gabool due to how insane he is and that he'll await his return.
Eventually, the Seatalon rode at anchor in Terramort cove as evening gave way to night. Captain Catseyes then leaned over the rail, staring up to the lighted windows of Bladegirt. Blodge then pops his head out of the forecastle cabin and informs him that he and Clatt made enough skilly and duff for everyone aboard. Catseyes left the rail, adjusting the sword and thanks him, telling him that he thinks he will, suggesting that he gets along with his crew fairly well. Unbeknownst to him, a mouse named Joseph the Bellmaker was leading a group of 20 cloaked mice onto the ship and had freed all of the oarslaves before hiding in the galley deck, making noise which Catseyes overhears, causing him to call down and ask who's down there before coming himself. Joseph then greets him, posing as a messenger from Gabool sent there to deliver news for him. Catseyes then anxiously strode up to him and asks him of what news to which Joseph responds by killing him with his dagger in one fierce thrust. The others would then take out the rest of the crew before officially making themselves free.