Normally a heroic character, in an alternate timeline created by the meddling of Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy, Cedric Diggory becomes a Death Eater and in fact is instrumental in helping to achieve victory for Lord Voldemort and his followers, leading to a dystopian timeline.
In the play, he was portrayed by Tom Milligan.
This Cedric Diggory's history was the same as the "mainstream" Cedric Diggory up until Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy (time travelling from 1994 to over twenty years into the future), intervened in the second task to keep him from finishing it, hoping that in so doing they would save his life, which had been their entire motivation for going back in time in the first place. They succeeded, but unfortunately did so in such a way that Cedric Diggory ended up looking the fool in front of everyone assembled to watch for the second task. Seething with fury at his humiliation, Cedric ended up joining the Death Eaters come Voldemort's return. As a result, during the Battle of Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory killed Neville Longbottom before he could destroy Nagini, thus keeping Voldemort immortal and allowing him to kill Harry Potter. This in turn condemned the Wizarding World to tyranny under Voldemort (and also caused Albus Potter to cease to exist).
Fortunately, Scorpius Malfoy was able to restore the timeline back to its original form, and the Voldemort-run dystopia (and the Death Eater version of Cedric Diggory), seemingly ceased to exist.
- The plot twist of Cedric Diggory becoming a member of the Death Eaters after his lost in the Triwizard Tournament was panned by the Wizarding World fans, who regarded it as an utterly absurd turn of events and even downright character assassination, not to say that Diggory has become a fan-loved character over the years.
- Furthermore, the plot twist seems to indicate that Cedric possibly had a strong sense of honor and importance for his title at Hogwarts so if his status or pride ever been shot down, he would have become evil and vengeful for the sake to avenge his humiliation, thus degrading the character.
- The idea of a normally heroic Harry Potter character becoming a Death Eater for petty reasons was previously done in many fan-fictions, usually with Ron Weasley being the one who becomes the Death Eater in question after Draco Malfoy turns good and falls in love with Hermione Granger. This resemblance to that is likely an example of the common criticism about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child that it reads like, or resembles, "bad fan-fiction".
- This version of Cedric Diggory is the only known Dark Wizard from Hufflepuff known in the Wizarding World canon.
- This is also considered highly controversial, as Hufflepuff's value loyalty above all else, so Cedric becoming a Dark Wizard and betraying Hogwarts is seen as nonsensical.