Chamblemon is a Champion Digimon that serves as minor antagonists in the anime Digimon Ghost Game.
They were voiced by Mitsuaki Madono, Hirokazu Miyahara, Yusuke Handa, and Setsuji Sato in Japanese.
Chamblemon is a Champion Digimon that shaped identical to Mushroomon, despite being a Champion level and having a pink body and a white-pink cap. Even it looked weak, but it is quite ruffian. If someone infected with its "Sweepore", he or she will faint and have mushrooms sprouting from the body, then Chamblemon will tear the mushroom apart from the body and eat the mushrooms to enhance their strength.
A group of Chamblemon were first seen kidnapping brides, believing that they will produce the best mushrooms and make them as mushroom farms. They tear the mushroom apart from the victim's bodies, but the victims will anguish due to mushrooms fused with their bodies. Ruli falls as one of the victims due to wearing a gown for a wedding ceremony. Hiro and Gammamon finds Ruli kidnapped at Chamblemon's lair, but were infected with their attacks and Hiro also become one of their mushroom farms.
Ultimately, Kiyoshiro, Jellymon and Espimon arrives to Chamblemon's lair, and they battled them. Kiyoshiro and Jellymon was no match and falls as their victims too, but after Chamblemon eats the mushrooms (which is a different colored version that will cause them faint), they started aching. Kiyoshiro then founds out that the different-colored mushroom were not as dangerous as he thought, thus regains his power back and his strives encourages TeslaJellymon to Digivolve to Thetismon. Thetismon defeats Chamblemon, and then Geremon carries them away to make them mushrooms to eat.