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Chronos is an minor antagonist in Dragalia Lost. Appearing to Prince Euden to help him change time itself and fix everything, he's really the traitorous main antagonist of the event campaign ‘’Fractured Futures’’. Later, he returns as the titular main antagonist of the event campaign "Rage of Chronos" going under the alias of Malinda.

He was eventually added as a playable dragon where his backstory is further revealed.

He is voiced by Brian Drummond in the English version, who also voiced Ebisu and Xenos in the same series, and is most famous for his role as Vegeta in the English dubs of the Dragon Ball series. In the Japanese version, his small form's voice is voiced by Megumi Kubota while his regular voice is voiced by Kenji Nomura.


At first, Chronos seems like an affable and kindhearted dragon who appears to Euden, claiming to want to help Euden fufill his wish of saving Zethia. However, this is simply a front for his true self: a sadistic and heartless minion of Morsayati who does not care for mortal lives. He also mocks Euden for his efforts, saying that his fight a "job well done" before reversing time and healing all his injuries, causing all his effort to be in vain. Additionally, Chronos has no problem with murdering Vania who, despite her chronological age, is still a child, all for the sake of preventing her from growing up to become a threat to Morsayati.

Despite this, however, Chronos is not without redeeming traits as he shows blind devotion to his master Morsayati and all his evil deeds are simply to further his plans. He also initially spares Euden and tells him not to meddle in his business, although the former did unknowingly assist him in his plans. This faux cordiality is shown in his Gala form where he seemingly welcomes Euden and acts amicably with him, though it's heavily implied he's just trying to manipulate events into leading to his creation and Morsayati's rise.


Chronos has three forms.

In the form he uses to appear innocent (which he eventually gives himself the name Malinda in said form), he resembles a small, grey, humanoid dragon with yellow eyes, a purple tongue and glowing wings.

In his main form, he is a titanic dragon that is closer to appearance to a kaiju with glowing eyes and gold-colored horns. He also has a large, yellow, circular structure behind him with five wings representing the five Greatwyrms. It is stated that in total, he is around 119.6 meters long in this form and weighs in over 96 kilotons, or 96 million kilograms.[1]

As Chronos Nyx, he is bigger than his small form but smaller than his original form. In this form, his body, while still having a few lizard-like traits, comes off slightly more humanoid. He has a collar with multiple colored spikes around it in place of the circular structure.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Elemental powers: Being an amalgamation of the five Greatwyrms, Chronos has a near limitless mastery of the elements, being able to pull on attacks from previous bosses such as Qitian Dasheng. He is capable of using all of them in tandem to perform the attack Dimensional Oblivion, summoning a small black hole which instantly kills all adventurers on screen. His preferred element is Light however, breathing beams of light and sending out darts of energy in his Gala form.
  • Dimensional travel: Chronos can travel between timelines, allowing him to erase parallel versions of figures that could pose a threat to his master Morsayati. He can also use this ability to trace timelines back to a desired point as a sort of pseudo-time travel, as well as transport himself and others into the Otherworld, where his boss battles take place.
  • Chronokinesis: As per his namesake, Chronos has near limitless control over time, being able to stop it temporarily whilst still being able to move. Likewise, he can rewind time and manipulate time's effects on specific objects, as shown by how he rewinds time to heal his wounds and his Gala self's ability, Time's Transcendence which allows his user to remain in dragon form for as long as they want, with the gauge only being depleted by using attacks. However, it's shown that as an amalgamation of the Greatwyrms, he requires all components of himself to manipulate time as when Audric summoned Zodiark from him, Chronos was unable to rewind time to make himself invulnerable.
  • Nigh-immortality: Using his chronokinesis, Chronos can make himself virtually indestructible, rewinding time to heal himself and constantly sending versions of himself into the future to rectify any mistakes future incarnations of him make. He was only defeated when Vania used her power to completely erase him from the timeline but even the presence of his Gala self implies that Chronos is still alive and kicking in his native dimension.
  • High intelligence: Chronos is rather adept at deception and trickery, being able to fool both Euden and Vania into believing he was a benevolent dragon and manipulating them into fulfilling his plans for doom. He was also able to immediately deduce that his future self had succeeded in killing Zena just from Euden's presence in his timeline, showing a good deal of inference skills.
  • Shapeshifting: Apart from his titanic dragon form, Chronos can take on a smaller, lizard-like form that he uses to gain peoples' trust, in which he calls himself Malinda. He can also take on a somewhat humanoid form that while much smaller than his usual form is bigger than his Malinda form, in which he calls himself Chronos Nyx.
  • Superhuman physical attributes: Owing to his huge size, Chronos is incredibly strong and durable, being capable of blowing away and damaging adventurers with just his roar and taking multiple successive hits from even dragons.
  • Teleportation: As Chronos Nyx, his dash attack consists of him teleporting forwards while sending out darts of light, displaying his ability to fast travel. It's also possible that he can use this ability in his giant form seeing as he can quickly seek out Euden in the rubble of his destroyed world despite his huge size.



In an alternate timeline, Morsayati had successfully taken control of Euden's body and wiped out every single dragon in Grastaea. However, he wasn't satisfied. He soon realizes he didn't just hate dragons but the world as a whole. With this revelation, he took the souls of the Greatwyrms and split them apart ensuring them dead for good. After that, he took the fragments to make a dragon loyal to him known as Chronos.

Upon creation Chronos began to desecrate the land on behalf of his master, killing the entire Halidom party and erasing them from existence. With his ability, Chronos was soon sent to do the same to other timelines that would threaten his master, killing multiple incarnations of parallel Zethias whose dimensions met similar fates. He would also attempt to gain total control over the Greatwyrms composing his body by erasing the pact this timeline’s Aurelius made with Zodiark, though he would fail and instead make Aurelius young again.

Fractured Futures[]

When Euden has nightmares regarding what happened to Zethia, Chronos arrives to tell him about how he can prevent the disasters that befell them by travelling back in time. Upon hearing this, Euden takes Chronos up and travels back to before Aurelius gets possessed by the Other. However, his efforts are interfered with by a man named Audric, who tells Euden that such a fate must happen and that he is being used.

Euden finds himself sent back to his own time, where Chronos offers him another chance. This time, Euden has Chronos take him to the parallel Zethia directly. However, the moment he meets up with her, Chronos begins to attack her. Upon which, Audric arrives to help Euden, but Chronos succeeds in striking Zethia down and sends Euden and Audric back to the present.

Realising he had been tricked, Euden asks Audric to help him stop Chronos from killing Zethia. Upon which, the two go to a future of Chronos's origin. There, they fight Chronos, with Audric getting Parallel Zodiark to burst from the Amalgamate dragon, and strike him down.

Princess Connect Re:Dive: Voracious Visitor[]

Although Chronos himself doesn't appear in the Princess Connect crossover event, the event's main antagonist Aether, takes on his form after determining him to have been the most dangerous creature the Halidom party had faced.

Rage of Chronos[]

When the Halidom party meets a vampire named Vania, who wants to maker Euden her bloodkin, she introduces them to a dragon she is friends with named Malinda. However, Malinda turns out to resemble Chronos, making Euden uneasy. However, Malinda denies knowing anything about Chronos, so Euden puts his suspicions aside to trust Malinda despite the strong similarities in appearance and voice.

However, when Vania becomes weakened from overexerting her vampire powers Malinda tells Euden that she needs to drink his blood to recover. Euden obliges only to find that his blood is too potent and actually poisonous to Vania, which is exactly what Malinda planned as he reveals that he really is Chronos who had been planning on killing present time Vania in order to weaken the Vania from his timeline, who had grown up into a powerful vampire queen and was assisting in the rebellion against his master.

Upset over being tricked again, Euden tells Grimnir to take Vania to a time period where she is able to drink her own blood and recover while they hold Chronos off.

When Grimnir returns with Vania, Chronos prepares to strike the vampire only to find that she is much stronger than she should be. Grimnir reveals to him that this is because he got her to drink the blood of her future self. Angered over Chronos lying to her and pretending to be Malinda, Vania uses her powers to completely obliterate Chronos, although it is possible that he survived by re-inhabiting his home timeline.

Chapter 25: Proof of the Bond[]

While Chronos himself doesn't appear, his former master, Otherworld Euden takes his form to shapeshift while fighting mainstream Euden after the former reveals his alleigiance to Xenos.



  • The pose Chronos Nyx makes at the start of his boss fight may be a reference to DIO's iconic "WRYYY" pose, which is befitting of a time-manipulating dragon.
  • According to the developers, Chronos's contrasting colors were made to give him a sense of extravagance as an anniversary boss, while his boss intro, in which he overshadows the whole party, is meant to convey his size and make him more menacing.
  • It is noted that Chronos's features draw from components of the Primal Greatwyrms:
    • Chronos's scaled belly has a similar texture to that of Primal Midgardsormr's.
    • The armoured pleats on Chronos's shoulders resemble the scales of Primal Mercury.
    • Chronos's biggest horns bear a similar structure to Primal Brunhilda's horns.
    • The golden arches on Chronos's shoulders are similar to the ones on Primal Jupiter's shoulders.
    • Chronos's back spines are similar in shape to Primal Zodiark's except thicker and proportionally smaller.


            Dragalia Lost Logo - Copy Villains

Dyrenell Empire
"King Aurelius" | Leonidas | Phares | Valyx | Beren | Emile | Harle | Alex

Nedrick | Ayaha and Otoha | Ciella | Volk | Kai Yan | Tartarus

Ilian Church
Origa | Graht | Basileus | Michael

Sinister Dominion
Satan | Loki (Dragalia Lost) | Lilith | Jaldabaoth | Asura | Iblis | Surtr

The Progenitor
Xenos | Morsayati | Beren | Otherworld Euden | Otherworld Halidom

Event Antagonists
King Archeole | Phraeganoth | Pumpking | Storm Sentinel | Hypnos | Manticore | Sabnock | Gustav | Valfarre | Thanatos | White Nyarlathotep | Princess Veronica | Loki (Fire Emblem) | Qitian Dasheng | Barbary | Chronos | Akasha | Hastur | Dr. Wily | Ebisu | Fatalis | The Syndicate (The Doctor, Aspedochelone, The Captain, The Overseer, The Master) | Barbatos | Thórr | Mei Hou Wang | Styx | Scylla | Carmen | Astrals | Otherworld Ramiel | Augus | Elysium | Aether | Doman | Menoetius | Shadow Emile | Madame | Anassa | Eirene | Finni | Saiga | Cardinal Lambert | Paladyn Goma | Father Glennie | Kanaloa | Nyarlathotep | Prosecutor Guaron | Gassbag | Tsukuyomi | Oki | Replica of Alberius

Adventure Story Antagonists
Bareed | Bauer | Bellina | Bishop Roalta | Burly Boys | Count Delchi | Count Dian | Doomcrier | Dorothy | Elua | Father Nikolai | Galkin | Logius | Master Xuan | Mother | Otherworld Harle | Parker | Radelle | Ramon | Robelle | Shirley | Werner | Yelda | Yurius | Zardon

Other Antagonists
Air Man | Bahamut | Bubble Man | Crash Man | EMMA | Flash Man | Heat Man | Jinlorda | Metal Man | Quick Man | Wood Man
