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Villain Overview

Laplace... You were right. It appears I've gone a bit too far. I should have just laid low, as you told me to. Truly, you are always right...
~ Final words before death.

Demon Lord Clayman is a major antagonist in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. He is one of the Ten Great Demon Lords, known as the Marionette Master and a member of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance under the moniker The Crazed Clown. An undead creation of the former Demon Lord Kazalim, he seeks to awaken as a "True Demon Lord" in hopes of living up to his master's expectations.

In the Light Novels, he served as the overarching antagonist in the first five volumes and the main antagonist in Volume 6. In the anime, he served as the overarching antagonist of Season 1 and the main antagonist of Season 2.

In the spinoff materials, he serves as the main antagonist of The Slime Diaries, the overarching antagonist of Trinity in Tempest, and the titular main protagonist of Clayman Revenge

He is voiced by Takehito Koyasu, who also voiced Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Peacemaker in Suicide Squad Isekai, in the Japanese version, and by John Burgmeier in the English version.


Clayman usually presents himself in a calm and dignified manner which he uses to negotiate and gain favors from those around him. This polite facade hides his cruelty and hunger for power. He will recruit those into his services with honeyed promises and completely bend them to his will. He sees them as little more than tools and disposes of them when they are no longer useful. He will do anything for the sake of more power, regardless of the suffering he inflicts upon others believing that the weak are simply meant to exploited by the strong.

This lust for power however, stems from an inferiority complex towards his fellow Harlequins. Because he is the weakest of the four, he feels he can't measure up to them. He wants to awaken as a "True Demon Lord" on his own without relying on them despite their repeated insistence that he should.

While he typically stays in the shadows and allows his subordinates to do the work for him, he easily allows power to go to his head. When he was tricked by Milim into believing he had taken over mind, he shows reckless and overconfident behavior. He believed he could match up to even the strongest demon lords. This overconfidence would lead to his exposure and defeat.

Despite his massive arrogance, Clayman has also proven to be somewhat cowardly, as, during his fight with Rimuru, not only he tries to sneak attack him or attack him from behind, but he also begs the slime to spare his life even after everything he has done to him.

He isn't completely without compassion, however. He views his fellow Harlequins and his master Kazalim as family and his loyalty to them is proven genuine when he refuses to give Rimuru any information about them in his final moments.

In Clayman Revenge, his personality is changed due to him looping in time. He is far more cautious than his previous self and is terrified by the mere prospect of Rimuru Tempest killing him. As such, he made every single attempt to avoid antagonizing the slime.

However, he does acknowledge his powerlessness and notes that he needs even more power to actually be considered as a Demon Lord. While his actions in treating his subordinates better are initially fueled by his fear of dying by Rimuru's hands, over time, he ultimately realizes the value of his comrades and considers them as a family of sorts. Unlike his former self, which would throw away any of his comrades if deemed useless, Clayman deeply cares for them and will go to any extent for them, as seen how he interacted with Chronoa believing she killed them.


Clayman was created as a Deathman and the "Crazy Pierrot" of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance by the "Curse Lord" Kazalim, who had specifically created him for the expressed purpose of Awakening into a True Demon Lord.

With Kazalim's help, 300 years ago, he joined the Demon Lord Council alongside Frey and Carrion and was given the Title of "Marionette Master" as one of the Ten Great Demon Lords in order to increase the "Curse Lord's" influence within the Council. Soon after becoming a Demon Lord, Clayman began hunting down powerful Majins and attempted to make alliances with them by forcefully making them into his puppets by stealing their hearts (literally) and inscribed powerful curses on them, thus making them his eternal servants. That was how his elites, the Five Fingers was born, consisting of the cursed pet Nine-Head, Immortal Wight King Adalman, top lieutenant of his army, Yamza, spy witch Mjurran and intelligence collector Harpy Pirone.

Eventually, Kazalim was slain and replaced by Leon Cromwell on the Demon Lord Council. With Kazalim's disappearance, Clayman had no choice but to take over his domain and his remaining forces, yet he didn't receive any words from his master for a long time. Nonetheless, he still continued working on his goals and considered himself to be Kazalim's subordinate, waiting for his master's return, leading to the Puppet Nation of Jistav flourishing as a result through the territory's expansion.

Clayman wished to get rid of Leon in retaliation for Kazalim's demise and thus he hired many mercenaries to have him assassinated. Unfortunately, they failed to carry out the task, getting slain by Leon's entourage every time.

Demon Lord Clayman, alongside his fellow Demon Lords Carrion and Frey were considered to be the youngest and the newest generation of the Demon Lords. Thus they proceeded to work alongside each other in order to expand and increase both their influence and power bases, with their goal also being to bridge the gap between themselves and the older generations of the Demon Lords. He was also one of the most active Demon Lords, with his name being greatly known among humanity and many human nations.

Clayman was close enough to taking over the entire world, and it was all through his trading relationships, which, generally most Demon Lords won't do. He was the wealthiest among all the Demon Lords, and his wealth did not only come from trading but from the artifacts that were buried beneath the ruins of Amrita which ultimately made him a powerful foe politically and economically.

At some point, he began trading with the Eastern Empire, with the merchant and one of Cerberus' generals Damrada acknowledging that he was a valuable ally to the Eastern Empire.

Sometime later, he met a mysterious patron who offered him Demon Lord Kazalim's resurrection in exchange for the Moderate Harlequin Alliance's help in taking over the world. Clayman agreed to this request.

Forest Disturbance Arc[]

Clayman was the true mastermind behind the Orc Disaster incident, who wanted to create a puppet Demon Lord and introduce him into the Demon Lord Council with the aid of his fellow Demon Lords Carrion, Frey and Milim. Their aim was to gain considerable influence amongst their peers by utilizing the pact they made as Demon Lords. To further enhance this plan, Clayman sent Gelmud to control the Orc Lord, thereby preventing himself and his allies from being convicted. He also threatened Gelmud about the consequences of failure, but warned him not to directly involve in the ensuing conflict. Laplace, Clayman's friend arrives and shows him the events unfolding, which causes the Demon Lord to become particularly interested in Rimuru. He is annoyed with Gelmud's demise, but instead focuses on the ongoing situation. As the Orc Disaster is slain, Laplace is slightly disappointed, but Clayman states that they at least got to see an interesting sight. He then states that they must call the other Demon Lords involved in the plan, and Laplace takes his leave.

Demon Lord Attack Arc[]

Clayman decides to convene a Demon Lord Summit with his fellow co-conspirators, the Demon Lords Carrion and Milim to discuss about the recent failure of their plan. Later, Demon Lord Frey joins them, as Milim brought her. Milim is terribly disappointed and annoyed at the Puppet Demon Lord Project's failure and lashes out at Clayman, but Frey calms her down. Clayman later shows the others the footage retrieved from Gelmud, and the other three are interested. Frey calls the others bold for attempting to defy the Non-aggression treaty of the Demon Lords, but Clayman points out that with Gelmud's demise, no one can trace them. Milim later states her intention to nullify the treaty considering Veldora's disappearance, which shocks the others. Clayman is internally frustrated by how Milim outplayed him, but nonetheless agrees to nullify the pact. The four Demon Lords then sign the pact's nullification statement, and Milim decides to pay a visit to the Jura Tempest Federation, while Carrion decides to assemble a scouting party to visit the city of Monsters. Clayman realizes that Frey is worried about something.

Clayman decides to send Mjurran to observe Rimuru and his city. Milim however, detects Mjurran, which causes Clayman to threaten her, but lets it go. He sends her away after learning about Phobio's visit to the city. Soon after, Clayman is visited by Tear, a member of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance and his close friend, who states he should take care of his tools. Clayman realizes that Laplace was the one who suggested this to Tear. Tear then reports her findings to him after spying on Frey; she is worried about the return of the Calamity-class Charybdis and is preparing for battle. Realizing that this could give him a great opportunity, he sends Tear alongside Footman to use Phobio to revive Charybdis and send it towards Milim's way. The plan succeeded, but Milim obliterates Charybdis. As expected, Clayman informs Frey about this incident and earns a favor from her.

Clayman Revenge story[]

In a side story, Clayman appears to have been a chance to change his fate; waking up 100 years in the past. Having memories of how his plots to gain power ended up backfiring, Clayman decides to change how he operates; to avoid not only losing his pawns, but also powering up and angering Rimuru. He decides to treat the Five Fingers better, requesting them to train to overcome their weaknesses and grow stronger; having realized his own complacency in their current abilities left them outmatched

To Clayman's surprise, his dark elf maid is a combat specialist; making her a perfect sparring partner to increase his own strength. After failing to grow stronger naturally, Clayman devises using his puppeteer magic to move his own body.

In further strange twist, Clayman is visited by Millim due to Yamza blabbing about Clayman training to get stronger. Clayman manages to get on Millim's good side by offering some of his own special sweets; while not up to the same level as what Guy's maids offered, Millim still enjoyed them as they were a gift from her "friend". This turn of events puzzled Clayman, whom had never considered his fellow Demon Lords friends.


  • Clayman's erratic and impatient attitude while scheming was actually the work of Tatsuya Kondou, the First Lieutenant of the Eastern Empire, who used the Dominion Bullet on him to influence and control his thoughts so that he would be focused on the destruction of the Jura Tempest Federation, which would make things easier for them to invade the Western Nations.
  • The one and only person he respects the most is his master, the "Curse Lord" Kazalim. A slight request from him meant to Clayman as an order.
  • Clayman's manipulation was hinted on two occasions.
    • The first instance of hint was his attempt to purge the citizens of his fellow Demon Lord Carrion's territory, and even more so, openly exposing himself as the mastermind behind it, which was never his modus operandi to begin with.
    • The second instance is him defying his master Kazalim's orders to stay low for a while, which is something he would never do, as he would follow his mentor and master's orders to the letter.
  • The anime and the manga versions have certain differences in his transformation into the Crazy Pierrot form.
    • In the manga, Clayman grins, while calmly removing his bow-tie, his gloves and his coat explains that as a Demon Lord, he should bury his enemies in elegance and style, and then proceeds to change his calm demeanor into a more aggressive and impatient personality while transforming.
    • In the anime, Clayman is frustrated and furious over Shion's insult to his Demon Lord title, and thus he angrily rips out his suit, then transforming into the Crazy Pierrot, angrily declaring that she will pay for her insult.
  • When preparing to attack Shion (Rimuru in the manga), Clayman is about to introduce himself as a Demon Lord, but pauses and instead calls himself as the Crazy Pierrot Clayman.
  • Clayman getting rid of his suit and transforming into the Crazy Pierrot form meant he was going to fight against his opponent with everything he had.
  • He was a cautious Demon Lord, one who'd be prepared well and would have backup plans for any situation, and even further reinforce those backup plans with additional backup plans.
  • He was the only one among his fellow Harlequins who couldn't meet or congratulate Kazalim following his successful revival.

External Links[]


           TSSDK Logo (Render) Villains

Jura Tempest Federation
Vesta | Mjurran | Diablo | Adalman | Testarossa | Carrera | Ultima

Yuuki Kagurazaka | Damrada | Misha | Vega

Moderate Harlequin Alliance
Kagali | Yuuki Kagurazaka | Laplace | Clayman | Footman | Tear

Ten Great Demon Lords
Kazaream | Guy Crimson | Dagruel | Luminous Valentine | Dino | Clayman | Leon Cromwell

Puppet Nation Jistave
Clayman | Mjurran | Yamza | Adalman | Gelmud

Demon Primordials
Guy Crimson | Diablo | Testarossa | Carrera | Ultima | Misery | Rain

Violet Colored Daemons (Ultima)
Lacua | Chikuan | Gustav | Karl


Kingdom of Falmuth
King Edmaris | Razen | Folgen | Shogo Taguchi | Kirara Mizutani | Kyoya Tachibana

Western Holy Church
Hinata Sakaguchi | Luminous Valentine | Clerics of the Seven Luminaries (Granbell Rosso) | Ten Great Saints (Glenda Attley) | Reyhiem

Eastern Empire
Rudra Nam Ul Nasca/Michael | Velgrynd | Tatsuya Kondou | Damrada | Calgurio | Gladim | Royal Knight Corps

Seven Angels of Origin
Feldway | Cornu | Dino (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) |Garacha | Obera | Pico (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) | Zalario

Direwolf Clan
Direwolf Leader

Rosso Family
Granbell Rosso | Mariabell Rosso
Blood Shadow: Glenda Attley

Geld I | Charybdis | Velzard | Ivaragé | Jahil

ISEKAI Memories

Mirror World
Izis | Cliché | Emils | Mokshan | Veldora Against | Picaro | Hyuga | Carrion Soph | Frey Aur | Gazel Ein | Jinfrit
Game Event Villains
Rimuru Tempest (Foresaken Futue Timeline)
Mipherius | Albedo Shizu Copy | Rift-Dwelling Monster
