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Cornelia: Well, so be it. Still, I'll give you a little gift...
Dimitri: It's over, Cornelia. If you have any last words, now is the time.
Cornelia: Right you are. Very well... I have an old tale that I would like you to hear, if I may. About something that happened ten years ago ... Something Patricia said about how she wished to see her real daughter again, no matter who or what she had to sacrifice to do so... And about how I made her wish come true, at the cost of the king's head...
Dimitri: The king's head? You mean Duscur... You monster! You mean to say that my father... everyone... was killed by my stepmother?!
Cornelia: That's right. Her family meant everything to her... You certainly know that feeling, do you not? Ah, poor little prince. Unloved by the only mother he ever knew... How pitiful.
Dimitri: How dare you!
Cornelia: There's nothing left for you now... Nothing but despair.
~ Cleobulus/Cornelia revealing the awful truth behind the Tragedy of Duscur to Dimitri, shortly before his death in the Azure Moon route.

Cleobulus, also known as the woman he is impersonating, Cornelia Arnim, is a major antagonist of the Fódlan Saga within Nintendo's Fire Emblem franchise.

He is a powerful and power-hungry mage in the service of the royal family of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, who seeks to take over the kingdom and lead the nation to its destruction. In reality, the true Cornelia was killed a long time ago and her place was taken by Cleobulus, who is in the service of Those Who Slithers in The Dark, being one of Thales' confidants. Over several years, Cleobulus rotted away the Kingdom's power by sowing distrust and treason among the Kingdom lords, and was one of the conspirators behind The Tragedy of Duscur.

He is the second archenemy of Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (being responsible for causing his mental decline), as well as the archenemy of Hapi, as Cleobulus was responsible for kidnapping and experimenting on her for years.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, he is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Hubert von Vestra) in the Azure Moon route and a major antagonist in the Crimson Flower route. In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, he is one of the secondary antagonists in the Azure Gleam route.

He was voiced by Akemi Okamura in Japanese and Jessica Gee-George in English.


While Cleobulus' true appearance is still unknown, he disguises himself as a rather well-endowed woman with a large bust and a pink shoulder length hair and a rather seductive eyes with light green irises. His attire mirrors those of the nobles of Holy Roman Empire or at the very least, an eccentric radio personality who presented the Eurovision or a wicked witch of the forest.

He wears a golden crown-like headband with light green gems, a maroon red collar with little hexagonal gems tied together like a circle and a key like necklace attached to said collar, a dark red strapless form fitting dress with a maroon red lace-trimming, a combination of maroon red and orange feather boa as his dress shows a ridiculous deep cleavage.

In addition, he also wears a golden triangular like belt with 4 hearts hanging to said belt and to top off his very beautiful yet stunning appearance like a goddess from fantasy world, he sometimes reveals a smooth like legs beneath his skirt and wears a black heel shoes.


Cleobulus, an agent of Those Who Slither in the Dark, murdered the real, Cornelia Arnim, whom was described as a kind and selfless woman, that cured the plague of the Kingdom, and was noted for her incredible knowledge. In contrast to the person whose identity he stole, Cleobulus is a power-hungry person who is more than willing to claim the throne for himself , even if it means murdering Dimitri’s uncle and framing the former for his crimes. Furthermore, he is a self-serving tyrant, as he is willing to give his territory to the Empire.

As Cornelia, Cleobulus imposed ridiculous levels of taxation on the parts of the Kingdom he rules over, planning to completely drain the region, as he doesn't intend it to rule forever.

Cleobulus, just like the rest of his fellow Slithers, is a cruel and sadistic person, who personally causes pain on those who he torments, such as Dimitri, often mocking him and revealing the truth behind the tragedy all just so he could enjoy seeing the despair on his face, and Hapi, whom was tortured and experimented by the sadistic imposter. He's also considerably pragmatic, as when Dimitri's return inspires uprisings among the Kingdom citizens, Cleobulus refuses to send troops to suppress them, not out of any sense of mercy to the people, but rather because he knows he has to confront Dimitri with every soldier he has and can't afford to send any elsewhere if he is to have any chance of winning.

Cleobulus also proves to be a treacherous individual, as he tends to betray his allies whenever he feels the moment to do so, as best seen during the Crimson Flower route, where he had his Titanus to attack the Kingdom soldiers as well, despite the fact they were to sent to protect him from Edelgard's forces.


NOTE: Although Cleobulus is his real name, we'll be also using his alias Cornelia Armin for the rest of this bio section.


Not much is known about Cleobulus, except that we know he is a member of Those Who Slither in the Dark (AKA the Agarthans) and one of Thales' confidants, indicating he's a high-ranking member of the faction. He was later assigned to impersonate Cornelia Arnim, a scholar from the Adrestian Empire who went on to become a servant under King Lambert Egitte Blaiddyd of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. He successfully killed the kind scholar and went on to impersonate as her, in order to get the king's good graces.

The majority of the people began to notice a shirt in Cornelia's personality, such as their new ruthless and sinister personality, not caring about anyone else and committing some questionable methods. Despite this, King Lambert still trusted "Cornelia" and appointed them as the royal family's mage. During his time as the family's mage, he came across a young girl named Hapi, who had relation to the Crest of Timotheos. Hebefriended the street urchin to gain her trust and even offered her shelter and food, only for Cornelia to completely shatter that trust when he revealed his true intentions by experimenting on her for years, using her as a guinea pig. The experiments resulted in monsters being drawn in whenever the monsters sighed. Patricia von Arundel, King Lambert's wife and stepmother of Dimitri, who was good friends with Hapi was horrified by Cornelia's actions and even considered exposing his unethical experiments.

Sometime later, when Patricia's biological daughter Edelgard was taken by the slithers, the desperate woman turned to Cornelia as she wanted to see her daughter again, even stating that she'll sacrifice anything to see her. Seizing the opportunity, Cornelia falsely accused King Lambert of being the one keeping Edelgard away from her and states that she'll be able to see her daughter again but at the cost of having the king's head. Patricia agreed and killed King Lambert at Duscar, henceforth starting the Tragedy of Duscar, which left numerous people, nobles and common folk alike, dead.

Fire Emblem Three Houses[]

The Azure Moon Route[]


The Crimson Flower Route[]




  • Whilst Cleobulus is never seen in his true form and spends all his screen time impersonating the female Cornelia, in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Thales refers to Cleobulus with male pronouns to a subordinate.
  • Cornelia's true identity, Cleobulus, was originally meant to appear in Fire Emblem: Three Houses as an enemy character, but was cut during the production and became unmentioned in the final game. Only Cleobulus' unused enemy data, including a generic male warlock portrait, were found.
    • In Fire Emblem: Three Hopes, Cleobulus is revealed to be Cornelia's true identity, but he never reveals his true form on-screen.

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           Fireemblem Villains

Archanea Series

Medeus | Morzas | Khozen | Volzhin | Heimler | Dejanira | Xemcel | Gouber | Bulzark | Degenerated Dragons

Gharnef | Yodel

Archanea (country)
Hardin | Lang | Eibel | Nehring | Willow

Camus | Zharov | Dactyl | Grigas | Kannival | Hollstadt | Sternlin | Larissa | Toras

Michalis | Lykke | Merach | Bentheon | Emereus | Harmein | Orridyon | Gail | Rumel | Ruben

Jiol | Gra Captain

Galder Pirates
Gazzak | Gomer


Eremiya | Clarisse | Legion

Other Criminals
Hyman | Bathys | Dahl | Barm

Fire Emblem Gaiden & Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Rudolf | Berkut | Jerome | Seazas | Magnus | Mueller | Zakson | Gazelle | Lawson | Xaizor | Blake

Duma Faithful
Duma | Jedah | Nuibaba | Medusa | Marla | Hestia | Tatarrah | Mikhail | Garcia | Jamil | Dolth | Gharn | Cerberus | Naberius | Hades | Aurum | Argentum

Desaix | Slayde | Fernand

Grieth Pirates
Grieth | Barth | Garth | Wolff | Brigand Boss

Jarth | Degenerated Dragons (Duma)

Jugdral Series

Bloom | Reptor | Hilda | Ishtar | Ishtore | Kempf | Reinhardt | Liza | Paulus | Baldack | Baráth

Travant | Arion | Magorn | Distler

Lombard | Danann | Brian | Slayder

Chagall | Eldigan | Elliot | Boldor | Philip | Macbeth | Clement | Jacobi

Andrey | Scipio

Daccar | Myos | Pamela | Donovan | Díthorba | Cuvuli | Lamia

Munnir | Cimbaeth

Raydrik | Aizenau

Loptr Church
Loptous | Manfroy | Veld | Sandima | Kutuzov

Julius | Arvis | Aida | Vaja | Victor

Elibe Series

Bern Empire
Zephiel | Desmond
Wyvern Generals: Murdock | Brunnya | Narcian | Galle
Others: Pereth | Rude | Slater | Flaer | Randy | Ohtz | Raeth | Teck | Martel | Jemmie | Zeed

Roartz | Arcard | Oro | Morgan | Roberts | Zinc | Nord | Scouran | Gelero | Scott | Windham

Leygance | Devias

Lundgren | Bool | Yogi | Eagler | Zagan

Darin | Erik | Bauker | Bernard

Gel | Djute Clan (Monke) | Glass

Jahn | Idunn | Ain

Black Fang
Nergal | Sonia Reed | Brendan Reed
Four Fangs: Lloyd Reed | Linus Reed | Ursula | Jaffar
Others: Pascal Grentzer | Kenneth | Jerme | Oleg | Cameron | Teodor | Aion | Uhai | Zoldam | Boies | Wire | Beyard | Heintz

Sonia Reed | Limstella | Ephidel

Ganelon Bandits
Migal | Carjiga

Eubans's Mercenaries
Eubans | Sealen

Zugu | Groznyi | Sigune | Puzon | Taliver Bandits | Damas | Dory | Jasmine and Paul | Maggie and Rose | Henning | Wagner

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Grado Empire
Lyon | Vigarde
Grado's Six Generals: Riev | Valter | Caellach | Selena
Others: Orson | Gheb | O'Neill | Breguet | Saar | Novala | Murray | Tirado | Beran | Aias | Carlyle

Pablo | Binks

Bazba's Bandits
Bazba | Bone

Fomortiis | Zonta

Tellius Series

Ashnard | Izuka | Maijin | Dakova | Emil | Balmer | Kamura | Kotaff | Danomill | Mackoya | Norris | Kayachey | Homasa | Kasatai | Rikard | Gromell | Hafedd | Heddwyn | Shiharam Fizzart | Goran
Four Riders of Daein: Black Knight | Bryce | Petrine | Bertram

Naesala | Seeker

Pain and Agony | Kezhda

Begnion Senate
Lekain | Hetzel | Numida | Valtome | Oliver | Seliora | Kimaarsi | Istvan | Lombroso | Sergei

Begnion Central Army
Zelgius | Levail | Septimus | Callum | Veyona | Silvano | Rommit | Roark | Zeffren

Begnion Occupational Army
Jarod | Alder | Zaitan | Burton | Laverton | Djur | Radmin | Isaiya | Wystan

Crimean Rebels
Ludveck | Yeardley | Maraj | Tashoria

Disciples of Order
Catalena | Yuma | Dheginsea | Sephiran | Ashera

Zawana's Bandits
Zawana | Ikanau | Ikanau's Thug

Havetti | Nedata | Gashilama | Schaeffer | Pugo | Feral One

Fire Emblem Awakening

Plegian Army
Gangrel | Aversa | Garrick | Orton | Vasto | Campari | Mustafa

Valmese Empire
Walhart | Yen'fay | Excellus | Cervantes | Pheros | Ignatius | Farber | Dalton

Grima | Validar | Excellus | Aversa | Chalard | Ardri | Nelson | Jamil | Algol

Victor | Vincent | Roddick | Gecko | Xalbador | Cassius | Ruger | Morristan | Gyral | Dalen | Nombry | Ezra | Zanth | Hierarch

Camus | Gharnef | Legion | Hardin | Travant | Arvis | Julius | Ishtar | Raydrik | Narcian | Zephiel | Lloyd Reed | Linus Reed | Ursula | Nergal | Lyon | Oliver | Petrine | Black Knight | Ashnard | Sephiran

Fire Emblem Fates

Garon | Arete | Iago | Hans | Zola | Daniela | Kilma | Nichol | Candace

Sumeragi | Omozu | Haitaka | Kumagera | Daichi | Senno

Degenerated Dragons (Anankos) | Arete | Anthony

Kotaro | Gazak | Funke | Lloyd and Llewelyn | Tarba | Zhara

Fódlan Saga

Those Who Slither in the Dark
Thales | Solon | Kronya | Cleobulus | Myson | Odesse | Bias | Pittacus | Chilon | Anaximandros | Dolofonos | Epimenides

Church of Seiros
Seiros | Aelfric Dahlman

Flame Emperor Army
Flame Emperor | Death Knight | Kostas | Metodey

Adrestian Empire
Edelgard von Hresvelg | Volkhard von Arundel | Hubert von Vestra | Jeritza von Hrym | Ludwig von Aegir | Grégoire von Varley | Randolph von Bergliez | Fleche von Bergliez | Baron Ochs | Baron Bartels | Viscount Fenja | Viscount Menja | Baron Barnabas

Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd | Rufus Thierry Blaiddyd | Lonato Gildas Gaspard | Miklan Anschutz Gautier | Gwendal Roche | Count Rowe | Viscount Mateus | Viscount Elidure | Viscount Gideon | Viscount Kleiman | Count Duval | Baron Pryderi | Gaspard's Militia | Mateus's General | Duval's General | Cornelia Arnim

Leicester Alliance/Leicester Federation
Claude von Riegan | Erwin Fritz Gloucester | Acheron Lethe Phlegethon | Viscount Siward | Viscount Albany | Gloucester's General | Phlegethon's General

Ten Elites
Nemesis | Maurice | Riegan | Blaiddyd | Gloucester | Lamine | Goreril | Daphnel | Dominic | Gautier | Fraldarius | Charon

Pallardó Davino | Shahid | Leif | Mercenary Captain | Duscur General | Ingrid's Suitor | Almyran Navy Captain | Death God Gang's Leader | Western Church's Leader | Balthus's Assassin | Gloucester's Mercenary | Duscur Insurgent Commander

Fire Emblem Engage

Sombron | Fell Princess | Four Hounds (Zephia | Griss | Marni | Mauvier) | Corrupted | Corrupted King | Corrupted Monarch

Hyacinth | Ivy | Hortensia | Nelucce | Abyme | Rodine

Alternate Elyos
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Dark Emblems
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Teronda | Mitan | Tetchie and Totchie | Emblem Edelgard | Emblem Veronica

Fire Emblem Heroes

Emblian Empire
Embla | Veronica | Bruno | Elm | Letizia

Kingdom of Múspell
Múspell | Surtr | Laevatein | Laegjarn | Helbindi

Realm of Hel
Hel | Líf | Thrasir | Gustav | Ganglöt

Freyja | Triandra | Plumeria

Realm of Ginnungagap

Fáfnir | Ótr | Eitri


Gullveig | Njörðr

Læraðr | Hræsvelgr | Níðhöggr | Eikþyrnir

Alfaðör | Loki | Thórr | Baldr | Höðr

Aelfric | Anankos | Arete | Arion | Arvis | Ashera | Ashnard | Aversa | Berkut | Bertram | Black Knight | Brigand Boss | Brunnya | Caellach | Camus | Candace | Cervantes | Clarisse | Cornelia | Corrupted Monarch | Death Knight | Dheginsea | Díthorba | Duma | Eldigan | Eremiya | Fell Princess | Fernand | Flame Emperor | Galle | Gangrel | Garon | Gharnef | Grima | Hans | Hardin | Hestia | Hilda | Hortensia | Hubert | Iago | Idunn | Ishtar | Ivy | Jaffar | Jarod | Julius | Kempf | Kronya | Legion | Limstella | Linus Reed | Lloyd Reed | Ludveck | Lyon (Fomortiis) | Marla | Marni | Mauvier | Medeus | Metodey | Michalis | Murdock | Mustafa | Narcian | Nemesis | Nergal | Oliver | Orson | Petrine | Reinhardt | Riev | Rudolf | Seiros | Selena | Sephiran | Solon | Sonia Reed | Ursula | Travant | Validar | Valter | Veld | Vigarde | Walhart | Yen'fay | Zephia | Zephiel

Fire Emblem Warriors

Validar | Grima | Iago | Gharnef | King Oskar | Velezark

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Garrick | Aversa | Gangrel | Lon'qu | Excellus | Lorenz | Dark Yashiro | Dolph | Linde | Macellan | Palla | Yatsufusa Hatanaka | Gharnef | Pheros | Cervantes | Medeus | M-DEUS
