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There will be no spells cast on my plantation. No charms, no dances, no songs.
~ The Comte de Vaublanc as he murders Annette's mother.
You better run, little girl. Run, run as fast as you can!
~ Vaublanc taunting a young Annette.
What do you think this rebellion will change? There will always be masters and servants. Slavery is the natural order. You can't kill us all.
~ Vaublanc to Annette and Edouard before he flees Saint-Domingue.

The Comte de Vaublanc is a major antagonist in the first season of the 2023 Netflix animated dark fantasy series Castlevania: Nocturne.

He is an elitist vampire who once ruled the French colony of Saint-Dominigue in the Carribean. He was the ruthless owner of the slave plantation there before he was forced to flee to Europe by the Haitian Rebellion, which lead to him joining the cult of Erzsebet in the hope that she will restore the world to its "natural order" of slavery. He is the archenemy of Annette.

He is voiced by Alastair Duncan (who voiced Celebrimbor from the Middle-Earth series and Senator Armstrong from the Metal Gear series) and Ryūnosuke Karasawa in the Japanese Dub.


Vaublanc's first appearance in Nocturne

Not much is known about Vaublanc or when he had been turned into a vampire. All that is known about him is that at some point he went onto be the owner of a slave plantation on Saint-Dominigue. One day he realized that one of his slaves, Esther, had carved magic signs in her house and had been performing mystical Vodun ceremonies. Angered by this perceived act of defiance ,he dragged her outside the house and snapped her neck in full view of her young daughter Annette, who was left deeply scarred by the event and developed a deep personal hatred for Vaublanc and all that he stood for.

A decade later, Annette was brought before Vaublanc to be branded as punishment for an attempted escape from the plantation. At that moment, the power of the god of war and iron awoke within her, and she used them to conjure a blade from water to block the brand. Amused by this turn of events, Vaublanc released his hounds to hunt Annette down. He chased her to a theater in a nearby port city, where Edouard was singing before an audience. When Vaublanc barged into the theater looking for Annette, Edouard chastised him for interrupting his performance, causing Vaublanc to wait outside until the performance was over. Unknown to him, Edouard had befriended Annette afterwards and he helped smuggle her to the mountains, where a resistance community of runaway slaves had taken refuge.

Years later, Annette and Edouard joined many of their people in rebellion against the plantation, with the two breaking into Vaublanc's mansion to confront the slaver. Vaublanc dismissed their rebellion as meaningless, and that slavery was always going to be the natural order of the world. Afterwards, he briefly fought the two before Annette's power forced him to flee for his life, taking the form of a bat and retreating from the island.

He eventually made his way to France, where he pledged himself to Erzdebet out of a belief that she would end the slave uprisings and preserve the status quo. He and fellow cultists meet with the Marquis to collect the bodies of townspeople from Maschoul to deliver to Abbot Emmanuel for devil forging, and later appears at the docks to greet Olrox as he arrives in France. He's later seen at the Chateau with the rest of the vampire aristocracy. He notices Annette and Edouard in the bushes alongside Richter Belmont and Maria Renard, smiling sadistically at Annette before a fight breaks out between the vampires and the heroes. Following Edouard's death, he is shown being branded by Drolta with Erzsebet's symbol as a display of loyalty.

Vaublanc being burn to death

Vaublanc's death.

Vaublanc trapped in a cage by Annette

Annette fights him for the last time in the cemetery when she saves a street urchin from being drained of blood by him. While he briefly has the advantage over her due to a surprise lunge, she conjures up blades to drive him off before using the fence posts to form a series of crosses to encircle and trap him with. With the sun rising and unable to escape his makeshift cage, Vaublanc spends the last moments of his immortal life raving at and cursing Annette for upsetting the status quo and reveals that Erzsebet drank the blood of Sekhmet and about her plans to bring eternal night to the world, vowing that she would destroy everything Annette loved. Unfazed by his taunts, Annette stepped aside and watched as the rays of the rising sun bore down on her mortal foe and slowly burned him to ashes, ending the immortal slave master's life forever.


They presented you to me hours after you were born. Tiny squalling thing, ugly as a newly hatched chick. With a neck like a wishbone. I should have snapped it then.
~ Vaublanc expressing his contempt for Annette.
"Run, run as fast as you can"

Vaublanc showing his sadistic nature during his time as a slave master.

Vaublanc is a cruel, ruthless elitist. He views slavery and supremacy as the natural order of the world. Typically, he sees himself and fellow immortals as being at the top of this order and sees humans as existing to serve him and his race as slave labor and food. He exhibits a special amount of cruelty towards Black people that he subjugated and ruled over, going to great lengths to suppress the mystical aspects of their culture to keep them in line and having them branded at a certain age as a display of his ownership over them. He murdered one of his slaves, Esther, in front of her young daughter Annette as punishment for carving magic signs into her house and for her use of magic charms and songs. When Annette first unleashed the powers of her ancestors to defend herself from a branding, he expressed sadistic glee as he hunted her down for cruel sport when she fled the plantation. He views the system of slavery as an inherent and interchangeable function of the world. Thus, he views revolutions such as the Haitian Rebellion and the French Revolution as little more than an annoyance, believing that the world will always have masters and servants and that freedom is nothing more than a naïve delusion.

He is shown to reserve a special kind of hatred for Annette. He personally hunted her all the way to a neighboring city after she awakened her powers and resisted her branding. He admitted during their final confrontation that he had been tempted to kill her on the day of her birth for the sake of bloodlust, comparing her to an ugly chick, showing he had despised her since birth. One of his motives for joining Erzebet were so he could get back at her and Edouard for overthrowing him. His claims to have heard the songs she and the other slave girls sang when they thought everyone else was asleep imply that he had been watching her closely since he killed her mother, possibly out of fear of her using the magic charms and signs as Esther.

He develops a fanatical devotion towards Erzsebet upon pledging himself to her, allowing himself to be branded on his forehead as a display of loyalty to the countess. He spends the last few moments of his life singing her praises to Annette and declaring that her victory over the revolution is inevitable regardless of what Annette attempts to resist. Annette points out the irony of how a man who revels in enforcing slavery had effectively become a slave himself by pledging himself to the so-called messiah.

For all his arrogance and brutality, Vaublanc is shown to be a coward at heart. He's only confident enough to attack those weaker than him but tends to flee when confronted with someone who he can't easily cow into submission. He briefly stopped his hunt for Annette when confronted by Edouard and a large human crowd after he interrupted his performance, going to wait outside until the play was done despite viewing humans as lesser than him. When confronted by Annette and Edouard years later, he only put up a brief struggle against them before taking his bat form and fleeing his plantation. His loyalty towards Erzsebet mostly boils down to her being a stronger vampire than him that he can hide behind. When Annette traps him with crosses in full view of the rising sun, he devolves to hurling petty insults and raving of Erzsebet's glory in a pathetic attempt to break her down psychologically before he inevitably burns away in the sun's light.



  • "She'll restore the world to its natural order. Immortals, kings, humans, peasants, slaves. You."
  • "Erzsebet is a goddess! She drank the blood of Sekhmet. The Egyptian goddess. Sekhmet is the daughter of Ra. A lioness. Her breath is like the desert wind. We were told there would be signs. Disorder, slaves uprisings, war. We were told to view these as heralds. Erzsebet is coming with all of Sekhmet's power, to restore all things."
  • "You can kill me, but Erzsebet will never be defeated. She will come with eternal night. She will destroy everyone and everything you love."


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             Netflix's Netflix Castlevania Villains

Dracula's Army
Dracula's Court
Dracula | Isaac | Hector | Carmilla | Godbrand | Chō | Varney
Night Creatures
Blue Fangs | Slogra and Gaibon | The Visitor | Flyseyes
Saint Germain | Priory of Lindenfeld (Prior Sala) | Dragan | Ratko

Styrian Council of Sisters
Carmilla | Lenore | Morana & Striga

The Church
The Bishop | Archbishop | Burly | Bald Priest | Leader Priest | Abbot Emmanuel

Cult of Sekhmet
Erzsebet Báthory | Drolta Tzuentes | Comte de Vaublanc | Marquis | Nikolai | The Forgemaster

Scarred Man | The Judge | Sumi and Taka | The Magician | Death | Olrox | Old Man Coyote
