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General Yamazaki: Who are you? How in blazes did you get past my men!?
Lawless: General Yamazaki?
General Yamazaki: Wait... Matsui? It is you, isn't it? Or...Lawless. That's what you go by now? Hmph. You've been quite the thorn in my side...
Doctor Livingstill: Heh heh... And soon he and his friends will be no more than subjects for research. All in service to the project—and the great Inko! Ah, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. I am Livingstill. And yes, I am well aware that my current appearance may suggest otherwise...but the physical form is of no consequence—as my beloved colleagues learned after undergoing liquefaction. All save for one who yet eludes my grasp. But Tobei will be mine in due course!
Priest Unryu: Odeodeo... Don't waste your words on these heathen fools. They are blind to the coming glory. No matter. Soon, at Nippori's sacred Odeo Temple, modern science and sacred wisdom shall be brought to bear...and two thousand souls shall become one! Inko shall descend and take possession of his graven image! He shall reveal his true face—and all will know Odeo walks among them! He shall descend and liberate us from this prison of filth and flesh forevermore!
~ The Conspirators get found out by Akira, Lawless and Taroimo and reveal to them their plans for humanity.

The Conspirators, consisting of General Yamazaki, Doctor Livingstill, and Priest Unryu, are central antagonists of the Near Future chapter of Live A Live. As their name implies, they are the conspirators among Japanese leadership who plot to awaken Odeo by sacrificing two thousand liquefacted humans to him in hopes that he'll absorb all of humanity into himself.

In Japanese, General Yamazaki, Doctor Livingstill, and Priest Unryu were voiced by Tesshō Genda, Ryusei Nakao, and Shigeru Chiba respectively. In English, they were voiced by Mark Lee, Mark Ota, and Dai Tabuchi respectively.


At one point in the past, Head Priest Unryu of the Nippori's Odeo Temple teamed up with Doctor Livingstill, head of Tsukuba Research Facility, and General Yamazaki of the Japanese Army, so that they may awaken Odeo through sacrificing two thousand humans to the statue of the Great Inko. To ensure that it'd be possible, Doctor Livingstill began to study and research the liquefaction process, eventually liquefacting his entire research team, barring Doc Tobei who escaped before Livingstill could've liquefacted him, though not before liquefacting Kozo Watanabe, father of Watanabe (who was sent to the Bright Sparks Orphanage after his disappearance), and placing him inside the LH Combat Unit W1, who retained his identity, but was stripped of free will. Meanwhile, General Yamazaki managed to take control over the Crusaders, an anarchist group formerly led by Matsu, and had them kidnap civilians, children included, for more sacrifices.

Once the Crusaders kidnap Kazu from the Bright Sparks Orphanage, Matsu (now known as Lawless) finds enough evidence to deduce the culprits behind the disappearances of people all over the city and breaks into Tsukuba Research Facility, with Akira Tadokoro and Taroimo following him soon. Eventually, they rescue Kazu and confront the conspirator trio, who reveal themselves and their plans to liquefact two thousand humans and sacrifice them to the statue of the Great Inko and allow Odeo to awaken. After gloating, they send LH Combat Unit W1, powered by Kozo Watanabe's liquefacted essence stripped of free will, to kill Akira, Lawless and Taroimo. However, they manage to defeat W1, with the liquefacted human inside begging for Akira to take care of his son in the orphanage. Realizing that it was Watanabe's dad who was turned into the enslaved machine, Akira tried to attack the conspirators, but was stopped by Lawless who warned him that the reinforcements will arrive soon, and the trio fled, as Yamazaki threatened that the conspirators will find them.

As Akira and his friends try to find out how to awaken the Steel Titan and put an end to the conspirators' plans, the conspirators respond by sending the Crusaders to burn down the Bright Sparks Orphanage. As Akira with Taroimo tried to rescue his bedridden little sister Kaori, Matsu was able to awaken the Steel Titan by overdozing on matango and rescue the three, but died from the overdoze, confessing to Akira that he killed his father during his tenure as the leader of Crusaders. Akira took over Steel Titan's controls and piloted the mecha to the Odeo Temple. General Yamazaki responded by sending the Japanese army to destroy the Steel Titan, only for them all to fall.

Ultimately, Steel Titan was able to reach the Odeo Temple, but by that point, the conspirators were able to sacrifice the liquefacted humans by pouring them into the "lake of unity" surrounding the Great Inko statue, thus allowing Odeo to awaken. However, Akira and Matsu's consciousness, controlling the Steel Titan, gave fight to the awakened deity and were able to destroy its physical form, much to the dismay of the conspirators. Ultimately, Yamazaki, Livingstill and Unryu were consumed by the lake of liquefacted humans and absorbed into it, their last words being desperate pleas for mercy, while Akira managed to teleport himself away to safety at the last possible moment before the lake could've consumed him as well.


           Live A Live Logo Villains

All Chapters

The First
Odo | Kuu Tribe (Kuu Chief, Zaki)

The Successor
Indomitable Fist (Ou Di Wan Lee, Sun Tzu Wang)

The Infiltrator
Ode Iou | Yodogimi | Puppetmaster Gennai | Amakusa Shiro | Miyamoto Musashi | Lord Iwama

The Wanderer
Crazy Bunch (O. Dio) | Mad Dog

The Strongest
Odie O'Bright | The Great Aja

The Outsider
Odeo | Conspirators | Crusaders

Mechanical Heart
OD-10 | Behemoth

The Lord of Dark
Oersted | Streibough | The Lord of Dark

Dominion of Hate
Odio (Odo, Ou Di Wan Lee, Ode Iou, O. Dio, Odie O'Bright, Odeo, OD-10) | Death Prophet | Jaggedy Jack | Headhunter
