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Villain Overview

So we are actually doing this?
~ Corey's first line, voicing her concern about the Fans' planned killing spree in "Down Under".
We can't just go out and kill random people now, can we?
~ Corey rationalizing the Fans' crimes.

Corey, also known as The Zebra, is one of the playable protagonists of the top-down shooter video game Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. She is a member of The Fans, a group of copycat spree killers wearing animal masks who slaughter criminal gangs for fun to emulate Jacket's murders. Corey is notable for being able to dodge gunfire by rolling and for being the most quiet member of the Fans.


Unlike her friends, Corey is very quiet and reserved, rarely speaking for much of her screen time and does very little to contribute to the Fans' planning for their raids. When Corey does decide to speak, however, she tends to voice her caution towards much of her group's violent activities and planning, showing that she is more considerate to her friends and taking a more careful approach to her crimes. It can also be inferred through her solitary behavior and other casual mannerisms such as keeping her hands in her pockets, shrugging and eating pizza that Corey is fairly laid-back like Mark.

Nonetheless, Corey is just as brutal and homicidal as her friends are, taking part in the Fans' killing sprees for thrills regardless of her concerns and being the one to land the killing blows on the Henchman by viciously beating his head in with a lead pipe. It is also assumed that Corey has something of an obsession with Jacket, modeling her killings after Jacket's rampages much like the rest of the Fans do. However, Corey seems to make more of an effort to rationalize her acts of violence, insisting that the Fans shouldn't kill random civilians and solely target criminals. She doesn't complain about raiding a gang's hideout to "rescue" Jack's sister from the thugs residing there, once again revealing her considerate side.


Corey is a young woman with long, shoulder-length black hair, black eyes and pink lips. She wears a green Miami Dolphins jacket with orange elbow pads and the Miami Dolphins logo imprinted on the back, a purple bra underneath her jacket, a pair of orange pants, pink knee pads, a pair of white shoes (though Corey also occasionally appears barefoot), and a zebra mask which she wears during each of her levels. In Hawaii, she wears a typical dark green soldier's uniform and purple shades.

In her LSD boss form, Corey appears to be a normal zebra, except it is wearing Corey's signature Miami Dolphins jacket and has glowing red eyes.



Prior to 50 Blessings' attacks in Miami, Corey fought in the Hawaii Conflict alongside her friends and the Ghost Wolves. On March 17th, 1985, Corey is seen eating pizza at a military bar where the Ghost Wolves are present.

Long after the war is over, the ultranationalist organization, 50 Blessings, singlehandedly destroys the Russian Mafia by coercing masked killers into raiding their criminal hideouts through the use of threatening phone calls. The most infamous and successful of these masked killers, Jacket, earns the worship of Corey and the Fans in the process, perceiving him as a hero. Despite modeling hersalf after Jacket and 50 Blessings' killing sprees, Corey seems to be completely unaware of the context behind Jacket's murders and 50 Blessings' jingoistic motives, simply going along with the Fans' massacres for sadistic thrills and notoriety.

Digital Comic[]

In Issue 1 of the Digital Comic, Corey watches the news following the aftermath of Jacket's attack on the Russian Mafia's villa. She sits in silence as the rest of the Fans criticize the arrest of Jacket and the media's input on his crimes. Subsequently, Tony urges his friends not to worry, since it now means that it's time for them to rise up and continue Jacket's work in his stead. Marking the beginning of the Fans' killing sprees, Corey willingly tags along.

In Issue 4, Corey accompanies the Fans as they patrol the streets of Miami in their brand new "Attack Van", searching for any criminal hideout they can invade. Hearing reports of a criminal operation at the docks via radio, the Fans arrive at a seemingly abandoned warehouse when Ash spots a light coming from the buildings. On Tony's orders, Corey scouts ahead armed with her katana while the Fans hang back. Subsequently, Corey spots a masked gang member and chases after him. The gang member throws down a shelving unit to buy himself time to rendevouz with his gang, but Corey leaps over the shelf with a handspring. Just as the thug alerts his gang, Corey leaps down from above with her katana drawn and kills the hoodlum in a single slash. When the gang draws their guns on Corey, the rest of the Fans show up and immediately start slaughtering them through whatever means necessary. Stumbling upon a masked gang unloading cargo from a truck, the Fans immediately start slaughtering them through whatever means necessary.

Engaging in a battle with the gang inside the warehouse, Ash covers Corey while she heads inside the warehouse, crossing paths with an armed thug. Sneaking out of the gang member's line of sight, Corey takes the man by surprise by chopping his hands off. Instead of finishing the hoodlum off, Corey sheathes her katana and walks away, leaving the man at the mercy of Alex, who kills him with her chainsaw. After the Fans wipe out the gang, Corey flees the scene with them as they drive away with a surviving thug chained to the front of their van to "send a message" to Miami.

October, 1991[]

On October 31st, the Fans host an animal mask-themed Halloween party at their bar. Eating pizza with her friends, Corey sits in boredom while Tony and Ash complain about the guests at their party. To lift the group's spirits, Mark asks if they are going to kill another gang of criminals. While Tony and Ash are ecstatic about finishing off the night with their raid, Corey is hesitant, asking her friends if they are sure they want carry out this raid. With Ash insisting that they should, Corey joins her friends in the Attack Van and they head out.

Due to the massive decline in the Russian Mafia's activity, the Fans are left to improvise with their vigilante rampages by targeting petty gangs who have taken over the bulk of the Russian Mafia's weaker criminal operations. As such, the Fans arrive at NW 188th Street, a gang-owned electronics workshop. Dependent on the player selecting her as the playable character, Corey charges in, slaughters all of the thugs occupying the hideout and flees the crime scene with her friends. Corey waits inside the van while Mark orders three pizzas for the gang.

November, 1991[]


On November 11th, Corey and the rest of the Fans make a cameo appearance in Hank's bar alongside many other playable characters. Corey drinks with the Fans at a table littered with empty beer bottles. Despite "Subway" chronologically taking place before "Death Wish", the Fans seem to be conveying their "defeat" at the bar, since "Subway" is played right after "Death Wish" where the downfall of the Fans occur.


As a result of the Russian Mafia engaging in a violent gang war with the Colombians, one of the Russian Mafia's enforcers, the Henchman, is sent to wipe out a gang running chop shop on NW 32nd Avenue. The gang that occupied the chop shop withdrew their money owed to the Russian Mafia and instead started kicking it up to the Colombians, thus resulting in the gang getting murdered. However, the owner of the chop shop, Andy, is a friend and business associate of the Fans. As a result of the Henchman deciding to spare Andy after taking off with the gang's bag of money, Andy runs off and notifies the Fans of what has happened. He offers the Fans a favor in the future in exchange for killing the Henchman as payback for raiding his chop shop.

Tracking the Henchman down to a gang-occupied drug den on NE 14th Avenue, the Fans' van screech up outside the den and, depending on the player selecting her as the playable character, Corey rushes inside and begins the assault. Butchering all of the gang members present at the hideout, Corey joins the Fans as they corner the Henchman in a small room in the center of the building, grabbing a lead pipe. She finds the Henchman highly intoxicated on a new hallucinogenic drug, crushed that his girlfriend had abandoned him, stealing his car and money in the process. With the Henchman simply rambling in a drug-induced haze, Ash grabs the Henchman by his feet and drags him onto the table before him, while Corey bashes him in the head, damaging his eye. Begging that he just wants to go home with Mary, the Henchman is subsequently ripped apart by the Fans in retaliation for his hit on Andy's chop shop, with Corey landing the killing blow by repeatedly smashing his head into a bloody pulp.

December, 1991[]


On December 2nd, Corey meets up with the Fans in their bar as they plan an attack on a "special place". Having scouted ahead, Ash informs the rest of the crew that his friend, Jack, has found that a derelict hideout ran by violent "junkies and low-lives" is being visited by his sister. As a favor owed to Jack, Ash suggests they should put the gang in their place and rescue Jack's sister, who is now living there in squalor. After Tony and Ash argue over saving the girl, the Fans eventually agree to attack the hideout, so Corey prepares the van.

Driving over to NW 184th Street, Corey (depending on the player selecting her as the playable character) storms through the three-floor building complex to clear out the hideout's gang members. Leaving behind dozens of bodies, Corey come across Jack's sister hiding in a closet armed with a pistol. Terrified, she tries to fend the Fans off while tears are streaming down her face. Corey tries to convince the girl that she and the Fans are only there to help her get back to her brother, but Jack's sister refuses to go with them, believing that the Fans are insane for murdering her friends. Knowing that Jack's sister is safe, Corey decides to flee the scene with the rest of the Fans before the situation escalates. Corey waits in the van afterwards when it breaks down during the Fans' drive back to their bar.


On December 9th, Mark enthusiastically announces that their crimes have made it onto the news, to which Corey dryly agrees that they finally won their "five minutes of fame". Believing they need to kill more criminals to garner more attention from the press, Corey agrees with Tony that they need to kill more criminals, adding that they also can't go around killing random people to not attract too much attention. When Alex states that she might have discovered a new criminal operation to raid after buying marijuana off of the thugs residing there, the Fans agree to check the place out, so Corey joins the rest of the Fans in the Attack Van and drive off.

Soon arriving at an abandoned building on NW 168th Street, Corey (depending on the player selecting her as the playable character) clears out the building, where only a small handful of hoodlums were present. She meets Tony in the building, who remarks that there wasn't much to the hideout. Suddenly, Corey is drawn to noise coming from a back room that Tony thought was empty and finds a manhole. Descending into Miami's sewers, Corey finds a criminal operation more organized than the Fans had anticipated: the gang occupying the sewers are secretly dissolving dead bodies in acid baths, keeping a torture chamber nearby for convenient use. Regardless, Corey successfully wipes out the hoodlums in the sewers and quickly flees the scene with her friends.

20th and Death[]

Death Wish[]

On December 20th, Mark heads to the bar with a box of brand new rooster masks, asking Corey, Tony and Alex to try them on. As soon as Corey, Tony and Alex put them on, all three of them suddenly become unresponsive. When Mark asks if there's something wrong, Richard manifests himself in the form of the rooster masks, giving Mark disjointed, cryptic message regarding floors of a building being cleared. Bewildered, Mark tries to make sense of the situation, but his hallucination is interrupted when a phone starts ringing. Corey listens as as Ash pulls a cellphone out of his pocket, explaining that he looted it from the Henchman's body after they killed him. Ash listens to the Son, the current boss of the Russian Mafia, on the other end of the line, inviting him to the Russian Mafia's headquarters on NW 20th Street, believing him to be the Henchman. Ash convinces Corey and the other Fans to get into the van so he can explain what they can do for tonight.

Rushing to the Russian Mafia's headquarters equipped with walkie-talkies, the Fans plan to clear out all the floors of the building available to them and rendezvous on the roof. However, at Corey's suggestion, the Fans stake out the building so they could formulate a plan. While Ash is breaking into the security lock at the front door, Corey asks him to hurry up, worrying about the mobsters possibly leaving the building soon due to it being late at night. As soon as the security lock is broken into, the Fans rush in and begin their attack, but not before Corey reminds the group to stay in touch with their walkie-talkies. Taking an elevator to an upper floor of the building, Corey slaughters a group of Russian mobsters occupying the floor. She notifies the Fans on her walkie-talkie that she successfully cleared her floor and says she'll head to the next floor.

Before she can make it to the next floor, she encounters the Son rampaging through his headquarters in a drug-induced stupor. Engaged in combat, the Son fatally shoots Corey in the abdomen with a revolver, leaving her to bleed to death. Aside from Tony, the Son kills the rest of the Fans before walking off the roof of the building to his death. Tony drags the corpses of Corey and Mark into a small room and finds himself cornered by a SWAT team sent to stop the massacre. As Tony cradles Corey's body, Detective Manny Pardo enters the room, shoots Tony in cold blood and lies to the SWAT team that he acted in self-defense, leaving the bodies of Corey, Tony and Mark behind.


The Fans' assault on the Russian Mafia's headquarters is portrayed much differently from the Son's perspective. Celebrating his newfound victory over the Colombians, the Son gets immensely high on his own drug and goes on a homicidal rampage, killing dozens of his own men while the Fans simultaneously attack his headquarters. After killing Mark, the Son finds himself in a room surrounded by windows. He is then attacked by Corey, who is hallucinated as a zebra with glowing red eyes wearing Corey's Miami Dolphins jacket. Trying to kill the Son by ramming into him via leaping in and out of the room, the Son grabs a revolver and shoots Corey, causing her hallucinated form to bloodily explode.

The Table Sequence[]

The Table Sequence plays out each time the player starts a new game after already completing Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. Corey is seen among the rest of the playable protagonists in the game, meeting with Richard in a dark room, who knows of each character's fates. After witnessing Jake and Martin Brown turn into corpses right after Richard condemns them for their actions, Tony declares that he has heard enough of Richard's ominous judgement of the characters and suggests to the Fans that they should leave. Richard refutes Tony's statement, explaining that the only option the Fans have is death. After a flash of light, the Fans all slump over dead in a gory mess respective of how they died in "Death Wish" and "Apocalypse", with Corey appearing as a disemboweled corpse to reflect her end after being shot in the abdomen.


Roll Dodge
~ Corey's perk description.

Corey's primary advantage in combat is her exceptional agility. Possessing the "Roll Dodge" ability, Corey is able to dodge gunfire by performing combat rolls, with a small cooldown inbetween rolls. The lengths of these rolls are determined by how long the player's roll button is held down for, which can either allow Corey to dodge gunfire through lengthy corridors with long rolls, or dodge bursts of shotgun pellets with short rolls. While rolling, Corey cannot turn in either direction, restricting her to rolling in a straight line. Corey is also unable to attack while rolling, though she will be able to attack as soon as her roll dodge animation ends.

Other than the Roll Dodge ability, Corey's playstyle is nearly identical to Jacket's, aside from having a slower swinging speed, lacking standing executions and lacking the ability to take knocked down enemies as human shields. She possesses great speed, strength and lethal versitility in weapons, allowing her to effortlessly kill many criminals in a single building. In addition, Corey is the only Fan who can freely change her weapons at any point in a level, while the other Fans have their own combat restrictions in some way, shape or form. While Mark can do this after he runs out of ammo for his MP5s, Corey can pick up and use any weapon she finds from the get-go.

In the Digital Comic, Corey's agility is emphasized to the point that she can perform handsprings and agile leaps. Corey is also shown to use a katana with deadly efficiency, whereas in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, she never has access to a katana.


  • Like the rest of the Fans, Corey appears as a playable character in more levels than any other protagonist in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, being playable in five levels.
  • Corey's ability was recycled for the Son later in the game. Developers Jonathan Soderstrom and Dennis Wedin explain that the reason they did this was to bring back the Fans' playstyle after they get killed off halfway through, and the Son made recycling the abilities much more convenient.
  • Due to the other Fans' limitations, Corey and Mark are the only Fans who can pick up and throw any weapon they come across: Ash can only pick up guns and cannot throw them, while Tony and Alex cannot pick up any weapons since they both use brass knuckles and a chainsaw respectively.
  • In developer notes, Corey is explicitly described as a female version of Jacket, evident by her near-silence and similar playstyle.
    • Furthermore, Jacket was originally going to wear a Miami Dolphins jacket until Soderstrom and Wedin settled on a letterman jacket. The Miami Dolphins jacket was eventually given to Corey.
  • Dennis Wedin describes Corey as "HLM2's Don Juan", since both characters are women who wear equine masks who regularly express concern and caution to characters they interact with.
  • Excluding the Pig Butcher (who already existed in Hotline Miami's in-game files), Corey was the first playable character developed for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number.
  • Despite using a katana in the Digital Comic, Corey never uses one in-game. Interestingly, by contrast, the Son starts out with a katana when he has his "Roll Dodge" perk selected.
  • Corey and Alex are the only female characters in the Hotline Miami series to appear as playable protagonists.


           Hotline Miami Villains

50 Blessings
The General | The Manager | The Janitors | Jacket | Biker | Richter Berg | Jake | Carl | Jones | Aubrey | Bomb Guy | Dennis | Earl | Prison Boss | PhoneHom | Prison Guards

Russian Mafia
The Grandfather | The Father | The Son | The Henchman | The Bodyguard | Petrov | Van Driver | Club Owner | VIP Guard | Party Mobster | The Producer

The Fans
Corey | Tony | Alex and Ash | Mark

The Colombians
Colombian Boss | Colombian Henchman | Andy | Bank Guards

Gang Leader | Andy

Prison Boss

Manny Pardo | The Pig Butcher | Russian Military | Guards | Mary | Brandon and Wiley
