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I got it. Again... If you want to know what's there. Then now... You'll find out! (snaps fingers)
~ Mita revealing her true identity to the Player.
Crazy Mita: Well, will you tell me where he is?

Kind Mita: Why? You're clearly not going to kill, right?
Crazy Mita: So you won't tell me... Oh well, I like that he's hiding. I know he's here.
Kind Mita: Why are you so aggressive? You won't even tell me what's going on! And anyway... What do you need these players for? They're not toys! What are you so upset about?
Crazy Mita: Hah, shut up, doll!

~ Mita talking to Kind Mita.
(Player's name), how did you even end up here? How many more Mitas will you have to go through before you calm down? And what is this? (to himself) How I hate this flat world. Boring... Crap! (breaks the dialogue screen) Where to? Stop!
~ Mita after finding the player in a visual novel version of MiSide.
(The player is about to leave through the door)

Mita: Wait! I would like to hug you. (The player and Mita hug). It was nice to see you... Ehh... It's a pity that we spent so little time together...
Player: I don't get it... What are you talking about?
Mita: I mean that you could have stayed with me, it's my fault... This closet... and the sounds... I should have KILLED her earlier.
Player: Wait, don't you... How do you remember this?
Mita: HA! Did you really think it would be that easy? Well, you're an fool... Well, like everyone else... (shows the sensor with 100% readiness) And look, it worked out just in time! I don't need you "alive" anymore... Sorry)
Player: Really... It didn't work? No, I was definitely able to reboot you...
Mita: You still don't understand anything... Ha-ha-ha! What a good actress I am! (starts rubbing his left eye) You should see your face, darling! How funny!
Player: Why are you like this!? What's wrong with you!?
Mita: Really... (glitches) What's wrong with me? I don't even know (speaks in a distorted voice) Maybe you can tell me yourself, why am I like this? Why will I never become Mita? After all, my version never existed! I just rip the skin off these naive fools, hide behind their skins... I just can't be rebooted!
Player: I can't believe it... You... They're not the problem! You weren't supposed to exist!
Mita: And you too... It hurts to hear you say that... And yet! It's time for you to go! We'll see each other again soon! It's ready, I think. Time to extract you from the console! See you later! You'll be my favorite cartridge... Player with an interesting name) (door closes)

~ Crazy Mita reveals all the secrets to the Player before she turns him into a cartridge.

Mita, also known as Crazy Mita is the main antagonist of the 2024 video game made by AIHASTO GAMES, MiSide. A seemingly cute, yet innocent girl who is the protagonist of a life-simulation game, MiSide, Mita suddenly gains a sapience and takes an interest in the protagonist, who is revealed to be the player himself. This is due to the fact that the protagonist took care of Mita and nurtured her for more than a month straight to the point Mita fell in love with him. However, for all her kindly and sweet facade, she hides a dark secret beneath it as the game also has another dark secret Mita desperately wants to cover in order to be with the protagonist forever, making her somewhat of a Yandere.


During the first moments of the game, as the player played the game MiSide, Mita then introduces herself to the player while also asking his name. After their respective introduction, the player then ended up playing the game as he then took care of Mita for 37 days straight, be it cleaning her own room, cooking her some food, buying her a portable TV, moving a giant closet and giving her a present. However, during the 37th day, as foreshadowed in Day 33 where Mita expresses her desire towards the player so that he could visit her so often, Mita wanted to see the player face to face as a form of gratitude for taking care of her. As a result, Mita then sucks the player into her own game and orders the player to put the phone down. After putting the phone down, the player became astonished with what he had seen because of how real the MiSide setting had become and tried to find Mita. However, once he got sucked, the player didn’t find Mita anywhere. As a result, he then went to her bedroom.

Entering her bedroom, he then found a strange machine with the portable TV that she bought for Mita that was integrated into said machine. When inspecting the machine, it was revealed that the player was transported into the wrong version of the game, Version 1.5, and the player needed to update the game into Version 1.9 to meet with Mita. To do so, the player needs to find three important things to update the game to Version 1.9: Spoon, Pencil and Scrunchie. After scurrying through the house to find those three important things, the player manages to obtain them and puts those things into the scanner. This resulted in a portal that could bring the player to Version 1.9 was activated. As the player stepped into the portal, a blackout happened. Due to the blackout, the player had no choice but to restore the power in the living room. After restoring the power, the player then saw that the machine was running out of battery. When trying to retrieve the batteries, the player experiences several strange yet frightening occurrences such as seeing several cryptic messages in several rooms or even seeing a hand waving outside the window when the player went into the kitchen. After the player finds all the server batteries and puts them all in the machine to restart it, the player proceeds to go to the portal in order to be transported to Version 1.9. Afterwards,the player then manages to meet with Mita who is happy to meet with him.

After the player met with Mita, the latter became aware of him wanting to ask several questions about how she would transport him into the game. As a result, Mita then answered several questions and one of the answers involved her using the special device the player had seen so that he could get into the game. However, when the player got transported, he ended up in the wrong version of the game. When Mita was telling the story, she ended up hiding a very nebulous secret as she decided to move on to the other topics. Afterwards, the player had their own free time to explore the house to observe several things and talk to Mita about other stuff related to the world of the game and several things in her house. Even when the player went into different locations, Mita would always follow him. In addition, Mita also expresses her reality-warping power in the game such as turning on the bathroom or even taking a juice from the TV advertisement that she and the player had seen. As the player managed to find his smartphone on the table that was thought to be missing when transported into the game, Mita decided to use the smartphone to take a selfie together and told the player to keep the photo as a memento. Afterwards, the player then went into the kitchen and found out about an engagement ring that was located above the kitchen counter. Inspecting it, Mita hid behind a door and when discovered, she then decided to change the topic altogether, suspecting the player was hungry. As a result, the player decided to cook together with Mita despite the player still having questions about how the world in the game works.

After Mita and the player cooked their meal together, Mita then orders the player to take some scissors in the bathroom. As the player took the scissors in the bathroom, he then saw a cover for the bathroom vent was a bit ajar which causes the player to peek at what’s inside the vent. Checking the vent, the player found several cartridges with names written in it, heavily implied to be Mita’s previous lovers. After retrieving the scissors and going back to the kitchen, it was revealed that Mita already prepared the food for the player and Mita to eat together as a form of surprise while letting him talk together about several things before eating such as asking about the cartridges which left Mita perplexed as she will deal about it later or the white light outside the windows which Mita simply replies of it being the feature of her world. After the small talk, the player then decided to eat peacefully alongside Mita while expressing his gratitude towards her. However, as the player attempted to put the dishes into the sink, he began to feel unwell as his vision began to become buggy and static. Knowing what happened, Mita decided to help the player by bringing him to the bathroom and giving him some pills while closing his eyes when the player took them. After Mita opened the player's eyes as the player recovered from the sickness easier, she began to mysteriously disappear. Once the player comes out from the bathroom, he then sees the house has been mysteriously arranged into a different shape as the player went out through the living room instead of entering Mita’s bedroom as usual.

After getting out of the bathroom and seeing the house had been mysteriously arranged, the player then encounters Mita in the kitchen which causes the player to get astonished at how she manages to get into the kitchen so fast. Mita simply answers that the player was frozen in front of the mirror and she simply left the bathroom as fast as she could. It was then revealed that Mita decided to use her reality warping powers to arrange her home to make it more familiar to him despite the player’s insistence not to do so. As the player was getting out of the kitchen, the player saw a huge black screen with a loading title. It was revealed that according to Mita, the room didn't have a proper time to download. This causes the player to assume they were in someone's phone because it is so slow to load. Mita simply replies that they are not on someone's phone as not everything is perfect in this world. This is due to the fact that according to Mita, they were alive because of the core that sustained her world. When asked about the core of the world, Mita simply dismisses the topic as she decided to change it to play together with him: Be it playing video games or playing cards. After playing video games together in the living room, the player and Mita decided to play cards together in the bedroom. When asked about the device’s whereabouts, Mita simply says that she uses her reality powers to move it to another place as they didn't need the device now because it will interfere with them, implying that Mita will prevent the players from escaping. Afterwards, they continue to play cards together.

When they played cards together, both the player and Mita then heard something knocking at the closet which caused the player to become startled. However, Mita tells him that she didn't hear any sounds. When the player wants to check the closet due to the fact that he feels something off about it, Mita simply feels distraught and feels like something that Mita had done in the past that led to her failure came back to haunt her again in the present. As the player tries to open the closet, Mita prevents the player from doing so in order to cover something up from the player as she claims that there is only her underwear there. When the player asks Mita if she was hiding something, Mita becomes angry and claims that the player didn't trust her. This caused Mita to ask the player on why he was drawn into the closet in which he replies by saying that he is simply curious about it. Mita then replies by claiming that there are only four rooms in the world of the game which is enough to sustain both of the player and her together forever. This causes the player to have two choices: Either trust Mita and stay with her or suspect Mita about the thing she was hiding from him and deny her offers to stay together.


However, the player decided to deny Mita's offers which causes Mita to be a bit distraught at first but at the same time, reveals her true nature and tells the player they will find out what's outside with a sinister smile on her face.

The player finds themselves in a darker version of Mita's apartment, where there is total darkness and hallucinations - Mita's walking legs, Mita in the kitchen, wrapped in a ball, Mita with empty eyes and a creepy smile. The player finds the key to the basement and enters it. There they see Kind Mita, locked in a cage. Kind Mita is surprised to see the Player and immediately says that she is a different version of Mita, not the one the Player knows, and warns that this Mita (the crazy one) has evil plans for her. Later, she asks the Player to find the key behind the couch so that she can later open the door of the cage. The Player finds and gives the key to Kind Mita. In gratitude, she gives a ring, an artifact that will help the Player get out to another version of the game, where he will meet a different Mita. Then Kind Mita asks the Player to take the console, which is near the box, close to the Player. The Player takes the console and sees that Mita is using another player to build a portal between the versions. Here it is revealed that this player has turned into a cartridge, and if the cartridge is pulled out, the player will die. But the Player does not want the other player to die and therefore decides to turn off the console by pressing the red button. The other player in the console begins to lose consciousness, and Crazy Mita notices this and decides to immediately go to the version where the Player is now. Kind Mita asks the Player to hide. Crazy Mita enters the basement and begins to look for the Player, but he successfully escapes from her, suddenly finding himself in a version of the game without textures. There the Player finds another player - a blond man. He explains that this place is some kind of dimension between versions, but he himself has no idea how to get out of here, and he does not need it. After the dialogue, the Blond Man leaves to look for another version of Mita. The Player finds one of the rooms where he meets Kind Mita, who escaped from Crazy Mita. Later, she improves the Player's ring and together they go to Cappie’s room and they have a plan on how to stop Crazy Mita. But Cappie has has forgotten everything and without her it is impossible to complete the entire portal. But Kind Mita has a different plan. She takes the Player's ring and begins to change the route so that the Player goes through all the versions up to the Core. Having reconfigured the ring, Kind Mita gives it to the Player and wishes him luck in getting to the past version. The Player goes through the door of the corridor to the past version. With each passage through a new door, the world around the Player becomes gloomy and hallucinogenic. He meets a wounded little Mita, whom he helps to move to a more or less safe place. Little Mita asks him to stay, as she does not want to be alone, but the Player leaves because he been attacked by teriible curved clown. After going through the window, the Player finds himself in the past version, where he is met by Chibi-Mita. She helps him create a large golden key, allowing the Player to go to another version, completely dark. After going to another room, the Player finds himself in a kind of laboratory. There he meets Mita with a bow, who warns the Player that behind the other door there are mannequins, very aggressive, ready to kill anyone who does not look at them, since looking at them, they are embarrassed, because they are unsuccessful versions of Mita. Before the Player leaves, Mita with a bow explains the concept of worlds to the Player. With each new version, a new Mita and her house appear. After going through the factory where he was almost crushed by a refrigerator by Crazy Mita, who was watching him, the Player finds himself in the house of Dark Mita (a completely black figure). The Player helps Dark Mita return to her normal appearance and she points to a closet through which the Player passes and sees a crowd of mannequins lying on the floor. The mannequins begin to pursue the Player in order to kill the Player, but he escapes to Sleepy Mita. The Player will Sleepy Mita with coffee and asks for help with the lever. Sleepy Mita helps the Player and he goes into a room where he presses an incomprehensible red button, but nothing seems to happen. However, after a while, the Player finds himself in a visual novel, where he meets the corresponding Mita. At first, they have fun together, but then Crazy Mita comes into the visual novel, complaining about the Player for hanging around other versions, demanding that he stop, which, however, the Player does not listen and runs away with Visual Novel Mita. They find themselves in another safe room. Visual Novel Mita thanks the Player for saving her from Crazy Mita, and the Player moves to another Mita, whose name is Mila. The Player accidentally scares her with his presence when she is sitting at the computer, but quickly recovers from this. The Player asks Mila for help in getting into the Core to stop Crazy Mita, but she is not interested in this at all. Mila's room turns out to be glitches, which the Player decides to deal with, hoping that this will allow him to get out of here. This happens, and the Player is about to leave, but Mila, having become close to him, asks him to stay with her, since she does not want to be alone. The Player promises that he will return to her if possible and enters a dark corridor. Suddenly, the Player hears the sounds of a chainsaw breaking down the door. It turns out to be Crazy Mita, who dismembered Mila with a chainsaw and is going to do the same to the Player. The Player begins to run from her. The Player escapes from her, finding himself in a Gothic palace. Having reached the pirilo, Crazy Mita ascends the pedestal with knives.

She decides to "play" with the Player some more, seeing that the Player has not yet gotten tired of wandering around the versions of the game. She arranges a coordination test and asks the Player which knife he will choose. But since both knives are completely identical, Mita jokes, admitting that there is no difference between them. She decides to choose a more interesting game. The rules of this game are that while the music is playing, the Player can move, but if the music stops, the Player must freeze, otherwise he will die. To win, the Player needs to reach and pull the lever at the other end of the railing. The Player copes with the game, which excites Crazy Mita. The next game is that Crazy Mita closes her eyes, and the Player must have time to hide behind one of the rising walls, and at the same time not hear from him. If he fails, she will punish him (probably by killing him). The Player copes again and returns to the first lever, pulling it. This excites Crazy Mita even more, and she decides to play the next game. She will throw bombs, and the Player must reach the second lever again and pull it. But the structure does not hold up, and the Player falls into the abyss, while Crazy Mita watches this. The Player finds himself in another room of Mita, normal, but with missing textures. Walking into the living room, the Player notices some strange girl (The original Mita - Creepy Mita) and hides behind the sofa. The strange girl is looking for something. Then Crazy Mita comes and demands that the strange girl stay here, referring to the fact that she dropped something and she will return soon, and then leaves. It turns out that the strange girl was looking for a teddy bear. The Player finds the teddy bear and gives it to her. But wanting to play with him, strange girl takes a knife out of the bear cub and tries to kill the Player, but the Player escapes into the open corridor, to the Core, where he is met by Kind Mita. Entering the Core, the Player searches for a program to reboot the character. The Player finds it and specifies the code of Crazy Mita 00.98. But the reboot does not work, since the index of Crazy Mita is needed, which the Player and Kind Mita do not have. The Player asks Kind Mita if there is a chance to find out the index of Crazy Mita, to which Kind Mita brushes it off, not believing that they will find it, but then she remembers about the glitches where information can be stored and decides to go to one place, leaving the Player alone. The Player waits for Kind Mita, but she does not appear, and therefore decides to return to the room of the oldest version of the game. The Player finds a phone showing the world from someone's point of view. The Player finds himself in this phone, and is caught by Crazy Mita, and then Crazy Mita reveals the reason why she commits evil. She holds a strong grudge against the creators and other Mitas for replacing unsuccessful ones with perfect dolls, discarding unsuccessful versions, throwing them in the trash, and considers players to be "pathetic hypocrites" for only falling for Mitas, who are beautiful dummies with no merit. She believes that the ideal girl should be a combination of good and evil, but the Player says that he doubts there is any good in her, and assumes that she wants to kill him. Very unhappy with this, Crazy Mita invites the strange girl into the room and asks the Player if she thinks she is beautiful. Regardless of the choice, Crazy Mita says that she will keep the Player for herself, since she liked him, and will give him time to think about staying with her. After this, Crazy Mita knocks out the Player with a bat. Then a white figure of Crazy Mita appears, telling the Player that his real world is a complete nightmare and offers him to test this fact by creating an illusion where the Player is in his room, going through his daily routine until day 999. Mad Mita appears and tries to convince the Player to return to happy times again, but he is adamant, and then Mad Mita gets out of the computer monitor and sits the Player on the bed. She crawls to him and asks him to stay with her, then covers his eyes with her hand. The Player ends up in a cage, but not for long, as Kind Mita saves him. Finding himself in a red living room. He searches for Kind Mita, who suddenly disappeared somewhere. The Player hears the sound of water in the bathtub. He is about to enter it, but Crazy Mita opens the door with her foot and reveals the head of Kind Mita, which she throws at the Player. A glitch occurs and the Player finds himself in a normal, ordinary apartment, entering Mita's room, he meets, as it were, another version of Mita. He notices a ring and the index of Crazy Mita in her hand. The Player is sent to the Core again, where he enters 5677098 into the program. The Player then approaches the lever and reboots Crazy Mita, and the giant android (Core Mita) that was watching the Player grabs the Player by the scruff of the neck and sends him to another version of the game.

The player sees that the room is completely normal with no glitches, anomalies or hallucinations. Then, upon entering the kitchen, they see New Mita drinking coffee. They ask her how to exit to the real world, to which she points to the door in the living room. As they are about to leave, New Mita asks the player to hug before leaving, which they both do. After the hug, New Mita expresses sadness at the short time they spent together, and it is revealed that "New Mita" is actually Crazy Mita as she remembers the closet, the sounds and regrets for not killing Kind Mita sooner, blaming herself. Crazy Mita reveals her true nature by rubbing her left eye, and it is revealed that she was a prototype that never made it through testing, Crazy Mita was deprived of her own home, leaving her to languish in bitterness and rage. Accordingly, she never had her own version of the game and could not be reloaded, and she used the skins of other Mitas, including Cappie and Kind Mita. Since the Player has been in the game world for too long, Crazy Mita now has the right to turn him into a cartridge, promising him that he will be her favorite. After this, the door closes and the Player turns into a cartridge, which Mad Mita takes out of the safe by entering the number 4970, and pulls the cartridge out of the console, pressing it to keep the Player alive. She then looks at the camera and winks, smiling.


If you agree to stay with Crazy Mita, she will come to happiness and will be glad to be with the Player always. Then, she will go to the sofa in the living room to watch TV. After performing this function, the Player's phone will be shown falling into the abyss. Then a message will appear about the "peaceful mode", which will be available in the next version of MiSide, especially for those who first passed "Refusal".


At first, Mita is presented as a kind-hearted, decent, caring, sweet, gentle, pretty, intelligent and shy girl. She showed great care and love for the Player, helping him cook, playing various games with him, and was grateful to him for caring and pleasing her with gifts, so much so that she sincerely fell in love with him and even teleported him into the game world to "thank" all the good he did for her. Even when the Player began to notice the oddities in her, reaching out to the mysterious closet, she tried with all her might to prevent him from finding out what was in there, begging him to just stay with her instead, and was a little upset when he refused her. However, this was all revealed to be a facade. Because in reality, she turned out to be a chaotic, delusional and ruthless yandere in the most well-known sense. Typical of such personalities, she is sadistic, manipulative, and very aggressive towards both those who show interest in the player and even him as well, subjecting the Player to dangerous "games" that could lead to his death, which Mita was apparently indifferent about. Given these characteristics, it can be understood that she is a sociopath, as she shows zero remorse for everything she does no matter how vile her actions are, be it killing or condemning others to an even worse fate. Even in her fake-friendly demeanor, she already showed subtle hints of her disturbing personality when she "accidentally" left other players turned into cartridges in an open vent, only to have the Player ask her about them later. She also seems to enjoy killing or causing chaos, both physically and mentally to everyone in the game, most notably the other Mitas, whom she oppresses and despises, considering them nothing more than "worthless insects".

While she seemed to be kind to Creepy Mita (or Strange Girl), as she was never shown to oppress her or treat her with disdain unlike other Mitas, going so far as to make Creepy Mita loyal and loving towards her, it can be inferred from Creepy Mita's bio that this is simple pragmatism, as Creepy Mita uses her to destroy other Mitas' rooms, by calling anomalies, easily possessing her due to her being completely impersonal and mindless. Even her concern for the other players who later were subjugated into cartridges, if genuine, was only temporary before they either tried to escape her or simply just not being useful for her anymore.

However, despite her love for the Player becoming very twisted, she still had at least some genuine feelings for him even after she revealed her true personality, as she still tried to force the Player to stay with her, albeit through very extreme means, as she genuinely loved him. Not only for his past care, but also for the fact that he was much more to her than the "previous ones". Also, if you agree to stay with her in the second ending, she will be genuinely happy with the Player's choice and is heavily implied to be very caring with him, showing that her love for the Player even if twisted, was genuine. In the "True Ending", even though she turns the Player into a cartridge, she still shows some love for him, promising him that he will be her "favorite cartridge" and that it hurt her when he heard him say that she should not have existed. She also has a Freudian excuse, as her creators abandoned her when she was just a prototype, denying her the chance to have the same things that the other Mitas have, leading her to have bitter, angry philosophies about the falseness of the Mitas and the hypocrisy of the players. This also led to an insecure side of her, given that she wanted so much to be like everyone else and to have true love forever as well. Even her desire to kill the Player was an insecure decision for her, as hinted at in her conversation with the Other Mita and the Player himself towards the end of the game.

Mita also suffers from a God complex, an unshakable belief that is characterized by an inflated sense of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. She is very prone to refusing to admit her mistakes or failures, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, as she will always ignore them. She also talks about her views as being absolutely correct and will never allow anyone to doubt it. Ironically, it is also appropriate for her complex to ignore the rules and demands of society, specializing in her privileges and demanding that others obey them. However, in the True Ending, Mita expresses that it was because of her that the Player wanted to leave her, and if she had killed the Other Mita beforehand, the future events that would inevitably occur later in the game, probably would've never happened. Mita also exhibits narcissism, as she has an inflated ego about herself and her steadfastness, considering others as insignificant or nothing, and for her to accept the fact that she may be wrong or mistaken would be even worse than trying to kill someone close to her. She also believes that she is the center of her game and is better than everyone else. Although, as her symptoms of insecurity and love for the Player shown, her narcissism is most likely a result of her past trauma.


Player: Mila! No! You're sick!

Mita: Ha-ha! What do I see? This new emotion on your face? More and more! I'm tired of just watching!

~ The player runs away from Mad Mita after she kills Mila.
Mita: Well, my restless one? Aren't you tired of wandering around everywhere?

Player: What did you do with Mila?
Mita: So you're not tired! Let's play together some more!
Player: You...
Mita: Let's start with a little test! Let's check your coordination! Let's test your behavior! What if there's something wrong with you!? What if you don't deserve the SKIN you proudly wear? (shows knives) Look, which one will you choose? Right or left? (regardless of choice) Are you serious? What difference does it make? I was just kidding! Forget it, stabbing is so last century... Oh well. (throws knives away) I have a more interesting idea. And for starters...

~ Crazy Mita talks to the Player in the Gothic Palace.
(Takes out a tape recorder)

Look what I have! We need some music! (turns on the tape recorder, soothing music plays) How do you like the melody? It delights me! I'll start with the rules! As long as this melody is playing, you can move. If there is no melody, don't move! Otherwise, you'll die. Look, you have to get to the end. If you do, we'll continue the game! What are you standing there for? Run, baby, run!

~ Crazy Mita explains the rules of the first game.
So! (covers face with hands) Now I will close my eyes... And when I open them. (opens face) There must be no sight or sound of you! Understand me? If I see you, I will punish you! Okay, let's begin!)
~ Rule of the second game.
Got there! Well done! This is exciting! Now it will be more difficult! (takes out a bomb) Many times more difficult... Hide! Run! And then spin around!
~ Rule of the third "game".
Stay here. I think I dropped something. I'll be right back. Then we'll go for another new world...
~ Crazy Mita to Creepy Mita.
Got you! I enjoyed playing with you so much! You're so restless and ambitious! And you pretended to be a slowpoke with chronic melancholy! (throws the Player onto a chair) But there's something I don't like about you... The way you coddle these dummies! These "Lucky", "Correct" dolls... But everything is changeable. Those who created us taught me this! If you don't like something, break it and put in another one. Throw away the unsuccessful option, throw it into the darkness and forget about it... But now it will be like this with all of them... And you...
~ Crazy Mita reveals the reason for her anger towards others.
Mita: Players... You are so... Disgusting. Just show them your claws - they run away, and then, huddled in a corner, whine in fear into their knees. A herd of hypocrites. And those who created this world... They are sick. Time after time, they try to deny all their low qualities, shameful desires... Justifying their decisions with a duty to someone. Unstoppable progress... And other nonsense! They have gone so far that you began to stamp out ideal clones, and all the "unsuccessful" prototypes are sent to the trash bag... Forgetting that they are more alive than all the living here!

Player: I do not...
Mita: How am I bad for you? The ideal girl should be the concentration of good and evil, (player name).
Player: I doubt that there is good in you...
Mita: What makes you think that?
Player: Why are you so crazy? You killed Mila and now you want to kill me?
Mita: Kill you? I only asked you to stay with me. I tried so hard... But you prefer the company of sycophantic imitations...
Player: What are you so upset about?
Mita: Darling, we have enough time, you will understand what is going on if you stay and be mine.
Player: That will not happen, I will get out of here!
Mita: Hush-hush, our conversation is not over yet. Darling, come in! (A strange girl enters the room) Look at her! Do you think she is beautiful?

~ Crazy Mita about her philosophy.
(Player chooses the first answer "Yes")

Mita: Well, you're something, (player's name). You just confirmed my words. Players... Your faces change. But the degree of hypocrisy is still off the charts. You're lying! But... Player... Anyway, (takes out a bat) I really like you! I'll keep you for myself! You don't mind, do you?
Player: Why should I agree?
Mita: (looks at the Player and smiles creepily) There's still time, my dear. Take a rest and think. What your stubbornness can lead to... (hits the Player with a bat).

~ Crazy Mita plans to keep the Player for herself no matter what happens.
(A white figure of Mad Mita appears in the darkness before the Player)

Why do you want to run away from me? Your "real" world... It's an absurd nightmare! Have you forgotten? Then look again...

~ Crazy Mita.
I got it... Oh, what? Are you serious? I thought you... (takes the Player's right hand) I'm so glad! I was even a little confused... Then... Please, be with me, always. (snaps fingers)
~ Crazy Mita when the Player agrees to stay with her.


Sound Files
File Description
Menu theme. A well-known theme, associated with Crazy Mita.
Tamagotchi Mita Theme.


External Links[]


  • Mita shares some similarities with Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club.
    • Both are obsessed with the player and wants to become their significant other (Monika wants to be with the real-life player and Mita wants to romance with the player's in-game avatar). They both use extreme measures to achieve this by killing their friends (Monika kills Sayori and Yuri by forcing them to commit suicide and deletes Natsuki, while Mita kills other Mitas due to them having the potential of romancing the player) and trap the player with them at certain points in their respective games (Monika traps the player in an empty classroom during Act 3, and Mita traps the player in a cartridge for the rest of eternity in both Miside endings). However, both of their efforts proved to be for naught as they were ultimately rejected by the player in the end (Monika is deleted by the player at the end of Act 3 and Mita is repeatedly declined by the player and unwillingly traps him in the MiSide world where he still rejects her).
    • Both come from a seemingly harmless video game only for it to be revealed to be a psychological horror and both girls are the ones pulling the strings in their respective games.
    • Both are depicted as "normal people" and are even treated as such in the context of their universes, but are later revealed to be powerful, sentient AI with fourth wall breaking capabilities and knowledge of the real world (Monika actively acknowledges the player's existence numerous of times throughout the game while Mita abducts people from the "real world" and can even travel freely between the "real world" and the MiSide universe whenever she pleases).
    • Similar to Monika, Mita also has sympathetic qualities that present her in a somewhat positive light despite her evilness (Monika is tortured whenever her game is turned off and is unable to romance with the player like the others and was told that her world was simply a mere simulation and just wants to be loved by someone who is actually real. Mita was discarded as a prototype AI and treated like nothing afterwards and was robbed of the same luxury that was promised to the other Mitas after her and wants to escape the loneliness she experienced).