“ | Everything is meant to be... No one can escape their destiny... I'm sure you know that, too. Besides, this is part of your mission, isn't it? Now! Fight me, Maverick Hunter! | „ |
~ Crescent Grizzly |
Crescent Grizzly" (クレッセント・グリズリー Kuressento Gurizurī), also known as Grizzly Slash in the original English localization, is one of the eight Maverick bosses from Mega Man X5.
Crescent Grizzly is a weapons dealer who sold illegal weapons on his Russian warehouse. Despite selling weapons, Crescent Grizzly was a pacifist and despised violence. Due to his dealings, he had a previous confrontation with Zero, who gave him a scar on his left eye. While the Maverick Hunters left him be due no not considering him truly dangerous, they decide to deal with him during the Earth Crisis, as they needed the Crystal Ball in his possession to power up the Enigma cannon. While Crescent Grizzly is willing to cooperate with the Hunters, he reveals he's already been infected with the Sigma Virus and would soon turn berserk, so he begs X to fight him while he was still conscious. If confronted with Zero, Crescent Grizzly chastises him for the way he deals with Mavericks and decides to get revenge for his previous defeat.
Crescent Grizzly fights by jumping around the arena and shooting three small Crescent Shots. After losing a third of his health he'll bury himself and attempt to slash the player from the walls or use his drill arm from below. When near defeat he'll return to the arena and shoot two large Crescent Shots. His weaknesses are the Spike Ball with X and the Twin Dream with Zero.
- In the initial English localization of Mega Man X5, Grizzly Slash was named after Saul "Slash" Hudson, the former lead guitarist of Guns N' Roses.
- Though it is not specified why Grizzly is weak to Zero's Twin Dream, X's Spike Ball is a high-impact weapon that can pierce his thick armor.