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Cruise, the fastest kid racer in Hot Wheels City!
~ Cruise introducing herself to the Ultimate Garage Camp Racers, Cruise Control.

Cruise is the secondary antagonist of the 2024 Netflix animated series Hot Wheels: Let's Race.

Introduced in the season 2 premiere, she is the daughter of Professor Rearview, tasked with competing in and winning the Level 2 Ultimate Race competition, in order to win the grand prize, full ownership of the Ultimate Garage. In order to do so, she drives the Street Shrieker- a car which possesses the powers of her father's five monsters.

Cruise serves as the current rival of Coop.

She is voiced by Julie Nathanson, who also voices Yelena Belova in Avengers Assemble.


Cruise is an arrogant and over-confident person, considering herself to be the fastest kid racer in all of Hot Wheels City. She often comes across as disrespectful, taunting her opponents with insults or quips during or after the Ultimate Races she competes in. She employs a careless and reckless attitude when competing, and will do anything to win, even if it puts opponents in danger.


Cruise is a human girl with fair skin, dyed green hair styled into twin pigtails, blonde eyebrows, and blue eyes. She wears a black racing suit, with an asymmetrical lime stripe across the body, and black racing boots. When racing, she wears a black helmet with a green stripe, and black and lime racing gloves.


Cruise was born to Professor Rearview and an unnamed woman. After her father overheard that Dash would give the Ultimate Garage to whoever win the Ultimate Race, he recruited his own daughter to compete on it. She invaded the first Ultimate Race, winning it with ease. Then, Cruise saw the campers' resistance against her gaining 5 medallions, as she wasn't a official camper. She responded by showing them a video of Dash saying that "the fastest racer would gain the medallions", instead of "the fastest camper", allowing her to not only compete but lead the scoreboard.

After winning the second Ultimate Race, she saw the campers driving around seemingly aimlessly. She then managed to get out of Sidecar that they were looking for a golden steering wheel that would give them luck to win their next race. Cruise decided that he would find the steering wheel before them and destroy it so that no one would have that power. They managed to find the golden steering wheel before she did, but Cruise managed to take it from them, and took it to a pool of fire used to melt down old cars. She threw the steering wheel into the pool of fire, but Mac managed to retrieve it before it was destroyed.

In the third race, she lost to Coop, allowing him to finish just three medals behind Cruise.



  • Cruise is the only Ultimate Race competitor to not be a Ultimate Garage camper, due to a loophole in the race's rules.
  • In "Cruise Control" the first pic she shown has her holding a kitten.


           Hot Wheels logo Villains

Major Jack Wheeler

Racing Drones
Gelorum | Brian Kadeem

The Vandals
Iguanarox | Captain Kalus | Krocomodo | Sever | Hatch | Grimian

The Sarks
Zemerik | Zug | Tors-10 | Zorax

Red Sentients
Red Sentient 5
Krytus | Krylox | Kryosys | Kyburi | Kytren

Kormulax | Bruterax

Road Pirates
Greasebeard | Scurvey | Longshanks | Suave | Tankard | Grog

Kurt Wylde | Ancient Ones | Professor Rearview | Cruise
