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Villains Wiki

Looks like the filthy humans have been using something called gorilla tactics, a dishonorable strategy named after one of Earth's vilest primates. They are hiding all over the city, watching us, listening, waiting for an opportunity to strike. But we won't let them! This squad has been assembled to take the fight to the enemy! We'll track them down, wipe out their hiding places and force them into the open where the might of the Eightfold Manifestation, the One Infinite, will destroy them! Each and every one of you must do their utmost in this task - for the Octifex Maximus and Tah-Um himself!
~ An Octanian Commander to his troops.

The Cult of the Eightfold Manifestation, simply referred to as the Octanians, are major antagonists in Serious Sam 4 and its standalone expansion Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem.

The Octanians are a fanatical military organization hailing from the Sigma Octantis system. Believing Mental to be the cleansing flame that will purify the universe, they have willingly allied themselves with Mental's Horde and use their massive Harvester Leviathans as part of Lord Achriman's plan to convert humanity into mindless beasts.


At the height of the war between humanity and Mental all colonies the humans established had already fallen to the might of the One Infinite. Only Earth remained. Lord Achriman was placed in charge of the Earth campaign and had a massive portal constructed in Tunguska, Russia with which the Octanian Harvester Leviathans could be transported directly onto Earth. While a fleet of them stayed with the portal to protect it, others travelled from city to city to harvest poeple all across Europe with the goal of eradicating the independence and intelligence of mankind. While the Earth Defense Force tried to keep Mental's forces at bay and destroy the Tunguska portal, the Alien Artifact Acquisition team led by General Brand went onto a mission to gain possession of the Holy Grail.

Octanian Harvester in Rome

An Octanian Harvester Leviathan floating above Rome, Italy.

While trying to rendevouz with the priest Father Mikhail, who could help them find the location of the Holy Grail, Sam and his convoy came under attack by Octanian Raiders and the Octanian Harvester currently laying siege on Rome. Nearly the entire convoy was destroy instantly, but Sam and a rookie named Kenny reunited with the rest of their AAA companions and recruited Father Mikhail, leaving Rome while they still could. They met with General Brand in the countryside and discussed that in order to find the Grail, a book hidden within the Vatican library was needed. Unfortunately, as long as Octanian control over the airspace remained complete, trying to enter Rome again was suicide.

To get rid of them, the AAA team travelled to Pompeji to forcibly erupt Mount Vesuvius, losing one of their own in the process. The eruption forced the Harvester Leviathan and Raiders to move away from Rome, providing an opportunity to carve their way to the library. In front of the library Sam was ambushed by a Megalopolyp, a massive amalgamation of Octanian protopolyp parasites, but with the help of the custom-made Popemobile mech provided to him by the Italians Sam managed to fight it off. With the book in hand, the AAA team discovered that the Grail was hidden in a church in Carcassone, France.

Octanian Harvester in France

A distant Harvester over Carcassone, France.

While they traveled to France and discussed their plan, their plane was attacked by Octanian Raiders, scattering the group around the countryside and forcing them to individually travel to Carcassone to regroup. Along the way Sam met up with Kenny and got into the city together, which was also under siege by Mental's forces and a Harvester. Lord Achriman appeared and personally killed Kenny to spite Sam, after which Sam gained help from the local French resistance cell and an Arachnoid informant to reach the castle that contained the Grail.

A bombardment by an Octanian Raider cut Sam off from the resistance, having to storm the castle by himself while his team also arrived at a different entrance, meeting up in the middle and advancing towards the castle church together. There, they were confronted by Lord Achriman himself, who engaged them in a fierce battle. Although a formidable opponent, the AAA team ultimately triumphed over the sadistic alien and avenged Kenny's death. Their victory would not last however, as their prize turned out not to be the Holy Grail, but rather a staff that was hidden away to shield the world from its evil. It was at this point that General Brand betrayed the rest of the team, grabbing and getting mutated by the false Grail and intending to hand it and Sam over to Mental as an offering. After knocking Sam and the others out, Brand had his minions restrain Sam with rope and throw his friends to the Harvester drones for processing.

Octanian Harvester Fleet

The Octanian Harvester fleet close to the Tunguska portal.

Sam was not ready to give up however and escaped Brand once he reawoke on a plane headed for Tunguska. He freed a nearby oil platform of Mental's troops and travelled the rest of the way to Tunguska by boat and snowmobile. At Tunguska, the EDF was in the middle of launching a large-scale assault on the portal while fighting the Octanian troops pouring out of it and the Harvester Leviathans and Raiders guarding the sky. Meanwhile, Sam's friends managed to escape the Harvester Leviathan they were thrown to, taking it over and flying it partway to Tunguska, having to fly the rest via helicopter. Once Sam reached the front of the attack he helped turn the tide of the battle before getting recaptured by a further mutated Brand. Brand attempted to hand over Sam and the false Grail as an offering for an alliance to Ugh-Zan VI, but was rejected. During Sam and the EDF's battle with the colossal warlock, Octanian troops riding on combat drones flew in to his aid, but Ugh-Zan VI was ultimately defeated and killed.

The EDF then destroyed the portal by firing a nuclear missile with Brand strapped to it into it, ending the Octanian threat for the time being.


Unlike most of Mental's forces, the Octanians follow a strict chain of command. Mental himself stands above all others in the hierarchy, followed by the Octifex Maximus. The soldiers on Earth wear respirators and goggles to help survive its atmosphere and their guns, which hold religious significance to them, are linked to them via a cybernetic parasite. It can be assumed that this parasite is also connected to the protopolyps found in many of their and Mental's creations.


  • Commanders - Elite soldiers recruited exclusively from the secretive Order of Octus Dei within the Cult of the Eightfold Manifestation. They lead the other Octanians into battle and carry energy shields and guns that shoot a barrage of homing projectiles at their opponents.
  • Gamma Troopers - The most common infantry units, the Gamma Troopers are equipped with gamma-ray laser guns. These guns are not perfectly adjusted to conditions on Earth and therefore not as effective as they would otherwise be. Sometimes seen riding Combat Drones into battle.
  • Snipers - Octanians equipped with a laser-sight sniper rifle, attacking mostly from elevated positions.
  • Zealots - Brutes bred specifically for iconoclasm, wielding hammers blessed by the Octifex Maximus himself. They are heavily armored on their entire body except for their backs, which are exposed out of religious reasons. They are devoted to smashing everything that offends Mental and otherwise occupy their time self-flagellating because they haven't smashed enough things.
  • Grenadiers - First deployed in Siberia, these Octanians throw grenades at enemies and deploy small bombs controlled by suicidal micropolyps that automatically roll towards a tracked target.
  • Legionnaires - Heavily armored brutes wielding a large wooden shield and a one-handed mace. Said shield protects them even from rockets and heavy-caliber ammunition, though their backs are ritualistically exposed just like their Zealot brethren. Their shields are considered sacred items and losing it is equal to losing the divine favor of the Eighfold Manifestation.

Drones and aircraft:

  • Octanian Raiders - Agile jets piloted by cyber-polyps instead of Octanians that both bombard ground targets and control the airspace, often seen close to the Harvester Leviathans.
  • Combat Drones - As the name suggests, simple fully automatic combat drones equipped with laser turrets. Designed to swarm enemies, these drones are strong enough for a single Gamma Trooper to stand on top of.
  • Harvester Drones - Squid-like drones deployed by Harvester Leviathans to abduct humans for processing.
  • Harvester Leviathans - Also referred to as "Harvester Motherships", these massive organisms serve as the Octanians fleet of mobile bases and processing factories.
  • Sentry Towers - As the name suggests, these towering fusions of flesh and metal were created to guard strategic points in low-population areas where a garrison would be unnecessary. Shooting at anything within a 150m radius, the Octanian Sentry Towers annihilate intruders with minigun turrets, artillery strikes, a Drone Bay and even a teleporter to call for Octanian reinforcements. Their only weakness is a bio-reactor that needs to vent after a while, rendering it vulnerable to counterattack.


Processed Anthropolyp

A poor soul transformed into a Processed Anthropolyp.

While the Octanian footsoldiers and combat drones bolster Mental's vast infantry, the Cult of the Eightfold Manifestation's largest presence on Earth is through the Octanian Harvester Leviathans. These massive creatures are fused with Octanian machinery and function as their primary means of transportation and mobile factories. As the Harvester Leviathans float above populated areas, Harvester drones are deployed to search for prey targeted for processing, in this case humans. The drones then abduct the humans and bring them back to the Harvester Leviathan, where the victims are processed by removing and replacing parts of their brains with protopolyp parasites.

Once converted, the Processed Anthropolyps are then released back onto Earth to function as disposable cannonfodder, attacking any human in sight in a feral rage with metal claws attached to their arms. There also exists a significantly more volatile, mutated variant called the Emetic Anthropolyp. It is unknown if these obese creatures were intentionally created or a byproduct of unsuccessful conversion, but they possess the same aggressive behavior and are thus released onto the battlefield as well.


Serious Sam 4[]

Siberian Mayhem[]


SeriousSamLogo  Villains

Mental's Horde
Ugh-Zan Dynasty
Ugh-Zan III | Ugh-Zan IV | Ugh-Zan VI
Generals and Inner Circle
Lord Achriman | Mordekai the Summoner | General Maxilla | Director Doppler
Other servants
Exotech Larva | Evil Serious Sam Clone | Kwongo | Zumzum | Prince Chan | Cecil the Dragon | Howard Brand | Raahloom | Cult of the Eightfold Manifestation | Khnums | Kleer (Count Kleerofski)
