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I have a single objective. Your Majesty, you should know what that is, so do your best to stop us. Our blade is already pressed against your throat. Checkmate. Just one more move and we can knock you from the board. That is merely a means to an end, but we will not hesitate.
~ Cynthia Exment to Elizard

Cynthia Exment is a minor antagonist in the A Certain Magical Index franchise, serving as the main antagonist of the Necessarius Special Admission Test sidestory.

She is a magician and the leader of the United Kingdom's Royal Astronomical Research Organization as well as a member of the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church's overseas branch. She's the one who manipulated the events surrounding the Amakusa Church's test to join Necessarius as part of her scheme to get Britain to join the science side. She's the archenemy of Itsuwa.


Cynthia is a young girl around the age of 13 with long wavy blonde hair that's tied into two ponytails and has blue eyes. She wears a purple dress that resembles a long-sleeved kimono & obi and has a purple cape draped over her shoulders. She also wears a pair of thick white stockings, purple Japanese-style sandals and a tree peony hair clip.


Cynthia Exment is an ambitious and opportunistic individual who is soley focused on achieving her own objectives. She is highly manipulative and ruthless, holding no qualms with manipulating others, causing destruction or disrupting the balance of power, if it will help her accomplish her ultimate goal. She also shows little regard towards those who get in her way and is willing to dispatch anyone who tries to interfere with her plans. However, despite this, Cynthia demonstates a level of rationality, as she refrains from killing Elizard as she views the assasination of the Queen would be a pain and throw a wrench her plans.

Cynthia's most notable trait is her obsession with returning home to Japan, something which she inherited from her ancestors. Because of this, Cynthia seeks to create a situation to force England to abandon the Magic Side and join the Science Side. She also displays some complex about her lack of Japanese traits due to so many generations passing.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Amakusa-style Magic: As a member of the Amakusa Church Overseas Branch, Cynthia is highly skilled in the usage of Idol Theory that allows her to incorporate magic symbolism hidden in her body movement and the actions and mannerisms that occur naturally in a battle to cast magic.
    • Barrier Magic: Cynthia is capable of creating an invisible wall to block enemy attacks.
    • St. George's Spell: A spell derived from St. George's fate. When activated, it thoroughly destroys every temple, spiritual item, and other magical devices within 20km, similar as to how the Roman priests who urged St. George to renounce his faith were killed and had their temples destroyed by "something" like a meteor falling from the heavens, answering his prayers. The spell is sent to the area by ley lines and can have more than one target.


  • High Intelligence: Described as a "genius girl", Cynthia is shown to be very intelligent and is capable of running a group such as the Royal Astronomical Research Organization almost entirely on her own, despite her young age. She's shown to possess great tactical prowess, as she manipulated and orchestrated several organizations and events to gain access to the magical items in the British Museum and even developed a spell that can destroy every temple, spiritual item and magical device in a radius of 20km.


  • Wooden Staff: Cynthia's main weapon is her wooden staff which resembles a bamboo cane. The staff itself is a weak magic item and its ability it's very simple: it changes shape based on its wielder's will, based on similar legends all around the world of items that change form. However, the staff is capable of intercepting the transmission of data from the British Museum and allow Cynthia to read it in order to acquire data on the spiritual items within. After obtaining this data, it can easily replicate the form and powers of those spiritual items, changing shape in an organic-looking fashion like a tree growing on fast forward. The weapons displayed are:
    • Spear: A spear that fires a bolt of lightning from its tip.
    • Hands: An unknown item that creates countless hands growing from the ground that grabs and drags an enemy down into the earth.
    • Japanese Sword: A Japanese-looking wooden sword with a razor-like carved animal bone attached, capable of cutting straight through Itsuwa and Tsushima's weapons and release a ranged attack with a roaring thunder.
    • Others: Other spiritual items copied by Cynthia include a round stone shield, a wooden club, a rainbow-colored bow, a stone axe, a trident and a large hammer.

External Links[]


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Main Antagonists
Aleister Crowley | Fiamma of the Right | Coronzon | "Touma Kamijou" | Anna Sprengel | Aiwass

Science Side
Kihara Family
Gensei Kihara | Amata Kihara | Therestina Kihara Lifeline | Byouri Kihara | Ransuu Kihara | Enshuu Kihara | Kagun Kihara | Yuiitsu Kihara | Souji Kihara | Hasuu Kihara | Drencher Kihara Repatri

Academy City's Board of Directors
Rizou Nakimoto | Hisako Yakumi | Norito Neoka

Hound Dog
Amata Kihara | Kaibi Gokusai | Orson | Nancy | Vera | Mike

Shizuri Mugino | Saiai Kinuhata | Frenda Seivelun

Teitoku Kakine | Kaibi Gokusai | Banka Yobou | Rakko Yumiya | Chimitsu Sunazara

Leader | Seike | Naru | Yakumaru

Haruki Aritomi | Shunichi Kosako | Hirotada Sekimura | Kenji Madarame | Jun Sakurai

Accelerator | Ayu Mitsuari | Misaka Worst | Umidori Kuroyoru | Rensa | Benizome Jellyfish | Kimi Shundan | Saryou Tsurigane | Suzuran Aohoshi | Raifu Wanigawa | Hoshimi Maidono | Ladybird | Hanatsuyu Twins (KaaiYouen) | Ladylee Tangleroad | Toshizou Shundou | Iruka Yumiya | Arei Houjou | Sha Danshan | Seigo Houjou | Mitori Kouzaku | Yoshio Baba | Harumi Kiyama | Mayui Kokuchou | Doppelganger | Mikihiko Hishigata

Magic Side
Roman Orthodox Church
Matthai Reese | Lidvia Lorenzetti | Biagio Busoni | Aureolus Izzard | Oriana Thomson | Thirteen Knights of the Roman Orthodox Church
God's Right Seat: Fiamma of the Right | Vento of the Front | Terra of the Left | Acqua of the Back
Agnese Forces: Agnese Sanctis | Lucia | Agata | Angelene

Othinus | Thor | Mjölnir | Cendrillon | Saronia A. Irivika | Marian Slingeneyer | Bersi | Útgarða-Loki | Sigyn | Freyja

Niang-Niang | Nephthys | High Priest

Bridge Builders Cabal
Alice Anotherbible | Trismegistus | Aradia | Mut Thebes | Blodeuwedd | Vidhatri | 2nd Saga

Carissa | Madame Horos | Cynthia Exment | Albert Dying | Brunhild Eiktobel | Richard Brave | Knight Leader | Salome | St. Germain | Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers | Isaac Rosenthal | "Christian Rosencreutz"

Isaac Ray Peram Westcott | Ellen Mira Mathers
