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D'Jamat was a religious leader among the Triannon race, with the title of Pri'Nam. His religion had apparently once been peaceful but had become embroiled in a genocidal holy war against a rival faction over minor religious differences. The Triannon correctly believed that the spheres that existed throughout the Delphic Expanse had created the region and its anomalies, but believed they had been created by divine beings they referred to as Makers and referred to the Expanse as the Chosen Realm. They saw the spheres and the anomalies as holy. D'Jamat was proud that he had been disfigured as a result of contact with one of the anomalies, calling it the breath of the Makers.
D'Jamat led a small group of his followers aboard a ship to experience the spheres close up as a pilgrimage. He encountered Enterprise and saw it as a weapon to be used against his enemies. He used a distress call to bring Enterprise to them, with D'Jamat and his followers brought about the Earth ship as guests. D'Jamat dined with Captain Archer but it soon became clear that his religious beliefs clashed with the crew's scientific analysis of the spheres.
D'Jamat made plans to take over Enterprise and had one of his followers activate an implanted suicide bomb, killing one of the crew and causing minor damage to the ship. D'Jamat used the threat of the rest of his followers activating their explosives to force Archer to surrender control of the ship to him. Considering the crew's analysis of the spheres, which included landing on one and entering another, to be blasphemous, D'Jamat erased all the information on the spheres from the ship's computer and then told Archer to choose one of his crew to be executed for the offence. Archer announced that he was choosing himself, then convinced D'Jamat that the ship's transporter was a desintegrator. D'Jamat agreed to it being used for the "execution", believing Archer had been killed when he had simply been beamed to another part of the ship.
Taking full control of Enterprise and using threats to force the bridge crew to obey his orders, D'Jamat ordered an attack on a ship from the rival faction, coming close to destroying it. However, Archer had secretly been working to retake the ship, freeing security forces and marines and having Doctor Phlox flood the ship with a gas that neutralised the suicide bombs, before eventually rerouting control of the ship to Engineering, leaving D'Jamat in charge of a useless bridge. Lieutenant Reed stormed the bridge with a group of MACOs and, during the resulting fight, First Officer T'Pol managed to stun D'Jamat.
D'Jamat was imprisoned in the ship's brig as Enterprise travelled to Triannon and remained committed to his beliefs, accusing Archer of ruining his chance of bringing about peace and interfering with the sacred truth. Archer transported D'Jamat and the others down to Triannon, now reduced to a wasteland by war, telling him the two sides had decimated each other eight months ago, killing millions and destroying all major cities.