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History and its interpretations of the Daevites from the SCP Foundation Wiki.

(Note: Due to the lack of canon in the universe of the SCP Foundation, it is up to the reader to pick which part of the group's history is canon for their headcanon.)

Possible Origins[]

Because of the continual reality changes done to the Daevites their history is somewhat inconsistent and uncertain, and it was theorized that they completely changed their origins or weren't even present in the timeline before the creation of SCP-140. There have been several tales regarding their origins:

Leavings Of Another World[]

The Daevites were originally the inhabitants of another world, but because this world was completely destroyed due to some catastrophe, possibly caused by the Wanderer's Library, the Daevites were forced to leave their home dimension and seek refuge into other worlds which included the Library's founding. Because of their vendetta against the Library, the Daevites fought several wars with the Librarians, and these events were referenced in several books contained within the Library such as The Slitting of the Gryphon's Throat, The End of Faith and The Victory of the Daevas, although most old Librarians, such as Scaramungia and Irad, had no knowledge of these events ever happening. The Daevites eventually disappeared from the dimensions, but not before leaving behind SCP-140 which they would use to extend their existence and continue their wars against the Library.

Project PARAGON[]

Daevas land

The land of the Daevas from Project PARAGON.

The Daevites were an offshoot subspecies known as Homo sanguinus which descended from the Children of the Sun, also known as Homo aeturnus. They descended from former citizen of the city of Audapaupadopolis the Scarlet King who wrote the first chronicle of the Daeva known as the Codex Archaic. The Daevites lived during the antediluvian period and were known to be notorious record keepers despite being a secretive civilization, using their blood to record their memories and preserve their history.

They fought wars with other kingdoms, such as the House of Apollyon who actually attacked the Daevites first and took several of them as their own slaves. Like most of the civilizations that lived during this time period, the Daevites were wiped from the Flood caused by the sorcerer Noah in order to wipe out the Children of the Night, causing many of their cities to be buried underground and left forgotten. Before the Flood the Daevites of the House of Malidraug went inside their palace, alongside Lord Relivine and the Demon Ogier, and seeing that they would die eventually committed suicide and let their blood to flow into the structure's Reservoir in an attempt to preserve their history. The Daevites would be brought back following the Flood thanks to the Chronicle, but unlike their predecessors, who were more benign and honorable, they were filled with rage and hatred towards modern humanity's ancestors, seeking vengeance for the wrongdoings done to them.

SCP-001 (ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal)[]


The land of Mamjul whose existence was hypothesized as Kumari Kandam.

The Daevas were originally powerful spirits created by the fallen god known as the Scarlet. Following its defeat during the battle against other fellow gods, Mekhane, Yaldabaoth and the Black Moon, the Scarlet fell on a part of the Earth which would be known as the Indian subcontinent. There it fell into eternal slumber as a result of its weakened state, and while slumbering it dreamed of a civilization inhabiting a great city. That civilization would become the Daevas and the city would be named Korar which manifested in the Astral Plane. The Daevas revered and praised the Scarlet as their creator and protector.

When mankind rose, several tribes began inhabiting the land where the Scarlet had fallen, and suffered from the cruelty of nature. One day, a man from one of the tribes while resting near a tree found in its roots a ruby which had previously been one of the Scarlet's eyes. The Scarlet spoke to the man and offered him great power and salvation for him and his people, and in exchange they would merge together with the Daevas. The man accepted and the ruby got embedded into his chest, while the Daevas descended from the Astral Plane and took possession of the people. With the two races merged into one the Daevites gained great power and control over the flora and soon formed the city of Mamjul which mirrored Korar. The Daevite Covenant was formed, with the man becoming its ruler and prophet known as the Scarlet Maharaja and took a Daevite woman, Varsylmittabya, as his bride and queen, becoming known as the First Rajmata. However, as the Scarlet needed to be asleep in order for Korar to exist, the Scarlet Maharaja was forced to slumber, leaving the Rajmata and the other matriarchs to govern the empire.

Over the following years, the Daevite Covenant became a formidable empire, conquering many lands and taking countless slaves. During their conquest and colonization of Asia the Sarkic Empire soon arose, formed from their own slaves rebelling against Daevites. The two empires were also opposed by Mekhanite Empire, and the three empires fought a destructive war that would be known as the First Occult War, but this had left all of them in a weakened. The fourth empire which was led by the Black Moon's prophet the BLACKSTAR took this opportunity to strike against the other empires. After destroying the Mekhanite city of Amoni-Ram, BLACKSTAR's Three-Prong Army marched toward Mamjul. Under the guidance of the Seventh Rajmata Vaslirasirraj-Shirat, the Daevite magicians and her seven sons sacrificed themselves to raise a giant impenetrable wall made of plant and dirt to block the Three-Prong Army. After several failed attempts at breaching the wall BLACKSTAR became furious and used his powers to not only sunk all of Mamjul but to also remove all memory of their existence. As Mamjul was destroyed, the Daevas' connection to Earth was cut, leaving them stranded in the Astral Plane and because the Scarlet Maharaja had died Korar would also be destroyed in the future.


Whatever their origins may be, what remained consistent with the Daevites was that they were an ancient civilization formed at around 10,000 BCE, possibly part of the Aryan Adronovo culture, comprised of independent kingdoms predating most ancient civilizations such as Ur and Sumer and were centered around south-central Siberia, which at various points through history had an empire that extended as far as Europe and the Middle East. In ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal, the Daevites originated from the Indian subcontinent, inhabiting the island of Mamjul which was sunk and evidence of existence was completely erased.

All periods of the civilization had militarism, conquest, cities ruling over large slave populations, human sacrifice, ancestor worship, horticulture, and functioning magic as core aspects, though they still otherwise changed over time. The civilization created a variety of objects that would qualify for SCP classification if rediscovered today. It's disputed whether they were destroyed by either Ab-Leshal using the Flood, the Hindu god Skanda, the Sarkic slave revolt, SCP-4612-A, or BLACKSTAR. Most recently the Daevites had previously been eradicated by Chinese general Qin Kai, but as reality and history changed, the Daevites were able to survive past those attacks and live for much longer. In their present timeline, the Daevites were wiped out by Genghis Khan, although this could be further changed by the interference with SCP-140.

Modern Times[]


Although the Daevite Empire is currently defunct, some immortal Daevas and their descendants still live on in the modern times and formed cults such as the Ascetic Order of the Immortal Daeva, the Society of Vampires or the áuṭupiri giáhen and the Children of the Scarlet King whose beliefs are based on the Daevites. A movement of Neo-Daevites was also formed who wished to resurrect the Empire and help them in conquering the world. After the SCP Foundation found out about the existence of the Daevites and SCP-140, they sought to prevent the chronicle from expanding the civilization's arrival to the present through a CK-Class Restructuring Scenario which would lead to a possible SK-Class Dominance Shift Scenario in which the Daevites would take over the modern world.

Former GRU Division "P" lieutenant Leonid Chernoff became a follower of the Daeva and wished to bring them back. This put him at odds with the Foundation personnel of Site-91, though he managed to save one of the last surviving Daeva matriarchs SCP-5267-A. SCP-4612-B, the leader of the Second Haptic Assembly which descended from 4612-A's followers, began collaborating with the Foundation to prevent the resurgence of the Daevites. Luckily, they managed to kill both Chernoff and SCP-5267-A, bringing an end to the current threat of the Daevites.

SCP-001 (ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal)[]

Years went on, the remnants of the Daevite civilization lived on as the Tamil civilization, their architecture inspiring the architecture of various other Asian countries such as that of Cambodia, and the Daevas becoming nothing more than legends. Meanwhile, the Daevas in Korar managed to survive to the present thanks to their Song which reinforced the city's structure. After their discovery and loss of Amoni-Ram, the Foundation began searching for the cities of the Daevite and Sarkic Empires. In August of 2002, the Foundation ship FRS Lillihammer was able to uncover the sunken ruins of Mamjul deep in the Indian Ocean and soon the Mamjul/Korar Initiative was formed with Doctor Pandora Galanis assigned as the head of the Initiative while under the close surveillance of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1.

At first, the Initiative was unable to find much about the Daevas in the city's ruins apart from a quiet chanting that could be subtly heard. Being stuck in a dead end, Galanis asked for the assistance of SCP-1867 as he previously had in his possession a set of Aegean tablets that contained information regarding the empires. SCP-1867 provided the Foundation with the means of accessing the Astral Plane through meditation and dreaming as he believed that the secrets of the Daevas lied in the mystical realm. This led to the formation of MTF Omicron-Rho which was originally comprised of Galanis, Lt. Lucian Greaves of Alpha-1, Opr. Ajay Desai, Opr. Sara Morello and Blackwood himself. Through mnestics, sedatives and muscle relaxants the team was transported to the Astral Plane where they came across the wooded gates of a massive fortress. Upon entering into the fortress the team received a warm welcome by the Daevas who were celebrating their arrival. The team proceeded to go inside a gigantic tree that served as the Citadel where they met the Rajmata.

From then on, the Foundation established a connection with Korar, sending operatives of the newly formed MTF to study the city and interview its denizens, with Galanis themself interviewing the Rajmata, slowly but steadily learning about their history and capabilities. Although the work went well without issues, following the latest meeting the directing board became split as Linguistic Researcher Xing Yijun and Archeology Researcher Levi Sheridan saw the Daevas as bloodthirsty monsters, while Galanis, Anthropology Doctor Karl Aberer and History Researcher Vijay Ramaswamy saw the Daevas as just a misunderstood people still stuck in the past. Eventually, as time went on Korar's destruction accelerated due to the Foundation's arrival disturbing the Scarlet's dreams. To make matters worse, a fleet of the Church of the Broken God attacked the Foundation ships floating above Mamjul to prevent the organization from allying itself with their enemies. This forced Lt. Greaves to become the new Scarlet Maharaja, hosting the Scarlet and emerging in the material world to help the Foundation in repelling the attackers. With his newfound powers he easily destroyed most of Mekhanites and once the fight was over he offered the organization to collaborate with the civilization in their common objective of fighting the return of the Black Moon. The Foundation accepted, forming a deal with the Daevas in which personnel from the Applied Thaumaturgy Division would be willingly possessed by them in order to empower their magical powers while the Foundation helped in undoing BLACKSTAR's damage and restore the Daevas' history. Disgusted by this deal and the treatment of the Daeva, Galanis steeped down as head of the Initiative and left the Foundation.

Possible Endings[]

The Real Adventures in Capitalism[]

As the power of Scarlet King and his forces began growing, a Foundation doctor got hold of SCP-140 and after performing a ritual on it threw it into an ocean which caused the Daevites to finally arrive to the present time. As they began laying destruction across the Earth they were able to summon their god the Scarlet King and his powerful servants who proceeded to takeover the entire world. However, it is unknown what happened to them following the defeat of the Scarlet King at the hands of Isabel Wondertainment V.

Addressing the Second[]

Following some unknown catastrophe which the Foundation was unable to stop, humanity became nearly extinct, forming tribes which began worshiping the notable Foundation personnel as gods. Through unclear means the Daevites managed to expand their history to the present and inhabit the post-apocalyptic world. They came to learn of Lord Hubris, SCP-035 possessing SCP-682, and believed that he would live forever and never die as he wasn't mentioned in SCP-140's end.

God Damn It, Every One![]

When D-24899 combined SCP-3922 with SCP-140, it caused the Daevites to get terminated for good by the soldiers of the Three Moons Initiative, and SCP-140 along with other copies were considered neutralized.

Project Isorropía[]

Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-140 was introduced to SCP-5074-1, a chimpanzee with the ability to passively accrue knowledge pertaining to anomalous phenomena, while causing written or typed information it produces to emit radiation when it is stressed. After 140 was given to 5074-1, the monkey also became obsessed with finishing the chronicle, dedicating its life by continually adding ink to it. However, due to its other anomalous ability, all of the Daevites were afflicted with sickness caused by exposure to radiation and perished in 139 CE for good, with the additions done by 5074-1 not working anymore. In another entry, SCP-140 was given to SCP-3501-1, a coffeehouse owner in Ifsahan, Iran who uses the bodies of the customers he meets to turn their life stories into local legends. 3501-1 became obsessed with the book and closed the coffeehouse, and as he read the Daevite Empire ceased to exist and became just a legend in Ifsahan.


When the Children of the Scarlet King performed a ritual on SCP-140 in order to bring the Daevites to the modern times, the ritual instead destroyed 140. Because SCP-140 was a false history created by Thomas Bruce who used occult magic to turn it into reality and rewriting the real Daevites, its destruction resulted with the Daevites reverting to a normal civilization with all of the related anomalies ceasing to exist. This version of Daevites was known as the Republic of Daevastan, a nation which descended from the ancient slaves who were led by Qayin and Ab-Leshal into overthrowing their daeva rulers and admonishing slavery. The Foundation even had two sites in Daevastan where local Daevastani people were employed to help the organization in their missions.


When the event known as SCP-6500 began occurring as a result of the SCP Foundation's relentless efforts at containing all anomalies, SCP-140 was one the many anomalies being neutralized by it. This resulted in not only SCP-140 and its copies being unable to absorb writing fluid to expand the Daevites' existence, but all of the changes it had done to history were being undone, creating holes in reality that were unnaturally filled to make it work. Several anomalies related to the Daevites were also neutralized along with SCP-140, such as SCP-2140 which led to all of the Foundation personnel gained through its use to revert to their original self. This left O5-4 to use these individuals as Class-D personnel and sacrifice them in order to use their blood on each copy of SCP-140 so things could go back as it should be, but through time it proved to be all in vain as none of the copies worked anymore.

Doctors of the Church[]

Following a IK-Class "Collapse of Global Civilization" Scenario, also known as the "Great Breach", which regressed all of human to a medieval state, SCP-140 was lost during the breach and fully activated, causing the Daevite Empire to survive to the present. The Daevites reformed their empire, this time more powerful than ever that was surrounded by the Black Sea, the Pacific Ocean, Arctic and Indian Oceans. The Daevite Empire was the developed and diverse faction thanks to their practices, and although feared the Daevites were experts in trading. They were in never-ending wars with the Sarkic States, Horizon Imperium, and the City-States of the Broken God, but had peaceful relations with the similarly vile Valravn Clans, even becoming trading partners in the Baltic Sea.

Project Cerberus[]


The territory of the reborn Daevite Empire.

On December 24th of 2021, the Daevites finally reemerged in the present through a TK-Class Causal Restructuring Event, and wasted no time to reestablish their empire and commit various atrocities in the incoming year. Soon the reborn Daevite Empire conquered most of Tibet and the Tarim basin, and having lived to the modern day the Daevites had managed to construct advanced weaponry such as plant-based mechas, along with utilizing guns and body armor. Although the anomalous world was plunged into chaos, the Foundation and the GOC worked hard to maintain the Veil of Secrecy, managing to mostly hide the reappearance of the Daevites from the outside world. The two organizations formed the GOC-SCP Alliance which employed the resources of various technologically advanced groups to create mechas and weapons of their own to battle and given the chance destroy the Daevite Empire. Some anomalous groups sided with the Alliance, others took the opportunity to advance their own goals, and there were few who attempted to adapt to the new state of the world.
