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Danger Montana is one of the main protagonist villains in the Crossed: Badlands story "The Livers", of which he is a member.


Danger Montana's main personality is that of a parody of Indiana Jones by dressing incredibly similarly to him, using a revolver as one of his main weapons, fought Nazis in World War two, and speaks as if he's from that era. However unlike Indiana Jones, Danger Montana is a massive pervert who was initially only interested in keeping Amanda around in order to rape her whenever he felt like it. However, after Amanda had forgiven him and he grew to respect her more, he willingly sacrificed himself to save her.

Montana's second personality was that of Amanda's husband in a 1950s setting, always seen wearing a suit and would "go out drinking with friends" like many married men at the time would do, as well as regularly have sex with Amanda and help her cook.

Montana's only other known personality is that of a spaceman he mentioned once. He appeared in this spacesuit later on in one of Amanda's dreams, protecting her against a giant alien bug on the moon.


Issue #1[]

Months after surviving her encounter with Harold Lorre, Amanda has become a paranoid wreck of her former self and has hooked up with a man named Frank whom she does not trust and his alleged son Frankie. Her traumatic experience with Lorre has left her with nightmares of the time he kidnapped her and almost force-fed her human flesh, so she refuses to tell Frank what her real name is, going by the name Kathy instead, just as she suspects he's lying to her to get into her head and manipulate her again. While out on a camping trip, while Frank and his son are sleeping, Amanda murders the both of them.

The next day, Amanda finds an abandoned town that looks to be completely untouched by The Crossed and after briefly stopping to help a wounded man who she believes will die anyways, she comes across a deranged man who calls himself Danger Montana who pulls a gun on her thinking she's trying to rob him and asks if she was the one who cut off her hand and if she ate it. Amanda asks if the man is joking before she's suddenly told to bend over and touch her toes so he can shoot a Crossed man that was sneaking up behind her, then make a run for it as more Crossed chase after them.

Amanda and Montana run until they find a bar where they set the place on fire in order to distract the Crossed long enough for them to sneak into the basement to go across the street into a locksmith's shop. Amanda asks Montana why he's dressed up like Indiana Jones, and he tells her he "sold his life story to Hollywood" and just as she's about to leave, Montana invites her to his home known as Base M to which she agrees and tells him her name is "Gilda". Once their Montana introduces Amanda to Sir Killweather, a man pretending to be a knight, and Great Kong, who acts like a primitive caveman. Killweather asks Montana why he brought a woman back with him to which he secretly replies "we're gonna get laid!" and Amanda worries she's made a big mistake following him.

Issue #2[]

As the group of Crossed that had tried to kill Amanda earlier, led by King Rat, kill one of their own to drink his blood and eat his flesh, Amanda is chained to a pipe by both Danger Montana and Great Kong so that they can rape her later. Amanda is aware of the danger she's in and conserves her strength for a moment to try and escape, and when Great Kong approaches her to try and rape her, Amanda pounces on his and tries ripping out his neck with her teeth but only manages to bite a chunk out of her soldier. Amanda is then nearly raped by both Sir Killweather and Great Kong, but Sir Killweather saves her by taking her to his room.

Meanwhile, King Rat sits at his throne when one of his subjects notices a grate that leads underground, exciting King Rat and he leads his subjects down to explore. Sir Killweather surprises Amanda by being genuinely very kind and respectful to her, even giving her a dress that makes her look like a princess, and the two have sex repeatedly. Just outside however, The Livers can hear King Rat's kingdom searching through the tunnels and stay quiet for several hours until they're sure they've left.

The Livers decide to celebrate by removing Amanda's chain and begin their "Resurrection" by creating new personas for themselves, and Amanda decides to become the princess Sir Killweather treats her as and reveals to them her real name. The Livers and Amanda feast on meat they call "nowgwump" and then they all head off to bed. When Amanda wakes up however, Sir Killweather has reinvented himself as his own jealous wife who beats Amanda and accuses her of trying to steal her "husband".

Issue #3[]

Sir Killweather ties Amanda to a chair and begins torturing her, all while Danger Montana and Great Kong tell her to let them inside. Montana refers to Killweather as "Maggie" and attempts to apologize for cheating on her in the past and while she's distracted, Great Kong frees one of Amanda's arm and Maggie notices this and believes they've tricked her, so she begins a fight with her husband Montana and Great Kong. At one point during the fight, Maggie throws a spear intending to kill Amanda but accidentally stabs Great Kong when he jumps in front of her to save her. Sir Killweather and Great Montana drop their acts to help Great Kong, releasing Amanda when she tells them she used to be a medical student and she can help him.

After patching up his wounds, Amanda takes Montana's gun and tells the group she's leaving them, though Great Kong alerts them to a Crossed man who has heard his screams. Amanda and The Livers leave the room and hear a Crossed man screaming at them from the other side of a concrete wall, worrying Montana enough to grab his rifle intending to go out and kill him, though Amanda tells him it's too late as he's likely already alerted other Crossed and reminds them their persistence won't allow them to stop coming after them. Amanda tells Killweather to open the hatch so that she can try and redirect them away from the town, and Killweather thanks her for her bravery before letting her out.

Once outside, Killweather wonders if she'll just abandon them and Montana says if she's smart, she will. Amanda however does not, shooting one of the Crossed so that they'll chase her throughout the neighborhood until she's punched to the ground by one of King Rat's subjects and just as he's about to rape Amanda, Montana shoots him in the head to save Amanda and runs away with her until they find a private house. King Rat tells his subjects that if they bring him Amanda so that he can eat her, he'll give them the world to burn, so they all begin to tear the town apart.

Meanwhile, Montana has reinvented himself as Amanda's husband in a 1950s fashion, and Amanda goes along with it while King Rat continues his search for the both of them.

Issue #4[]

Amanda continues to play along with Montana's new personality pretending to be his wife, even pretending to be pregnant and coming up with several potential names with him depending on whether or not it's a boy or a girl. One day, Montana leaves to go to "work" tough Amanda believes he'll just "go out drinking with his friends" and worries about him when she notices the Crossed are getting closer to their home and destroying everything in their path, so she pretends to call the police to fetch him for her and realizes that she's falling too deep into her madness like Harold Lorre would have wanted.

Montana finally returns home and reveals to her that he brought home dinner: a sack full of live puppies. Thankfully before any of them are killed, they hear a loud bang from outside and see that King Rat has started walking down their street, frustrated that it's been taking so long to find them. Montana knows they'll never stop until they catch at least one of them, so Montana knocks Amanda to the ground to prevent her following him outside where he's eventually cornered and Montana shoots himself in the head.

Amanda stays hidden for the next week while King Rat and the crossed mutilate Montana's body to the point where it's barely recognizable, so she takes his iconic hat and what's left of him she can find to return it to Great Kong and Sir Killweather. The two are devastated their friend has been killed and tell Amanda to bring his hat with her as it's what he would have wanted. Just as she's about to leave the town for good however she comes across Michael, the man who was trapped within a pit when she first entered the town, and he asks her to help him down. Amanda however decides to kill Michael and then brings back his body to Sir Killweather and Great Kong, taking up the mantle as Montana as she's accepted she's completely insane, and feasts on Michael's body with her friends.



  • Danger Montana has the most known personalities out of anyone else in The Livers, having three in total.


           Crossed Logo Villains

The Crossed
Edmund Wickenthorp's Father | Face | Horsecock | Joseph Pratt Jr. | Joyce Pratt
King Rat | Mattias Vichnyak | Sheriff Lorna Bishop | Stump | Beauregard Salt

Ashley and Ashlynne | Beauregard Salt | Clint Long | Clooney | Danger Montana | Edmund Wickenthorp
Gideon Welles | Great Kong | Greg Costello | Harold Lorre | Harris | Joe Pratt | Macavoy | Manatee Mike
Nathan | Richie | Sergei Naryishkin | Sir Killweather | Steve

The Livers