The Dark Digimon Army is an evil organization and are the supporting antagonists in the Digimon Adventure: 2020 reboot. They serve as soldiers of several important antagonists like Devimon, Argomon, Millenniummon, and their leader, Negamon.
A long time ago before the events in the series, in the ancient Digital World, several Holy Digimon nobly fought the forces of darkness led by Soundbirdmon. As the war raged on, the ultimate weapon of darkness, ZeedMillenniummon suddenly appeared, but became uncontrollable. The six legendary Digimon (who later became the Digidestined’s partners) sacrificed themselves to subdue ZeedMillenniummon except for WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. But the two remaining heroes fused together to become Omnimon and struck ZeedMillenniummon with his sword. The two remaining Holy Digimon, Seraphimon and Ophanimon sacrificed themselves to defeat ZeedMillenniummon and peace was restored.
However, prior to the events, peace did not last long as the Dark Digimon army rose up again to take over the Digital World. Ophanimon’s Digi-Egg was taken by the Vademon and was corrupted and reborn as SkullKnightmon. A shard of ZeedMillenniummon survived as Moon=Millenniummon and dwells in FAGA.
- Negamon (Deceased)
- Ogremon (Defected)
- Argomon (Deceased)
- Eyesmon (Deceased)
- Devimon (Defected and deceased)
- SkullKnightmon/AxeKnightmon (Defected and deceased)
- Millenniummon (Deceased)
- The Soundbirdmon/Ghoulmon (Deceased)
- Gorillamon (Deceased)
- Solarmon (Deceased)
- DarkTyrannomon (Unknown status)
- Coredramon (Blue Deceased, Green Defected)
- MetalTyrannomon (Deceased)
- CannonBeemon (Deceased)
- Kuwagamon (Deceased)
- Okuwamon (Deceased)
- Mammothmon (Deceased)
- Minotarumon (Deceased)
- Troopmon (Deceased in episode 19-20, Defected in episode 37)
- Velgemon (Deceased)
- Calmaramon (Deceased)
- Splashmon (Deceased)
- DarkMaildramon (Deceased)
- MarineDevimon (Deceased)
- Mephistomon (Deceased)
- Sakkakumon (Deceased)
- Vademon (Deceased)
- Machinedramon (Deceased)
- Gryphonmon (Deceased)