Sir Knuckles of the House of Edmund, currently known as Dark Enerjak or just Enerjak, is the main antagonist of the Silver Saga storyline in Sonic Universe comic series by Archie Comics. This alternate future version of Knuckles the Echidna, hailing from the Zone known as Dark Mobius, went mad with power and took over the world, and planned on taking over new ones.
Knuckles' past was identical to his Prime Zone counterpart's until the point where he attempted to reunify the Dark Legion as Chaos Knuckles. Due to no inteference from Lara-Su, he eventually let his powers corrupt him. He took over the Dark Legion after growing disappointed with its leadership, and absorbed the High Council into it. He eventually killed Dr. Eggman and continued to use the Legion to influence affairs on Mobius, with his friends and even his common-law wife Julie-Su beginning to oppose his actions, realizing what he was becoming.
After a failed assassinatio attempt by Remington, Knuckles fully gave in to Enerjak's spirit, taking over Mobius over the years and killing many of its heroes and villains, including Sonic and Lara-Su. He removed his victims' Cores to make Prelates out of them, and hanged their bodies as trophies in his citadel. He was, however, opposed by the Dark Freedom Fighters, led by Julie-Su and her and Knuckles' daughter Lara-Su, also known as Jani-Ca. To prevent his daughter from finding the Sword of Acorns, he sank the continent of Downunda.
Sonic Universe[]
Seeking new challenges in alternate Zones, Dark Enerjak sent Prelate-V into Prime Zone's future, alerting its hero Silver of the Dark Mobius' existence. By confronting the Prelate, however, Silver let himself be known to Knuckles, who awaited his arrival. Finding the Freedom Fighters' account, he attacked them, starting a fight against them and Silver. He managed to kill and de-core most of the remaining Freedom Fighters, though Silver and Jani-Ca remained standing. When he was about to finish off the hedgehog, Jani-Ca used the Sword of Acorns' power to drain Enerjak of his power, making him go into her body, and leaving Knuckles a withered, powerless echidna. Jani-Ca then destroyed the sword to make sure Knuckles could never become Enerjak again.
Knuckles would reluctantly aid his daughter in repairing the damage caused to Mobius, including the possible resurrection of those he had de-cored.
- Dark Enerjak's armor is seen in the No Zone storage during the Scourge: Lockdown arc, suggesting that either he or a variant of him had become a No Zone inmate.
(Archie Comics) Villains | ||
Eggman Empire Sub-Bosses Egg Bosses Badnik Horde Dingo Regime Battle Bird Armada Witchcarters Others Order of Ixis Overland Dark Legion Guardian Units of the Nation Team Dark Destructix
Babylon Rogues Suppression Squad Sol Dimension Iron Dominion Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy Zone Light Mobius Dark Mobius Another Time, Another Place Zone Jail Black Arms Future Timeline Breeze Media Deadly Six Pirates of the Setting Dawn Others See Also |