Abra Kadabra |
Amanda Waller |
Amos Fortune |
Amazo |
Anarky |
Angle Man |
Anti-Justice League |
Anti-Monitor |
Appellaxians |
Aquarius |
Ares |
Atrocitus |
Asmodel |
Atomic Skull |
Axis America |
Bane |
Barbatos |
The Batman Who Laughs |
Bizarro |
Black Adam |
Blackfire |
Black Hand |
Black Lantern Corps |
Black Manta |
Black Mask |
Black Spider |
Blockbuster |
Blue Beetle (Dark Multiverse) |
Brain |
Brainiac (Antimatter) |
Bronze Tiger |
Brother Blood |
Brother Eye |
Brotherhood of Evil |
Cadre |
Calculator |
Calendar Man |
Camazotz |
Captain Boomerang |
Captain Cold |
Carol Ferris |
Castle Bat |
Catalyst |
Catman |
Catwoman |
Cheetah |
Chemo |
Chronos |
Cheshire |
Circe |
Clayface |
Clock King |
Cluemaster |
Copperhead |
Construct |
Cosmic King |
Crazy Quilt |
Crime Syndicate of America |
Crucifer |
Cyborgirl |
Cyborg Superman |
Darkseid |
Dark Supergirl |
Deadline |
Deadshot |
Deathstroke |
Demolition Team |
Demons Three |
Despero |
Devil Nezha |
Doctor Alchemy |
Doctor Destiny |
Doctor Double X |
Doctor Impossible |
Doctor Light |
Doctor Manhattan |
Doctor Phosphorus |
Doctor Polaris |
Doctor Poison |
Doctor Psycho |
Doctor Regulus |
Doctor Sivana |
Dominators |
Doomsday |
Dragon King |
Dumas |
Earthworm |
Eclipso |
Electrocutioner |
Elite |
Empty Hand |
Enchantress |
Epoch the Lord of Time |
Eradicator |
Eisno Alkor |
Evil Star |
Fatal Five |
Felix Faust |
Fiddler |
Firefly |
Floronic Man |
Frost King |
Funky Flashman |
Gamemnae |
General Eiling |
Genocide |
Gentleman Ghost |
Giganta |
Godzilla |
Golden Glider |
Goldface |
Gorilla Grodd |
Granny Goodness |
Great Darkness |
Gunhawk |
Harley Quinn |
Heat Wave |
Hector Hammond |
Hellgrammite |
Hugo Strange |
Human Flame |
Hyena |
Ibac |
Icicle |
Imperiex |
Inferno |
Injustice League |
Intergang |
I.Q. |
Johnny Sorrow |
Joker (JLA: The Nail, Jokerzard) |
Kalibak |
Kanjar-Ro |
KGBeast |
Key |
Killer Croc |
Killer Frost |
Killer Moth |
King Kull |
King Shark |
Kite Man |
Kobra |
Kobra Cult |
Krona |
Larfleeze |
League Buster |
League of Assassins |
Legion of Doom |
Lex Luthor |
Libra |
Lion Mane |
Livewire |
Lobo |
Ma'alefa'ak |
Mad Hatter |
Mageddon |
Magpie |
Major Force |
Manchester Black |
Manhunters |
Mantis |
Matter Master |
Maxie Zeus |
Maxwell Lord |
Mercy Graves |
Metallo |
Mekanique |
Merlyn |
Milkman Man |
Mirror Master |
Mister Atom |
Mister Mind |
Mister Mxyzptlk |
Mister Nebula |
Mr. Freeze |
Mongul |
Mordred |
Mordru |
Morgaine Le Fey |
Multiplex |
Nekron |
Nekron (Pre-Crisis) |
Neron |
Neutron |
Nightshade |
Obsidan |
Ocean Master |
Orange Lantern Corps |
Overman |
Pariah |
Parademons |
Parallax |
Parasites (Rudy Jones | Joshua Michael Allen) |
Peacemaker |
Penguin |
Perpetua |
Pied Piper |
Plastique |
Poison Ivy |
Professor Ivo |
Professor Zoom |
Prometheus |
Psycho-Pirate |
Queen Bee |
Queen of Fables |
Ra's al Ghul |
Rainbow Raider |
Rama Khan |
Red Death |
Red King |
Red Panzer |
Red Lantern Corps |
Red Volcano |
Riddler |
Roulette |
Royal Flush Gang |
Satanus |
Scarecrow |
Science Squad |
Sea King |
Secret Society of Super Villains |
Shade |
Shadow Thief |
Shaggy Man |
Shark |
Simon Stagg |
Sinestro |
Sinestro Corps |
Solomon Grundy |
Star Sapphire |
Starbreaker |
Starro |
Steppenwolf |
Steven Mandragora |
Suicide Squad |
Superboy-Prime |
Superwoman |
Talia al Ghul |
Tattooed Man |
Terra-Man |
The Thinker |
The Kindred |
T.O. Morrow |
Tobias Whale |
Toyman |
Trigon |
Two-Face |
Upside Down Man |
Ultra-Humanite |
Vandal Savage |
Veronica Cale |
Volcana |
Warp |
Weather Wizard |
White Martians |
Wizard |
Xanadoth |
Zod |
Theatrical Movies
Justice League: Steppenwolf | Parademons (Parademon Scout) | Darkseid | Black Clad (Black Clad Alpha) | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Ares
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Darkseid's Elite (Darkseid, Steppenwolf, DeSaad, Granny Goodness, & Parademons) | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Black Clad (Black Clad Alpha) | Ares | Joker
DC League of Super-Pets: Lulu | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Whiskers | Mutant Guinea Pigs
Direct-to-video Movies
Justice League: The New Frontier: The Centre | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grood | Ra's al Ghul | Black Manta | Brainiac | Cheetah | Darkseid | Doctor Light | Gentleman Ghost | Harley Quinn | Joker | Kalibak | Key | Mxyzptlk | Riddler | Doctor Sivana | Star Sapphire | Starro | Two-Face | Ultra-Humanite | Lex Luthor
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Crime Syndicate of America (Owlman, Ultraman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, J'edd J'arkus, & Archer ) | Lex Luthor | White Martians | President Slade Wilson | Rose Wilson | Starro
Justice League: Doom: Legion of Doom (Vandal Savage, Bane, Cheetah, Ma'alefa'ak, Metallo, Mirror Master, & Star Sapphire) | Royal Flush Gang (King, Queen, Jack, Ace, & Ten)
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: Professor Zoom | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Ocean Master | Black Manta | Deathstroke | Lex Luthor | Clayface | Rogues (Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Top, Heat Wave, & Mirror Master) | Joker | Yo-Yo
Justice League: War: Darkseid | Desaad | Parademons | Ocean Master
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Ocean Master | Black Manta | The Trench | Lex Luthor
Justice League: Gods and Monsters: Will Magnus | Darkseid | Desaad | Granny Goodness | Kalibak | Parademons | Steppenwolf | Livewire | Blockbuster | Cheetah | Dru-Zod | Doctor Sivana | President Waller
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon |
Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul
Justice League vs. the Fatal Five: Fatal Five (Emerald Empress, Mano, Persuader, Tharok, & Validus) | Bloodsport | Two-Face | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy
Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen: Kilg%re | Arthur Watts (digital copy) | Grimm | Weather Wizard | Mirror Master | Killer Croc
Justice League: Warworld: Mongul | Jonah Hex | Deimos | Lobo | White Martians
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Anti-Monitors | Psycho-Pirate | Lex Luthor | Crime Syndicate of America (Ultraman, Owlman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, & Power Ring) | Hal Jordan | Mon-El | Shadow Demons | Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor (Earth-10), Joker, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Solomon Grundy, Killer Croc, & Electrocutioner) | Parademons | Lobo | Razer | Aya | Joker (Earth-12)
Justice League: Lex Luthor (Justice Lords' President) | Hro Talak | Cheetah | Star Sapphire | Shade | Copperhead | Ultra-Humanite | Solomon Grundy | Joker | Kanjar-Ro | Lord Orm | General Brak | Deadshot | Felix Faust | Gorilla Grodd | Aresia | Morgaine Le Fey | Mordred | Simon Stagg | Amazo | Volcana | Luminus | Firefly | Doctor Destiny | Despero | Giganta | Killer Frost | Sinestro | Parasite | Clayface | Metallo | Kalibak | Livewire | Weather Wizard | Toyman | Royal Flush Gang (Harley Quinn) | Mercy Graves | Vandal Savage | Brainiac | Darkseid | Lobo | Justice Lords (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, & J'onn J'onzz) | Ray Thompson | Kragger | Paran Dul | Manhunters | Old Ones (Ichthultu) | Imperium (J. Allen Carter)
Justice League Unlimited: Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Darkseid | Mongul | Ares | KGBeast | Copperhead | Blockbuster | Cheetah | Mordred | Morgaine Le Fey | Circe | Roulette | Mordru | Maxwell Lord | Amanda Waller | General Wade Eiling | Solomon Grundy | Chronos | Tobias Manning | Atomic Skull | Granny Goodness | Kalibak | Tala | Hugo Strange | Professor Milo | Doomsday | Deadshot | Plastique | Captain Boomerang | Clock King | Felix Faust | Mantis | Gorilla Grodd | Bizarro | Giganta | Heat Wave | Sinestro | Doctor Destiny | Star Sapphire | Toyman | Volcana | Silver Banshee | Metallo | Killer Frost | Orion | Captain Cold | Mirror Master | Fatal Five | Gentleman Ghost | Virman Vundabar | Justice Lords (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, & J'onn J'onzz) | Kragger | Paran Dul | Devil Ray
Justice League Action: Darkseid | Black Adam | Parasite | Lobo | Solomon Grundy | Mongul | Chronos | Joker | Toyman | Lex Luthor | Harley Quinn | Felix Faust | Circe | Brainiac | Zod | Mr. Freeze | Killer Frost | Deadshot | Two-Face | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Roxy Rocket | Desaad | Gorilla Grodd | Mister Mxyzptlk | Amazo | Calculator | Granny Goodness | Kalibak | Sinestro | Brain | Riddler | Titano | Star Sapphire | Cheetah | Carmine Falcone | Bizarro | Kanjar-Ro | Bud and Lou | Mister Mind | Red Lantern Corps (Atrocitus)
Video Games
Justice League Task Force: Darkseid | Shrapnel | Despero | Cheetah
Justice League Heroes: Darkseid | Brainiac | Doomsday | The General | Gorilla Grodd | The Key | Promethus | Killer Frost | Queen Bee | White Martians | Zoom
Justice League Heroes: The Flash: Gorilla Grodd | Circe | Killer Frost | Brainiac
Justice League: Chronicles: Amazo | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Vandal Savage
Justice League Action Run: Darkseid | Harley Quinn | Joker | Lex Luthor | Lobo | Mongul | Mr. Freeze |Circe | Felix Faust | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Penguin | Solomon Grundy | Steppenwolf
Justice League: Injustice for All: Lex Luthor | Star Sapphire | Solomon Grundy | Cheetah | Joker | Shade | Felix Faust | Ultra-Humanite
Injustice: Gods Among Us: One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Yellow Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Shazam, Nightwing, Raven, Hawkgirl, Sinestro, Black Adam, Killer Frost, Solomon Grundy, Catwoman, Bane, & Doomsday) | Joker | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Ares
Injustice 2: Brainiac | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Cheetah | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Bane | Scarecrow | One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Nightwing & Black Adam) | Dr. Fate | The Lords of Order | Grid | Atrocitus | Joker | Darkseid
Injustice: Joker | Brainiac | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Cheetah | Darkseid | Deadshot | Killer Frost | Poison Ivy
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League: Brainiac | Justice League (Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Batman) | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang & King Shark) | Gizmo | Penguin | Lex Luthor | Poison Ivy | Riddler
See Also
Justice League Dark Villains |
Justice League International Villains |
Justice Society Villains |
Young Justice Villains