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Villains Wiki
Darth Xedrix

Darth Xedrix was an elderly male Human who was one of five Dark Lords of the Sith who served in the Dark Council of the Sith Empire. He was also the Council's longest serving member.


As of 3,954 BBY he and several other members of the Dark Council, including Darth Nyriss, were working to bring the Emperor down, as they considered him arrogant, powerful, and mad, and viewed his plan to attack the Republic as suicidal. In an attempt to keep the alliance unknown to the Emperor, Darth Nyriss faked assassination attempts on her life. Although it was planned to have Nyriss' own followers investigate, the Emperor sent Lord Scourge, and the plan changed. Sechel, another of Nyriss' men, and Scourge were able to discover that a group of Human separatists from Bosthirda were behind the assassination attempts, and during a raid on their compound found evidence that Xedrix was allied with them.

Using a replication of the separatists' coded communications, Scourge sent a message to Xedrix impersonating the separatists and asking the Sith Lord to meet with them at a cave on Bosthirda. Xedrix traveled to the location, bringing one male Human and one female Human apprentice with him. When they arrived they were attacked by Scourge, who defeated and killed the two apprentices. Xedrix, who weak from age and use of the dark side, after watching the whole scene unfold before him without making a single move, gathered his strength for one attack and unleashed a violent and devastating attack of Force lightning at Scourge. Scourge, though both taken by surprise and hurt by the elderly human's attack, recovered and prepared to kill the Sith Lord. Xedrix attempted to turn Scourge to his side, by lying to him that Nyriss had sent him to die and, though truthfully, telling him that she was using him as a pawn in a greater game. Scourge was not convinced and, realizing that the Sith was as weak as Nyriss had said, he killed Xedrix and brought his severed head back to Nyriss as proof that the Sith was dead.


            Star wars old republic Villains

Sith Empire
Ajunta Pall | Darth Acina | Darth Vowrawn | Marka Ragnos | Naga Sadow | Tulak Hord | Vitiate

Dark Council
Darth Acharon | Darth Arctis | Darth Arho | Darth Arkous | Darth Aruk | Darth Asamin | Darth Baras | Darth Charnus | Darth Decimus | Darth Drear | Darth Ekkage | Darth Hadra | Darth Howl | Darth Igrol | Darth Ikora | Darth Jadus | Darth Karrid | Darth Lokess | Darth Marr | Darth Mekhis | Darth Mortis | Darth Nox | Darth Nyriss | Darth Ravage | Darth Rictus | Darth Thanaton | Darth Vengean | Darth Zhorrid

The Emperor's Wrath

Sith Lords
Aloysius Kallig | Darth Andru | Darth Angral | Darth Atroph | Darth Cendence | Darth Chratis | Darth Enraj | Darth Fastus | Darth Gravus | Darth Hexid | Darth Ikoral | Darth Jaga | Darth Kallous | Darth Lachris | Darth Malgus | Darth Minax | Darth Nurin | Darth Ouzal | Darth Sajar | Darth Serevin | Darth Silthaar | Darth Skotia | Darth Sorranos | Darth Tormen | Darth Venemal | Darth Vich | Darth Viktus | Darth Vilus | Darth Xedrix | Darth Zash | Lord Draahg | Lord Grathan | Lord Nefarid | Lord Praven | Lord Razer | Lord Sadic | Lord Tarnis | Lord Vindican | Lord Vivicar | Xalek

Sith Apprentices and Acolytes
Vemrin | Ashara Zavros | Jaesa Willsaam

Rycus Kilran | Arkos Rakton | Bex Kotos | Cipher Nine | Harron Tavus | Imperial Guard | Lieutenant Pierce | Malavai Quinn | Moff Broysc | Ryler Dorant | Vanto Bazren | Zora

Revan and Malak's Sith Empire
Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Revan | Darth Malak

Shadow Hand
Darth Bandon | Bastila Shan

Saul Karath

Sith Troopers

Calo Nord | Darth Voren | Darth Glovoc | HK-47

Sith Triumvirate
Darth Nihilus | Darth Sion | Darth Traya

Hutt Cartel
Karagga the Unyielding | Nem'ro the Hutt | Toborro the Hutt | Szajin the Hutt

Eternal Empire
Valkorion | Arcann | Vaylin

Knights of Zakuul

Hidden Chain
Heta Kol | Ri'kan Kateen | Sa'har Kateen | Bask Sunn | Tyrus Brokenblade | Durn Wynnward

Other Sith and Dark Jedi
Atris | Bengel Morr | Dorjander Kace | Dread Masters | Haazen | Jun Seros | Nomen Karr | Order of Revan | Simus | Xendor

Andronikos Revel | Black Sun | Black Vulkars (Brejik) | Broonmark | Canderous Ordo | Cassus Fett | Chantique | Chuundar | Colonel Tobin | Coorta | Czerka Corporation | Demagol | Eagle | Exchange (Davik Kang | Ukabi) | General Vaklu | Great Hunt Champion | Hanharr | HK-50 | Hunter | Kaliyo Djannis | Kephess | Khem Val | Mandalore the Ultimate | Migrant Merchants' Guild | Rakata (Soa) | Rakghouls | Sel-Makor | Shae Vizla | The Shroud | Skavak | Star Cabal | Tarro Blood | Terror from Beyond | Visquis | Xor

See Also
Star Wars Villains | Star Wars Legends Villains | Star Wars Visions Villains
