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Those that defy the Daruga Imperial Army will be eliminated!
~ Commander Adorocs in episode 34.

The Daruga Imperial Army are the main antagonists for the second half of Genseishin Justiriser. They are a vast intergalactic army seeking to dominate the entire universe.


The Daruga Imperial Army conquered and destroyed dozens of planets in their campaign to control the galaxy. After the planets Earth and Riser were identified as holding powers which posed a threat to Majin Daruga's universal conquest, the Hades Army, a sub-faction of the army led by Daruga's younger brother Kaiser Hades, went to war with Planet Riser. During the conflict, Daruga had his Legendar Drake personally assassinate the Riser princess Maia. After the Hades Army devastated Planet Riser, the surviving Riser aliens formed a resistance against the Daruga Imperial Army. When Hades targeted Earth next, a fleet led by the Riser heroine Nolun defeated Hades before he could destroy the planet and sealed him using the Stellar Plates. While Hades lay sealed on Earth, the rest of the Daruga Imperial Army continued their conquest of the universe.

Kaiser Hades would later be unsealed by his surviving henchman Doctor Zora and resumed his conquest, only to be defeated by Earth's Justirisers. Upon receiving word of Hades's death, Majin Daruga took an interest in the Justirisers' Justi Power and ordered the Daruga Imperial Army to target Earth for invasion next. While Daruga readied his fleet for a full assault on the Earth, he dispatched Commander Adorocs and the Legendars under him to act as a vanguard and prepare the planet for the Daruga Army's invasion.

Commander Adorocs attempted to eliminate the Justirisers so the Daruga Army would face no resistance when they finally arrived. After the Justirisers killed Adorocs, Daruga arrived on Earth with the bulk of the invasion force, undaunted by the fact that the Justirisers were still alive.

After Daruga absorbed Demon Knight's Riser Power to become Kurogane, he summoned his Battle Fortress Planet Diglos in order to use its Gigatron Cannon to destroy the Earth. While the Diglos' Gigatron Cannon charged up its beam, Daruga deployed his Bulgario mecha army to ravage the city and keep the Justirisers at bay while the Gigatron Cannon prepared to fire. Before the Gigatron Cannon could destroy the planet, Glen and Demon Knight flew up in Ken Riser and Ryuto and destroyed the Diglos, seemingly sacrificing themselves in the process.

However, Kurogane managed to survive Diglos's destruction and descended to Earth to finish off the Justirisers, declaring that he would simply conquer Earth and turn it into the seat of a new empire as his mobile war planet. After Glen and Demon Knight revealed themselves to be alive and joined their teammates in facing Kurogane, Kurogane enlarged himself into his gigantic true form and went on a rampage. In response, Mio and Jinno used their Justi and Riser powers in conjunction with the powers of Ryuto and the Genseishin to merge the three Justirisers into a giant-sized Shirogane. The giant Shirogane vanquished Kurogane, marking the end of the Daruga Imperial Army.


Battle Fortress Planet Diglos[]

Diglos Ep50

The Diglos is a colossal space battlestation which serves as the headquarters of the Daruga Imperial Army. Its size is comparable to a moon or a small planet. It is outfitted with the Gigatron Cannon, a particle beam weapon which, when fully charged, can fire a bolt of energy powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. It also contains a massive hanger which can deploy hordes of Bulgario mecha to launch blitz attacks on a planet's surface.

It was summoned to Earth's orbit by Kurogane to destroy the planet during the final stage of the Daruga Army's invasion.


Daruga spaceships Ep41

Daruga spaceships are orange, triangular shuttle-like spacecrafts which serve as combat vehicles for the Daruga Imperial Army's space fleet. They attack by firing beams. They are typically sent out in large numbers and often used by the Daruga Army to bombard cities and carry out other attacks against ground targets. When enough spaceships are in formation, they are capable of razing swathes of territory on a planet's surface.

Commander Adorocs also used a formation of spaceships to gather up crayfish so he could fuse them all into the Combined Space Beast Zarigan.




           Nav - Ultra Star GodVillains

GranSazer Logo
Warp Monarch
Karin Saeki | Sturcus | Bisil | Ramon | Kilardo Alien | Fedora | Gadaru Alien | Gorfin Alien | Omega | Troius | Gig Fighters
Impactors: Logia | Lucia | Radia | Impactor Superior
Garbans: Belzeus | Brighton | Algol | Gorgion | Cabryon

Ryuji Naito | Clo-Akelon | Kriminel | Bosquito

Justi Logo
Hades Army
Kaiser Hades | General Bacchus | Doctor Zora | Demon Knight | Zakoal
Cyber Knights: Zaurus | Morgulis | Gildoross | Armor Gunner | Rhino Slave | Zekard | Guardius | Rajimeus | Gundelon
Death Commandos: Gillmond | Destalan | Basky | Twins Knight | Danhauser
Space Beasts: Defrog | Troidon | Buglian | Gillmone | Leo Gaias | King Zero | Bulgario | Devoras | Scaraberus | Glaster

Daruga Imperial Army
Majin Daruga | Commander Adorocs | Zakoal
Legendars: Valgan | Gargoid | Gameleon | Armyul | Drake
Space Beasts: Bahadorg | Leo Gaias II | Zarigan | Egzerion | Megarion | Bulgario Army

Space Pirate Fleet Descal
Captain Barder | Raideg | Agurag | Lezekka | Sandstorm | Bankein | Gig Fighters
Three Shoguns: Blaird | Aqual | Cyclead
Space Terror Beasts: Reizaus | Winmiller | Bardress
Synthetic Terror Beasts: Big Stag | Graptor

Future Space Pirate Fleet Neo Descal
King Neo Descal | Barreda | Garade | Grouza | Jackall | Dolpick | Pierce | Rebolt | Zeoria | Arigod | Dagos | Gulnada | Ultimate | Devider | Deathmeid
Future Terror Beasts: Deathbar | Diros | Dark Geran
Synthetic Terror Beasts: Reimirad

New Bosquito | Mammoth Bosquito
