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Mackey's not a cop. He's Al Capone with a badge.
~ Aceveda's most famous quote.

David Aceveda is one of the main antagonists of The FX television series The Shield.

He starts out as the well-intentioned Captain of the Barn, trying to bring Vic Mackey and the men under his command to justice.

He was portrayed by Benito Martinez, who also portrayed Edgar in Supernatural.


Aceveda is very politically motivated and concerned with his own self-image due to his desire to one day be Mayor. He often treats those under his command with Condescension and impatience. In spite of this he is still an honorable man as he refused to fire cops from the Barn for the sake of publicity, as he considered them "good hard working people", Only being willing to fire Mackey, Shane Vendrell, Ronnie Gardocki and Lem Lemansky. He was also genuinely angered by the homophobic way some officers treated Julien Lowe after he was outed as gay.

Aceveda hates Vic for his corruption and Murder of Terry Crowley but still sometimes turns a blind eye to his crimes for the greater good, once allowing Vic to beat a pedophile in order to get the location of a little girl they had kidnapped. After Juan sexually assaulted him his personality took a turn for the worse as he became a lot more self-absorbed and showed himself to be two-faced as he offered Monica Rawling a platform to explain her ideas with the sole intention of undermining them to benefit his own political career. Aceveda even became willing to arrange murder, something he would have been revolted by in the earlier Seasons.


During a gang bust on a home Aceveda was forced by Juan Lozano to perform oral sex. When Juan was later arrested on unrelated charges, Aceveda kept him quiet by threatening him with various ways to ruin the lives of his loved ones. Aceveda hadn't gone full villain quite yet as he jeopardized his political career to apprehend a child-killer earning him Vic's respect. The rape he experienced by Juan had a negative effect on Aceveda's relationship with his wife which seemed quite happy and stable previously. When Aceveda finally opened up she blamed him for it. Aceveda later begins seeing a prostitute and acting out rape fantasies to cope.

Aceveda advanced in politics, becoming a councilman. When Juan again threatened to go public with the details of what happened Aceveda made a deal with child killer Antwon Mitchell to get him released from prison if he silenced Juan which he did by killing him much to his former colleagues disgust. Antwon was arrested again soon after.

In order to avoid facing bribery charges Aceveda helped John Kavanaugh with his his investigation into Vic and the Strike Team. Aceveda fooled them into thinking Lem had turned rat leading to his death at the hands of Shane Vendrell. Vic got his hands on a picture of Aceveda being attacked by Juan and used it to force him to help him keep his job. Aceveda suggested he use his two autistic children as a sympathy card but a disgusted Vic refused.

Despite this, Vic got away with his crimes because of an immunity deal Aceveda offered words of comfort to Captain Claudette Wyms. At the end of the series, Aceveda faced no repercussions for his crimes and is on the fast track to being mayor.


           Shieldlogo Villains

Vic Mackey | David Aceveda | Shane Vendrell | Curtis Lemansky | Ronnie Gardocki | Armenian Mafia

Season 1
Ben Gilroy | David Aceveda | Sean Taylor | Rondell Robinson

Season 2
Armadillo Quintero | Lanie Kellis | Alex Eznik | Armin Chorekian | Ben Gilroy

Season 3
Margos Dezerian | Cuddler Rapist | Goma Magar | Kail Saffian | Lyor Slavok | Juan Lozano

Season 4
Antwon Mitchell | Halpern White | Alex Kozodav | Kleavon Gardner | Emolia Melendez | One-Niners

Season 5
John Kavanaugh | Antwon Mitchell | David Aceveda | Doomsday | Kleavon Gardner

Season 6
Shane Vendrell | Cruz Pezuela | Diro Kesakian | Guardo Lima | Ari Zadofian | Ellis Rezian

Season 7
Shane Vendrell | Mara Vendrell | Lloyd Denton | Ellis Rezian | Guillermo Beltran | Cruz Pezuela

The Game
Hagop | Mardig | Reuben Diaz | Antwon Watts | Jorge Cruz | Margos Dezerian

See Also
S.W.A.T. Villains

External Links[]

David Aceveda on the The Shield Wiki
