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David Hiles: I didn't expect to get caught quite this early, and i certainly expected... more conventional authorities when the time did come... Very well. Mark, Samantha... please do come inside.
Atom Eve: How did you--?
David Hiles: Are you kidding me? You're not even wearing a mask. Follow me, I'll show you the fourth mission student. I assure you, i have no intention of resisting.
Invincible: Fourth?
David Hiles: Yes. One of them hasn't been reported missing yet. It's just through here.
Invincible: It?
David Hiles: Yes... It. I can't think of a more fitting segue into my confession... see... it was the constant pestering and belittling from things like what you see before you that caused my son to commit suicide. My son's suicide resulting in my divorce... and my divorce led to me losing my job.
Invincible: Derek!
David Hiles: I'll spare you the boring details. It's notcthe death of my son I'm avenging... that would be far too cliché. No... it's the destruction of my life that has me seeking revenge. It's the domino effect of pain and sorrow that these monsters create. Children that spend too much time at the mall... attend parties... consume alcohol... and play sports, when they should be studying, and doing homework.
Invincible: What did you do to him?
David Hiles: What i did to all of them. I turned him into a living bomb, an instrument with which to exact my revenge... my crusade to end the pain and sorrow caused by these... "popular" kids... ...and i can't think of a more appropriate end to my crusade... ...than the death of two superheroes! Oh Dear, i must have started the timer too late after you got here. No matter, you'll have a few more seconds to--
Invincible: I'm not waiting around for this. C'mere!
~ David Hiles confessing his crimes to Invincible and Atom Eve before revealing his plan to kill the two superheroes, including himself.

David Hiles is the main antagonist of Volume One: Family Matters in the Image Comics series Invincible. He is a former weapons engineer for a military sanctioned research firm before his son committed suicide due to bullying, which resulted in him getting divorced from his wife and losing his job. He joined the staff of Reginald Vel Johnson High School, where two of his students were Mark Grayson and Samantha Wilkins, the teenage superheroes called Invincible and Atom Eve.

The teacher was secretly kidnapping popular students, turning them into living bombs and leaving them to explode in malls. He is doing this to take revenge against children that spend too much time at the mall, parties, drinking alcohol, and play sports when they should be studying and doing homework. Towards the end, he made himself a living bomb and tried to kill Atom Eve and Invincible. He failed as Invincible threw him into the sky before he exploded.


David Hiles was a physics teacher at Reginald Vel Johnson High School during the senior year of the class that included Mark Grayson (Invincible) and Samantha Wilkins (Atom Eve). Toward the end of the school year, three students of the school went missing, causing an investigation and warnings to the students about unusual activity.

At the same time, a mysterious rash of mall bombings was taking place, baffling in that the explosions were so powerful there was no evidence left at the scene. While on a routine patrol, Invincible witnessed his father, Omni-Man, for a mail bombing.

To Invincible's surprise, the bomb was actually one of his missing classmates. Invincible developed a theory that the missing students were being turned into living bombs and took it to Robot, then a member of the Teen Team. Robot concurred, as his investigation into the explosions had revealed they were organic in nature.

Soon after, Robot discovered through extensive background checks that just his physics teacher David Hiles had the knowledge necessary to create the living bombs. Robot's investigation revealed that Hiles had previously worked as an engineer for Globaltech, a military sanctioned research firm. Based on the new information, Invincible and Atom Eve went to Hiles' house to investigate. Invincible and Eve confronted Hiles, who openly confessed his plot. Upon revealing the fourth victim, Derek Sanders, Hiles detailed his plan to seek revenge on the so-called "popular" students he blamed for his son's suicide, his divorce and the subsequent loss of his job. As an end to his crusade, Hiles revealed that he had turned himself into a living bomb and threatens to blow up killing the two superheroes, including himself. With only seconds left before detonation, Invincible grabbed Hiles and flew him to Antarctica where he exploded.

Derek Saunders was disarmed, through the modifications Hiles had wrought upon him could not be fully reversed. David Hiles was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, a night a drunk and angry Derek urinates on David Hiles's grave for what Hiles did to him.



  • David Hiles embodies the stereotype of the evil teacher that punishes undisciplined students in cruel and unusual ways.
  • The shot where Hiles recognized both Mark and Eve as Invincible and Atom Eve, especially 'cause Eve doesn't even wear a mask, reflects like some superheroes are obviously recognizable but no one figure it out.
  • While Hiles does not appear physically in the animated adaptation, a news report on him can be briefly heard in episode two when Omni-Man arrives home after defeating the Flaxans.


           Invincible comics logo Villains

Viltrum Empire
Argall | Thragg | Nolan (Earth-646) | Conquest | Oliver Grayson | Kregg | Anissa | Thula | Lucan | Vidor | Onaan | Ursaal

Alternate Mark Graysons
Invincible (Earth-646) | Mohawk Mark | Sinister Mark | Viltrum Mark

The Order
Mr. Liu | Titan | Embrace | Face | Furnace | Insomniac | Isotope | Machine Head | Multi-Paul | Octoboss | Red Eye | Set | Slaying Mantis | Squidmen | Walking Dread | War Woman II

Lizard League
Queen Lizard | King Lizard | Supreme Lizard | Iguana | Komodo Dragon | Salamander

Global Defense Agency
Director Radcliffe | Cecil Stedman | Steven Erickson | D.A. Sinclair | Reanimen | Rodgers | Phase Two

Flaxan Empire
Slash | Monax

Angstrom Levy | Battle Beast | Bi-Plane | Bulletproof | Cho | Damian Darkblood | Darkwing II | Data Twin 2 | David Hiles | Dinosaurus | Doc Seismic | Elephant | The Giant | Gridlock | Killcannon | Knuckle Buster and Force Fist | Kursk | Magmaniac | Magmanites | Magnattack | Master Mind | Mauler Twins | Omnipotus | Powerplex | Rampage | Roarface | Robot | Rus Livingston | Sanford | Sequids | Tether Tyrant | Vault | Volcanikka
