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NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Deadpool from the X-Men film series and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The mainstream version can be found here: Deadpool (Marvel). |
“ | From the studio that inexplicably sewed his fucking mouth shut the first time comes five-time Academy Award viewer, Ryan Reynolds in an eHarmony date with destiny. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... me! Deadpool. | „ |
~ Deadpool introduces himself. |
“ | Maximum effort! | „ |
~ Deadpool's catchphrase. |
“ | Fuck your rules! I fight for what's right, and sometimes, you gotta fight dirty! | „ |
~ Deadpool to Colossus. |
Wade Winston Wilson, better known as Deadpool, is a major character in 20th Century Fox's X-Men film series and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In his characterization, he is a highly advanced freelance Canadian mercenary who was turned into a living weapon as part of the Weapon X program in two timelines. In the original timeline, he was modified by William Stryker into Weapon XI using the superpowers of several mutants on Team X. In the revised timeline, he had his latent mutant genes awakened by Ajax, resulting in him gaining all-encompassing regenerative abilities and fourth-wall-breaking powers but also getting his face irreparably scarred, leading to him becoming the anti-heroic vigilante Deadpool.
Quick Answers
What is Deadpool's real name in the X-Men film series?
How does Deadpool's character differ in the X-Men movies compared to the mainstream Marvel version?
How is Deadpool portrayed in the X-Men and Marvel Cinematic Universe?
- He is portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in the 2009 film X-Men Origins: Wolverine and in the Deadpool trilogy. Reynolds also played Jerry Hickfang in The Voices, Juggernaut in Deadpool 2, the Eteon Director in Hobbs & Shaw, Dude in Free Guy and Nolan Booth in Red Notice.
- In the finale of X-Men Origins: Wolverine he was portrayed by Scott Adkins, who also played Hector in The Expendables 2, King Amphitryon in The Legend of Hercules, Tom Cat in Wolf Warrior, Lucian in Doctor Strange, Barton Geddes in Ip Man 4: The Finale, Killa Harkan in John Wick: Chapter 4 and Angus Mackenzie in The Killer's Game.
- In the video game adaptation of X-Men Origins Wolverine, Wade was voiced by famous voice actor Steve Blum, who also voiced Green Goblin in The Spectacular Spider-Man, Vilgax in Ben 10, Jindiao in Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny, Lord Darcia III in Wolf's Rain, Smytus in My Life as a Teenage Robot and Starscream in Transformers: Prime.
Despite being a "hero", Deadpoool has committed a few villainous acts, in both timelines, not counting the original timeline due to the torture by Bolivier Trask, giving his disfigurement agency issues.
Villainous Acts[]
- He worked as a freelance mercenary using intimidating methods to individuals prior to his disfigurement; he's willing to break the law in front of random people, as shown when he broke into a random guy's house and anonymously ordered a pineapple and olive pizza to bring a guy named Jeremy, who was stalking a girl, and threatens him, he even assaulted the individual in front of Jeremy and threatened to kill his cat.
- He began as a ruthless and violent mercenary, as he emotionlessly and savagely massacres many criminals in brutal fashions, many of which was during his pursuit of Francis.
- He sadistically taunts a man, while trying to run him over with a zamboni, then later states that he’ll kill him “in five minutes”.
- He gave a really bad advice to his taxi driver friend, Dopinder, encouraging a violent lifestyle for the latter, as shown in both the first and second movie, at some point he would give relationship advice to the latter about his cousin and love rival Bandhu which led to The man kidnapping his cousin and plan to mutilate his severed parts like “tandoori fish” to propose to her, Deadpool shows no remorse but admires the violent ideas while whispering directly infront of both Colossus and Mega Teenage Warhead. Being indirectly responsible for Bandu to be killed later in the film when Dopinder has a car accident which killed the man, the latter later ran over the Headmaster after Deadpool admits Karma will happen to the latter, Dophinger became overjoyed and takes much revel in the carnage of violence, Deadpool ignores concern and only contained his laughing after the latter’s appearance.
- He borrowed Cable’s time traveling gauntlet to commit minor acts; he shot his in-universe actor, Ryan Reynolds, through the head to make sure that the idea of Green Lantern never comes to light, yet somehow, it doesn’t affect him in anyway, and it’s implied that he killed a baby Adolf Hitler in a deleted scene.
- He dug up Logan’s corpse, after he was dead and buried in the end of his titular movie, Logan, and used it to slaughter a majority of the TVA soldiers, even though it was done in self-defense.
- He was indirectly responsible for Human Torch’s death, due to repeating the latter’s prior insult about Cassandra Nova, even going as far as comparing Johnny as a much greater trash-talker than he is, leading Johnny to be brutally mutilated and killed. Deadpool even justified this action to the resistance after Wolverine told them what happened to Johnny as well as telling the audience that Johnny's words were really his via TVA recording during the post-credit scene.
- He used Nicepool as a human shield against the Deadpool Corps; when Deadpool committed this act once, it backfired due to his lack of regeneration and when he committed this act twice, which he tried again to make it to safety, it brutally killed Nicepool, blowing his head off. He even smashed his corpse in dismay. However, this action was just so he can have the gold plated Desert Eagle and Dogpool to himself.
- In one of his many attempts to rid himself from his cycle of regeneration, he went to a Theodore Roosevelt Zoo’s exhibit of a Polar bear where around bystanding parents and children, which a little girl questions who he is, Deadpool calls himself “Captain Delicious-Pants” before jumping into the exhibit to be mailed to death, traumatizing many individuals including getting his blood on one of the children’s glasses.
“ | I'm a bad guy who gets paid to f-ck up worse guys. | „ |
~ Deadpool describing himself. |
Deadpool has poor integrity and almost no care for moral values on his enemies. Ajax mentioned that Wade before his mutation was expelled from the United States Army for misconduct. He also left his girlfriend Vanessa just so he can find a cure for his cancer that metastasized to his whole body, caring more about the quality of his relationship to Vanessa than preserving it. That said, he makes it clear that he does care for her and that he did not like seeing her in pain.
Deadpool dislikes and aims to avoid paying money for anything, as he ditched the bill for Dopinder's taxi services and he didn't seem to even pay for the pizza that Jeremy provided him with. It also seems Deadpool doesn't even have any money and is flat broke since he doesn't have a job or income. While earlier animated and comic book counterparts of Deadpool depicted him as being rich from all the money he made as a mercenary and always looking for opportunities to get paid, here Ryan Reynolds-verse Deadpool sees no need for money seeing that he can get whatever he wants with his superpowers.
Deadpool is much intelligent and crafty, but he has little to no common sense. In spite of his superpowers, his lack of part of his mental stability is rather his main weakness and why he's pathetic at fighting crime. He makes lots of poor choices like hitting Colossus over and over until all of his four limbs are broken, or spending way too much time getting into his suit inside a phone booth at the same time he witnessed an old guy getting mugged. Deadpool often annoyed and burdened his buddy Cable. That said, he is much better at taking down evildoers when is serious as shown when he takes down Ajax despite the latter's own superpowers and out of sneer laziness.
Deadpool also enjoys chatting about pop culture, particularly movies and celebrities. He's very much aware that he's in a movie, but he purposely wastes much screen time talking about other movies instead of creating content for his own one, which is a sign of laziness. Deadpool has a special dislike for the actor Ryan Reynolds and envies him for getting such a huge movie career and not having an "ugly guacamole" face before eventually killing him through time travel.
Powers and Abilities[]
After Ajax's experiments and relentless torture sessions, Wade also gained the following abilities:
- Superhuman Strength: Wilson's strength was augmented by Ajax's serum, causing him to be able to lift well-built human beings above his head, send Ajax flying through a wall by hitting him with a fire extinguisher. He was also able to block Ajax's physical attacks. This, along with his encounters with Cable, puts his strength at around peak human-to superhuman level. He was also shown to be as strong as Wolverine, able to match him in every encounter.
- Superhuman Mobility: Wilson's agility, balance, and body coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. He also has hyper reflexes, being able to catch Ajax's axe and throw it back at him instantaneously. He can also perform complex parkour & acrobatic maneuvers with ease & without concentration.
- Near-Instant Cell Regeneration: During his transformation, he was given regeneration abilities which are similar to Wolverine's regenerative healing factor, which allows him to regenerate from fatal wounds near-instantly. He is even capable of limb regeneration within an hour or less, however reattaching a limb takes mere seconds. Severe ballistic wounds take only a few seconds to heal completely. These accelerated healing powers are responsible for his near-immortality. That said, he can still die if someone outpaces his healing factor or if he sustains too much normally fatal damage at once.
- Superhuman Resilience: He can exert himself to peak capacity for several hours. He is also far tougher than a normal human, being able to take hits from beings like Ajax, who also has superhuman strength. He was also able to keep fighting, despite him having broken bones, hands & feet. However, he is not immune to pain. He was even able to hurt Angel Dust with his head, without being hurt himself.
Deadpool is an expert martial artist and sword fighter.
- Swordsmanship: Two swords which he can use to cut down his enemies.
- Weapons Expert: He knows everything on weapons.
- Martial Artist and Firearm Skills: He is totally skilled warrior in martial arts and in firearms. This along with his better than average strength makes him more than capable of taking down most metahumans.
- Mocking: He always likes to mock & joke around his opponents, likely due to his insanity and childish nature. However, he does become serious when the situation calls for it.
- Mental Instability: Wade's mutation has made him impulsive with no self-control and thus this influences him into making such poor choices like punching Colossus over and over until all his limbs are broken even when it failed the first time or forgetting about his duffel bag full of guns and ammunition twice. He can also be very reckless and act on impulse. This, along with him being easily distracted, sometimes hinders him while on missions.
- Brain Vulnerability: Ajax is shown stabbing a knife right into Deadpool's brain and it was able to make Deadpool unable to think clearly or continue battle, which proves that keeping a knife inside Deadpool's brain will slow down or even terminate his healing factor and therefore Deadpool actually is mortal to a knife in the brain.
“ | Crime's the disease, meet the cure. Okay, not the cure, but more like a topical ointment to reduce the swelling and itch. Hi, Tom! | „ |
~ Deadpool in the leaked test footage. |
“ | I know right? "Whose balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie"? I can't tell you his name, but it rhymes with "Polverine." [In an Australian accent] And let me tell you, he's got a nice pair of smooth criminals down under. | „ |
~ Deadpool to the audience. |
“ | I've never said this, but don't swallow! | „ |
~ Deadpool after shoving car's cigarette lighter into goon's mouth. |
“ | Shitt. Did I leave the stove on? | „ |
~ Deadpool during a car crash. |
“ | WAIT! You may be wondering "Why the red suit?" Well, that's so bad guys can't see me bleed. This guy's got the right idea, he wore the brown pants! Fine, I only have twelve bullets, so you're gonna to have to share! Let's count 'em down! | „ |
~ Deadpool before killing Ajax's henchmen. |
“ | Bad Deadpool. Seven. *gunshot* Good Deadpool. | „ |
~ Deadpool in his sequence. |
“ | Aaahhh... I'm touching myself tonight. | „ |
~ Deadpool after killing Ajax's henchmen. |
“ | Now, I'm about to do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late 90s. | „ |
~ Deadpool to Ajax before being stopped by colossus. |
“ | You're probably thinking, "My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie but that guy in the suit just turned that other guy into a fucking kebab!" Well, I may be super, but I'm no hero. And yeah, technically, this is a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that's exactly what this is, a love story. And to tell it right... I gotta take you back to long before I squeezed this ass into red spandex. | „ |
~ Deadpool to the audience. |
“ | Listen, the day I decide to become a crime-fighting shit swizzler, who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners at the Neverland Mansion of some creepy, old, bald, Heaven's Gate-looking motherfucker... on that day, I'll send your shiny, happy ass a friend request! | „ |
~ Deadpool to Colossus. |
“ | Cock shot! | „ |
~ Deadpool going for a groin attack. |
“ | Oh, your poor wife! | „ |
~ Deadpool's hand breaking upon hitting Colossus' groin. |
“ | All dinosaurs feared the T-Rex. | „ |
~ Deadpool with two broken arms. |
“ | Oh, there's the money shot, baby! Are you there God? It's me Margret. | „ |
~ Deadpool cutting his hand off. |
“ | Recruiter: What if I told you we can cure your cancer? And what's more, give you abilities most men only dream of? Wade Wilson: I'd say that you sound like an infomercial, but not a good one, like Slap Chop. More Shake Weight-y. |
„ |
~ Deadpool to Ajax's Recruiter. |
“ | Finish fucking her the fuck up! | „ |
~ Deadpool to Colossus. |
“ | Where's Francis? | „ |
~ Deadpool asking. |
“ | Whatever they did to me made me totally indestructible... and completely unfuckable. | „ |
~ Deadpool. |
“ | (laughing) You're about to be killed by a Zamboni! | „ |
~ Deadpool to Ajax's henchman. |
“ | I did NOT! Tell him to do that absolutely NOT! You got lost in translation Dopinder this is NO WAY to win Geeta’s heart back (I’m so Proud of you) drop Bandhu off safe and gentle like (kill him) and Then win Geeta back the old-fashioned way with your boyish charm (kidnap her). MegaSonic Teenage Warhead: He’s super dead. |
„ |
~ Deadpool trying to justify Dophiner’s violent advices |
“ | Ha. Fake laugh. Hiding real pain. | „ |
~ Deadpool to Negasonic Teenage Warhead. |
“ | Yeah, it's me, Deadpool, and I got an offer that you can't refuse. I'm gonna wait out here, okay? It's a big house. It's funny that I only ever see two of you. It's almost like the studio couldn't afford another X-Man. | „ |
~ Deadpool to Negasonic Teenage Warhead. |
“ | Let's dance. And by dance, I mean let's try to kill each other. | „ |
~ Deadpool before battling Ajax. |
“ | Ajax: Fine, fists. Deadpool: Sounds like your last Saturday night. |
„ |
~ Deadpool and Francis. |
“ | Deadpool: No, no! So you mean to say, after all this, you can’t fix me. Francis: It sounds a bit stupider when you say it. Deadpool: Like the kind of stupid who admits he can't do the one thing I'm keeping him alive for? Any last words? Francis: What's my name? Deadpool: Who fucking cares? |
„ |
~ Deadpool's last words to Francis before killing him. |
“ | You were droning on! Sure, I may be stuck looking like pepperoni flatbread, but at least fuckface won't heal from that. If wearing superhero tights means sparing psychopaths, then maybe I wasn't meant to wear 'em. Not everyone monitors a hall like you. | „ |
~ Deadpool to Colossus after killing Ajax. |
“ | I deserve that. That too. No no no no no maybe not the nethers... | „ |
~ Deadpool getting kicked by Vanessa. |
“ | [to Cable] Zip it, Thanos! | „ |
~ Deadpool |
“ | Only best buddies execute pedophiles together. | „ |
~ Deadpool to Cable. |
“ | Let's go get our fuck on! | „ |
~ Deadpool to X-Force. |
“ | Juggernaut! I should've worn the white pants! | „ |
~ Deadpool when he sees Juggernaut. |
“ | Go get 'em, tiger! Big CGI fight comin' up! | „ |
~ Deadpool about fight of Colossus and Juggernaut. |
“ | As a former X-Man... (Bedlam:Trainee.) Thank you, Bedlam. I was always appalled by the blatant sexism in the group's name. X-Men? *Men*? The point is, our group will be forward-thinking. Gender neutral. From now on, we'll be known as... X-Force. | „ |
~ Deadpool |
“ | Say fuck for me. Just once. Come on, we'll do it together. It's no big deal. Here we go, 1-2-3. Fu... fu... (Colossus:Fuck) Wow. Enjoy hell, smut mouth. | „ |
~ Deadpool to Colossus. |
“ | (Ryan: Goddamn that’s beautiful) You're welcome Canada. | „ |
~ Deadpool after killing Ryan Reynolds. |
“ | Keep my country's name out of your fucking mouth! | „ |
~ Deadpool killing a Minutemen. |
- This was Ryan Reynolds's first villainous role.
- A "Deadpool" movie had been in the works since 2004, with David S. Goyer intended as director and starring Ryan as the titular character. Reynolds had always dreamed of playing Deadpool, and when he heard that the character was given a place in the script, he immediately approached the filmmakers for the role.
- Originally, Deadpool was only going to cameo in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but the role grew after Reynolds was cast.
- Scott Adkins played Deadpool/Weapon XI in the finale, because Ryan Reynolds was busy working on another movie at the time. The few close-ups of Reynolds were filmed several months later, when he was in between projects.
- Many comic book fans were unhappy with the way Deadpool was treated in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, including Reynolds himself. The resetting of the X-Men timeline in X-Men: Days of Future Past finally allowed Reynolds to make Deadpool and Deadpool 2, which reimagined the character as much closer to the comics.
- Weapon XI is mocked in the 2011 video game Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. If the player plays as Deadpool and beats Wolverine, he says, "And that's how you beat Wolverine, people... AND YOU DON'T EVEN NEED OPTIC BLASTS! MUAHAHAHAHA!" This is a reference to the fact Deadpool can fire Cyclops' optic blasts from his eyes in the film.
- Ryan Reynolds describes Deadpool's "breaking the fourth wall" ability as a reflection of current times, "I think Deadpool's coming along at the right time, because it's speaking to that generation that has seen all these comic-book films and enjoyed them all; it's speaking to them as though the guy in that red suit is one of them. It's like watching a DVD commentary by someone who's got some pop-culture savvy and is kind of funny and a little obnoxious and is saying the things that you wouldn't say."
- Ever since the first Deadpool film came out, there have been millions of online memes featuring the character.
- Coincidentally, Ryan Reynolds is Canadian in real life just like his character.
- Unlike the comics however, Wade Wilson's nationality and citizenship is only Canadian.
- After the first film's release, a feud broke out between Ryan Reynolds and Tim Miller over the direction of how the sequel movie should go. Reynolds spoke out against Miller for wanting to make the movie darker and more similar in tone to the other X-Men movies and not as light-hearted and comedic as the first one. Miller defended the sequel needed a different approach. Miller outright quit to avoid getting forcibly removed from the film by Reynolds and so Miller settled for different projects.
- He doesn't like the mention of his native country, Canada.
- His variant name is WW1076, The 1076 part is a reference to Ryan Reynolds' birthday: (10/23/76).
External Links[]
- Deadpool on the Heroes Wiki
- Deadpool on the X-Men Movies Wiki
- Deadpool on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki