The Death Commandos are the six elite guards of Kaiser Hades and antagonists in the second quarter of Genseishin Justirisers.
After Kaiser Hades was unsealed by Doctor Zora, he summoned General Bacchus and the six Death Commandos to his flagship to partake in his renewed campaign to conquer Earth. Eyeing the Justirisers as obstacles to his conquest, Hades tasked the Death Commandos with eliminating them so their invasion would go unopposed.
The first Death Commando to be sent after the Justirisers was Gillmond, who targeted Riser Glen. In their initial encounter Gillmond outmatched Glen, but after Glen unlocked a new ability with his flame sword, he was able to defeat and slay Gillmond.
The second Death Commando to be sent out was Destalan, who used Leo Gaias to distract the other Justirisers while he fought Riser Glen. Although Glen managed to injure him and drive him off, Destalan returned after healing his injuries and targeted Riser Gant. He was destroyed by Gant after failing to keep him contained in his cocoon.
The third Death Commando to take to the field was Basky, this time targeting Riser Kageri. In their first battle, Kageri quickly developed a rivalry with Basky after she got the upper hand over her with her super speed and kept using it to taunt her. However, Kageri was able to devise a strategy to counter Basky's speed and fight her off. Basky then retreated to Hades's battleship, only for Hades to execute her as a warning to his other minions.
The fourth and fifth Death Commandos to be sent out were the Twins Knight brothers. By merging together, the brothers were able to overpower all three Justirisers, but were defeated by the Justirisers after they unlocked Shirogane.
The sixth and final Death Commando to be sent out was Danhauser. Although Danhauser overwhelmed all three Justirisers, he was fatally wounded after stopping an attack from hitting Demon Knight.
After Kaiser Hades renewed his brainwashing on Demon Knight, he declared him to be a Death Commando.