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Chloe; All right, is there anything I need to know about how to fight a demon?
Lucifer; Not really. Just that they are super strong, scary and mean. Like Maze. Except these ones don't feel pain 'cause they're only renting their bodies.
~ Chloe Decker and Lucifer Morningstar.

Demons are supporting antagonists in the DC Comics universe, being major antagonists in the Hellblazer, Sandman, Lucifer, and Justice League Dark titles.

Demons are evil spirits which originate from Hell, and seek to corrupt, torment and even possess human beings, and in general to wreak chaos and destruction on earth. They are considered the direct opposites to angels.


Hierarchy of Hell: To be added


Lords of Hell (DC)

The demon lords benefactors of Sabbac

Demons were first introduced in the DC Universe during the Golden Age of comics in Captain Marvel Adventures #8 (1942). In this version, the demon lord Satan aka Prince Lucifer granted dark magic powers to the villain Ibac and later to Timothy Karnes (Sabbac), along with Any, Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus and Craeteis. When Karnes said the acronym "Sabbac", a magical bolt of black lightning bestowed upon him the abilities of Invincible Strength (Satan), Indestructible Body (Any), Evil Wisdom (Belial), Flame Powers (Beelzebub), Evil Courage (Asmodeus), and Flight (Craeteis).

Other Media[]

Main article: Demons (Lucifer)

Known demons[]

Fallen Angels[]



Demon Lords[]

  • The Arkannone, Lords of the Gun
  • Asmodon, Steward of Satan
  • Baal, High Lordling of the Lower Depths
  • Baytor, Lord of the Criminally Insane
  • Blathoxi, Lord of Flatulence
  • Bloodklott, the Prince of Pox
  • Brandor, the Pitrider
  • Calibraxis, Lord of Blades
  • Chorozon
  • Crone
  • Cthugha, Hell's Arbiter
  • The Gothodaemon, Patron Demon of Gotham City
  • Kafir, the Horned One
  • Kakk, Commander of Hell's Armies
  • The Many Angled Ones, Lords of Science
  • Morax, Lord of Stygia
  • Nebiros
  • Negal, Ruler of Charn
  • Nergal, Duke of Gehenna
  • Nytemayr, Lord of the Forbidden Zone
  • Poppinjay, Commander of Hell's Air-force
  • Scapegoat, Lord of Redemption
  • The Skarva, the Seven Lords of Torture
  • Smegma

Legions of Hell[]

Rhyming Caste[]

  • Cthugha
  • Etrigan (periodically)
  • Lisquinelle
  • Neron (briefly)
  • Spattlefleck

Lower Class[]

  • Bogrol
  • Blythe
  • Buer
  • Chantinelle
  • Clutcher, a Strangler
  • Dag-Raith
  • Hellosaurus
  • Jamrag
  • Jyzyl
  • The Kamara
  • Karkaaz of Stygia
  • Keeper of the Oracle of Styx
  • Lurgo
  • Malefik
  • Mazikeen
  • Mnemoth
  • Petey
  • Rectomm
  • Rosacarnis
  • Squatterbloat
  • Tala

Half Demons[]

Reborn Demons[]

From other realms[]

  • Demons Three (Abnegazar/Ghast/Rath)
  • Nekron
  • Invunche
  • Trigon (Interdimensional demon)
  • Rakkar the Nothing (Kryptonian demon)
  • Mordecai Cull (Atlantean demon)
  • Abyssal Dark (Atlantean demon)
  • Arion (Atlantean demon)


Interior Art[]

Cover Art[]

Other Media[]


           John Constasntine Hellblazer logo Villains

Angel | Anti-Monitor | Anton Arcane | Atomica | Bane | The Batman Who Laughs | Beelzebub | Blythe | Brujería | Cain | Crime Syndicate of America | Darkseid | Demons | Demons Three | Despondeo | Felix Faust | First of the Fallen | Gabriel | Golden Boy | Lilith | Lucifer Morningstar | Mnemoth | Mr. Freeze | Murmur | Nergal | Neron | Nicolas Nolan | Ocean Master | Papa Midnite | Parallax | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Ra's al Ghul | Scarecrow | Sinestro | Solomon Grundy | Terra | Trigon | Two-Face | Zod

Constantine: Gabriel | Demons (Mammon & Balthazar) | Lucifer Rofocale
Constantine: City Of Demons: The Movie: Nergal | Demons
Constantine: The House of Mystery: Spectre | Demons (Nergal, Beelzebub & Ashox)

Manny | Papa Midnite | Mnemoth | Felix Faust | Pazuzu | Invunche | Imogen | Nergal | Thomas Galen | Misaki Ross | Mallus | Neron | Tabitha | First of the Fallen | Demons | Astra Logue | Konstentyn | Lachesis | Atropos | Aleister Crowley | Marchosias

Video Games
Gabriel | Demons (Mammon & Balthazar) | Lucifer Rofocale

See Also
Sandman Villains | Justice League Dark Villains

           1280px-Lucifer tv logo.svg Villains

Abaddon | Amenadiel | Azazel | Basanos | Beelzebub | Belial | Cain | Demons | Despondeo | Fenrir | First of the Fallen | Gabriel | Great Darkness | Izanami | Lilith | Lucifer Morningstar | Metatron | Mazikeen | Sandalphon | Takehiko

Lucifer Morningstar | Mazikeen | Amenadiel | Eve
Main Antagonists
Michael | Amenadiel | Goddess | Marcus Pierce | Father Kinley | Vincent Le Mec
Recurring Antagonists
Jimmy Barnes | Jacob Williams | Malcolm Graham | Lee Garner | Uriel | Perry Smith | Burt | Jason Carlisle | Reese Getty | Decoy of Sinnerman | Julian McCaffrey | James Reiben | Demons (Dromos & Squee) | Pete Daily | Les Klumpsky | Gabriel
Lindsay Jolson | Carmen Grant | Dr. Medina | Eric Doyle | Vanessa Dunlear | Roberta Beliard | Wes Williams | Ray Codfree | Jenson Glory | Patricia Hightower | Bianca Ruiz | Lieutenant Herrera | Athena Burns | Alvin Kapitski | Mack Slater | Gil | Don Zeikel | Alexa Lee | Cece | Joel | John Barrow | Luke Reynolds | Oscar Rivass | Toby Golden | Leona Franklin | Jacob Tierning | Tahir | Doug | Mandy | Detective Dancer's actor | William Kincannon | Hank | Kevin McCarthy

See Also
Sandman Villains | Constantine: The Hellblazer Villains | Arrowverse Villains

            Sandman logo2 Villains

The Endless
Desire (Netflix) | Despair

The Dreaming
Brute and Glob | Cain | The Corinthian (Netflix) | The Cuckoo | George | Luz

Demons (Azazel, Choronzon, & Mazikeen) | Lucifer Morningstar

The Order of Ancient Mysteries
Ethel Cripps | Roderick Burgess | Ruthven Sykes
The Cereal Convention
Nimrod | The Good Doctor | Fun Land
Historical Figures
Julius Ceasar | Maximilien Robespierre
Barnaby and Clarice | Breschau | Chesseman, Barrow and Skinner | John Dee (Netflix) | Eramus Fry | Richard Madoc

Fictional Fictional
Mairon | Boss Smiley | The Man

Aristaeus | Loki | Maenads | Puck | Titania| The Three-in-One

See Also
Constantine: The Hellblazer Villains | Lucifer Villains

            Shazam logo Villains

Adolf Hitler | Beau | Beck Geist | Black Adam | Black Lantern Corps | Blaze | C.C. Batson | Captain Nazi | Chain Lightning | Clock King | Demons | Doctor Polaris | Doctor Sivana | Evil Eye | Felix Faust | Gentleman Ghost | Georgia Sivana | Ibac | Jeepers | Kanjar-Ro | King Kull | Lex Luthor | Mister Atom | Mister Banjo | Mister Mind | Mister Who | Monster Society of Evil | Oom the Mighty | Penguin | Sabbac | Satanus | Scarecrow | Seven Deadly Enemies of Man | Sobek/Yurrd | Starro | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | The Dummy | The Spectre | Three Faces of Evil | Tobias Whale | Weeper | Wicked Witch of the West | Zookeeper

Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam: Black Adam
Shazam!: Thaddeus Sivana | Seven Deadly Sins | Mr. Sivana | Brett and Burke Breyer | Robbers | Mister Mind
Black Adam: Black Adam | Intergang (Sabbac) | Demons | Ahk-Ton | Amanda Waller
Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Hesperides (Kalypso, Hespera, & Anthea) | Ladon | Brett and Burke Breyer | Thaddeus Sivana | Mister Mind | Atlas

Black Adam | Mister Mind | Doctor Sivana | Mister Atom

Video Games
Injustice: Superman | Shazam | Black Adam | Gorilla Grodd

           DC's Legends of Tomorrow logo Villains

Multiple Seasons
Leonard Snart | Mick Rory | Damien Darhk | Reverse-Flash | Nora Darhk | Astra Logue

Season 1
Vandal Savage | Time Masters (Zaman Druce, Declan, Chronos, Hunters, & Pilgrim) | H.I.V.E. | Mr. Blake | Valentina Vostok | Mikhail Arkadin | Deathstroke Gang (Grant Wilson) | Jon Valor | Hawk-Beasts | Bud Ellison | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Per Degaton | Stillwater Gang | Cassandra Savage | Leviathan

Season 2
Legion of Doom (Reverse-Flash, Damien Darhk, Dark Archer, Captain Cold, & Heat Wave) | Black Flash | Baron Krieger | Shogun | Lead Samurai | Daniel Collins | Quentin Turnbull | Dominators | Agent Smith

Season 3
Mallus | Nora Darhk | Damien Darhk | Kuasa | Grodd | Julius Caesar | Freydis Eriksdottir | Blackbeard | Henry Stein | Dominators | Agent Smith | Black Arrow | Overgirl | Reverse-Flash | Prometheus (Earth-X) | Quentin Lance (Earth-X) | Benatu Eshu

Season 4
Neron | Tabitha | Astra Logue | Chad Stephens | Mike the Spike | Konstentyn | Nergal | First of the Fallen | Demons | Vandal Savage

Season 5
Lachesis | Atropos | Astra Logue | Anti-Monitor | Shadow Demons | Lex Luthor | Grigori Rasputin | Benjamin Siegel | Kathy Meyers | Marie Antoinette | Genghis Khan | Damien Darhk | Demons | Jack the Ripper | Clyde Barrow | Bonnie Parker | Henry VIII | Black Caesar | Marchosias | Joseph Stalin | Caligula

Season 6
Bishop | Kayla | Amelia Earhart | Knoxicrillion | Fidel Castro | Aleister Crowley | Levi Stapleton | Capitán Noriega | Pin Killers

Season 7
Evil Gideon | Bishop | J. Edgar Hoover | Duplicate Legends

           Arrowverse Villains

Main Antagonists
Dark Archer | Edward Fyers | Deathstroke | Anthony Ivo | Ra's al Ghul | Matthew Shrieve | Damien Darhk | Baron Reiter | Prometheus | Konstantin Kovar | Ricardo Diaz | Emiko Queen | Keven Dale | John Diggle, Jr. | Reverse-Flash | Zoom | Savitar | The Thinker | Cicada (Orlin Dwyer & Grace Gibbons) | Bloodwork | Mirror Monarch | Speed Force | Godspeed | Deon Owens | Red Death | Negative Speed Force | Cobalt Blue | Kuasa | Benatu Eshu | Vandal Savage | Mallus | Neron | Lachesis | Bishop | Evil Gideon | Astra | Non | Lillian Luthor | Rhea | Selena | Reign | Agent Liberty | Lex Luthor (Earth-TUD25) | Gamemnae | Nyxlygsptlnz | Overgirl | Alice | Safiyah Sohail | Black Mask | Marquis Jet | Tobias Whale | Martin Proctor | Percy Odell | Gravedigger | Tal-Rho | Ally Allston | Bruno Mannheim | Dark Arrow | Monitor | John Deegan | Anti-Monitor

Secondary Antagonists
China White | Billy Wintergreen | Brother Blood | Isabel Rochev | Ruvé Darhk | Andrew Diggle | Conklin | Anarky | Talia al Ghul | Artemis | Ishmael Gregor | Tobias Church | Anatoly Knyazev | Cayden James | Joe Wilson | Dante | Grant Wilson | Trickster | Doctor Alchemy | Marlize DeVoe | Amunet Black | Vanessa Ambres | Joseph Carver | Deathstorm | Zaman Druce | Valentina Vostok | Atropos | Indigo | Silver Banshee | Colonel James Harper | Cyborg Superman | Thomas Coville | Morgan Edge | Otis Graves | Manchester Black | Eve Teschmacher | Red Daughter | Phil Baker | Margot Morrison | Rama Khan | Catherine Hamilton-Kane | Jonathan Cartwright | Chuck Dodgson | Hush | August Cartwright | Enigma | Tatiana | Russel Tavaroff | Poison Ivy | Lala | Syonide | Lady Eve | Kara Fowdy | Giselle Cutter | Helga Jace | Carson Williams | Sara Grey | Yuri Mosin | Leslie Larr | Zeta-Rho | Bizarro | Onomatopoeia | Agent Smith | A.M.A.Z.O. | Despero | Weather Witch

Minor Antagonists
Adam Hunt | Thomas Galen | Black Caesar | Constantine Drakon | Martin Somers | Jason Brodeur | Huntress | Frank Bertinelli | Ted Gaynor | Firefly | Count Vertigo | Al-Owal | Dollmaker | Mayor | Officer Daily | Milo Armitage | Clock King | Chase | Vertigo | Komodo | Cooper Seldon | Captain Boomerang | Danny Brickwell | Murmur | Joseph Cray | Cupid | Mina Fayad | Deathbolt | Phaedra Nixon | Thomas | Joyner | Double Down | Liza Warner | Calculator | Bug-Eyed Bandit | Janet Carroll | J.G. Walker | Derek Sampson | Scimitar | Hideo Yamane | Sean Sonus | James Edlund | Justin Claybourne | Kimberly Hill | Sam Armand | Sheck | Alex Faust | Nylander | Athena | Virgil | Beatrice | Red Dart | Kodiak | Silencer | Chimera | Wade Eiling | The Mist | Weather Wizard | Girder | Rainbow Rider | Pied Piper | Peek-a-Boo | Everyman | Clyde Mardon | Multiplex | Simon Stagg | Blackout | Clay Parker | Vincent Santini | Trickster II | Anthony Bellows | Dr. Light (Earth-2) | Killer Frost (Earth-2) | Deathstorm (Earth-2) | Geomancer | The Turtle | Tokamak | Atom Smasher | Sand Demon | Lewis Snart | Tar Pit | Reverb | Trajectory | James Zolomon | Griffin Grey | Rupture | The Rival | Mirror Master | Top | Plunder | Magenta | Shade | Clive Yorkin | Abra Kadabra | Heat Monger | Samuroid | Kilg%re | Gregory Wolfe | Matthew Norvock | Nergal | Black Bison | Dwarfstar | Prank | Crucifer | Laurel Lance (Earth-X) | Rag Doll | Jones | Goldface | Ultraviolet | Dr. Light | Sunshine | Mr. Blake | The Colonel | Jon Valor | Hawk-Beasts | Bud Ellison | Per Degaton | The Hunters | The Pilgrim | Lamashtu | The Leviathan | Baron Krieger | Shogun | Lead Samurai | Quentin Turnbull | Henry Stein | Tabitha | First of the Fallen | Aleister Crowley | Vartox | Hellgrammite | Maxima | Reactron | Ethan Knox | Red Tornado | T.O. Morrow | Jemm | Dirk Armstrong | Bizarro-Girl | Toyman | Miranda Crane (White Martian) | Metallo | Scorcher | Roulette | Parasite | Phillip Karnowsky | Beth Breen | Rick Malverne | Zod | Bloodsport | Pestilence | Mercy Graves | Natalie Hawkings | Menagerie | Pazuzu | The Hat | Midnight | Magpie | Executioner | The Rifle | Bruce Wayne (Earth-99) | The Detonator | Nocturna | Duela Dent | Mabel Cartwright | Johnny Sabatino | Tim Teslow | Joker | Victor Zsasz | Candy Lady | Amygdala | Ellis O'Brien | Cluemaster | Circe Sionis | Liam Crandle | Killer Croc | Professor Pyg | Will | Joey Toledo | Deputy Chief Cayman | Cleaners | Tori Whale | Eldridge Whale | Glennon | Steven Conners | Looker | New Wave | Shakedown | Heatstroke | Coldsnap | Instant | David Fuglestad | Thaddeus Killgrave | Reno Rosetti | Atom-Man | Cyber-Woman | Prometheus (Earth-X) | Quentin Lance (Earth-X) | Plastoids | Psycho-Pirate

Green Arrow | Deadshot | Amanda Waller | Nyssa al Ghul | Bronze Tiger | Ragman | Vigilante | Stanley Dover | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grodd | Golden Glider | Killer Frost (Earth-1) | Heat Wave | King Shark | Time Wraiths | Black Siren | Solovar | Music Meister | Cassandra Savage | Nora Darhk | Astra Logue | Kayla | Maxwell Lord | Livewire | Master Jailer | Lena Luthor | Purity | Mxyzptlk | Psi | Malefic J'onzz | Mary Hamilton | Two-Bits | Painkiller | John Henry Irons | Lucifer Morningstar

Royal Flush Gang | League of Assassins | A.S.A. | H.I.V.E | Suicide Squad | Shadowspire | Demolition Team | Rogue Anti-Vigilante Task Force | Jackals | Ninth Circle | Longbow Hunters | Deathstroke Gang | Stillwater Gang | Legion of Doom | Project Cadmus | Children of Liberty | Morae | Crows Security | Wonderland Gang | False Face Society | Many Arms of Death | Leviathan | Black Hole | Mirror Duplicates | The 100 | Shadow Board | Masters of Disaster | Markovian Insurgents | Dominators | Shadow Demons | Intergang

See Also
Batwoman Villains | Black Lightning Villains | Flash Villains | Green Arrow Villains | DC's Legends of Tomorrow Villains | Supergirl Villains | Superman Villains

            DC Comics Logo 2024 Animated Movie Universe Villains

Animated Features
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: Professor Zoom | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Ocean Master | Black Manta | Deathstroke | Lex Luthor | Clayface | Rogues (Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Top, Heat Wave, & Mirror Master) | Joker | Yo-Yo
Justice League: War: Darkseid | Desaad | Parademons | Ocean Master
Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Ocean Master | Black Manta | The Trench | Lex Luthor
Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant, & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker
Batman: Bad Blood: League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, The Heretic, Onyx, Firefly, Tusk, Mad Hatter, Electrocutioner, Hellhound, Calculator, & Killer Moth) | Black Mask
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon | Demons | Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul | Blackfire
Justice League Dark: Destiny | Ritchie Simpson | Felix Faust | Demons Three
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract: Church of Blood/H.I.V.E. (Brother Blood, Mother Mayhem, Deathstroke, & Terra) | Blackfire
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay: Professor Zoom | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, Copperhead, Killer Frost, Black Manta, Count Vertigo, Punch and Jewelee) | Blockbuster | Silver Banshee | Vandal Savage | Knockout | Scandal Savage | Professor Pyg | Black Mask | Tobias Whale | League of Assassins (Deathstroke) | Two-Face
The Death of Superman: Doomsday | Lex Luthor | Intergang (Bruno Mannheim) | Mercy Graves | Cyborg Superman
Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie: Nergal | Demons
Reign of the Supermen: Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Parademons | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves
Batman: Hush: Riddler/Hush | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Bane | Joker | Harley Quinn | Clayface | Scarecrow | Lex Luthor | Lady Shiva | Two-Face | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Thomas Elliot
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines: Villainy Inc. (Veronica Cale, Doctor Cyber, Doctor Poison, Silver Swan, Cheetah, Giganta, & Medusa) | Parademons
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War: Darkseid | Parademons | Trigon | Lex Luthor | Suicide Squad (Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Cheetah, Black Manta, & Bane) | League of Assassins (Lady Shiva) | Weather Wizard | Giganta | Toymaster

See Also
Tomorrowverse Villains | Batman Villains | Batwoman Villains | Constantine: The Hellblazer Villains | Harley Quinn Villains | Justice League Villains | Justice League Dark Villains | Robin Villains | Suicide Squad Villains | Superman Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Wonder Woman Villains

           DC Comics Logo 2024 Universe Villains

Amanda Waller

Creature Commandos
Doctor Phosphorus | Nosferata | King Shark

Sons of Themyscira

Rupert Thorne's Gang
Rupert Thorne

Royal Family
Ilana Rostovic

Amethyst Knights

Clayface | Gorilla Grodd

Nazi Party
Hub City National Socialists Club:
Billy | Sam Fitzgibbon

Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man | Bug-Eyed Bandit | Chemo | Congorilla | Craic Brothers | Crimson Centipede | Dr. Victor Frankenstein | Egg Fu | Eric Frankenstein | Fisherman | Hyena | Orca |Shaggy Man

Elseworlds Projects
Constantine: Gabriel | Demons (Mammon & Balthazar) | Lucifer Rofocale
Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | Unnamed Vandals | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies: Slade | Balloon Man | Control Freak | Gizmo | Gentleman Ghost
Joker: Folie à Deux: Joker | Harley Quinn | Jackie Sullivan | Arkham State Hospital Patient | Joker's Shadow

See Also
DC Extended Universe Villains | The Batman Saga Villains

           127-1278358 justice-league-dark-image-justice-league-dark-logo (1) Villains

Ahri'ahn | Anton Arcane | Anti-Fate | Anti-Monitor | The Batman Who Laughs | Black Adam | Blockbuster | Cain | Circe | Copperhead | Crime Syndicate of America | Darkseid | Demons | Demons Three | Drakul Karfang | Doctor Destiny | Eclipso | The Enchantress | Felix Faust | First of the Fallen | Floronic Man | Great Darkness | Giganta | Hecate | Injustice League Dark | Killer Frost | Klarion | Mad Hatter | Man-Bat | Merlin | Mordru | Morgaine Le Fey | Nicolas Nolan | Papa Midnite | Scarecrow | Secret Society of Super Villains | Seven Deadly Sins | Solomon Grundy | Starro | Tala | Trigon | Typhon | Upside Down Man | Wotan

Justice League Dark: Destiny | Felix Faust | Ritchie Simpson | Demons | Demons Three
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War: Darkseid | Parademons | Trigon | Lex Luthor | Suicide Squad (Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Cheetah, Black Manta, & Bane) | League of Assassins (Lady Shiva) | Weather Wizard | Giganta | Toymaster

See Also
Justice League Villains | Constantine: The Hellblazer Villains

           Justice League Villains

Abra Kadabra | Amanda Waller | Amos Fortune | Amazo | Anarky | Angle Man | Anti-Justice League | Anti-Monitor | Appellaxians | Aquarius | Ares | Atrocitus | Asmodel | Atomic Skull | Axis America | Bane | Barbatos | The Batman Who Laughs | Bizarro | Black Adam | Blackfire | Black Hand | Black Lantern Corps | Black Manta | Black Mask | Black Shield | Black Spider | Blockbuster | Blue Beetle (Dark Multiverse) | Brain | Brainiac (Antimatter) | Bronze Tiger | Brother Blood | Brother Eye | Brotherhood of Evil | Brutus | Cadre | Calculator | Calendar Man | Camazotz | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Carol Ferris | Castle Bat | Catalyst | Catman | Catwoman | Cheetah | Chemo | Chronos | Cheshire | Circe | Clayface | Clock King | Cluemaster | Copperhead | Construct | Cosmic King | Crazy Quilt | Crime Syndicate of America | Crucifer | Cyborgirl | Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Dark Supergirl | Darkness | Deadline | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Demolition Team | Demons Three | Despero | Devil Nezha | Doctor Alchemy | Doctor Destiny | Doctor Double X | Doctor Impossible | Doctor Light | Doctor Manhattan | Doctor Phosphorus | Doctor Polaris | Doctor Poison | Doctor Psycho | Doctor Regulus | Doctor Sivana | Dominators | Doomsday | Dragon King | Dumas | Earthworm | Eclipso | Electrocutioner | Elite | Empty Hand | Enchantress | Epoch the Lord of Time | Eradicator | Eisno Alkor | Evil Star | Fatal Five | Fan | Felix Faust | Fiddler | Firefly | Floronic Man | Frost King | Funky Flashman | Gamemnae | General Eiling | Genocide | Gentleman Ghost | Giganta | Godzilla | Golden Glider | Goldface | Gorilla Grodd | Granny Goodness | Great Darkness | Gunhawk | Harley Quinn | Heat Wave | Hector Hammond | Hellgrammite | Hugo Strange | Human Flame | Hyena | Ibac | Icicle | Imperiex | Inferno | Injustice League | Intergang | I.Q. | Johnny Sorrow | Joker (JLA: The Nail, Jokerzard) | Kalibak | Kanjar-Ro | KGBeast | Key | Killer Croc | Killer Frost | Killer Moth | King Kull | King Shark | Kite Man | Kobra | Kobra Cult | Krona | Larfleeze | League Buster | League of Assassins | Legion of Doom | Lex Luthor | Libra | Lion Mane | Livewire | Lobo | Ma'alefa'ak | Mad Hatter | Mageddon | Magpie | Major Force | Manchester Black | Manhunters | Mantis | Matter Master | Maxie Zeus | Maxwell Lord | Mercy Graves | Metallo | Mekanique | Merlyn | Milkman Man | Mirror Master | Mister Atom | Mister Mind | Mister Mxyzptlk | Mister Nebula | Mr. Freeze | Mongul | Mordred | Mordru | Morgaine Le Fey | Molly the Keeper | Multiplex | Nekron | Nekron (Pre-Crisis) | Neron | Neutron | Nightshade | Obsidan | Ocean Master | Orange Lantern Corps | Overman | Pariah | Parademons | Parallax | Parasites (Rudy Jones | Joshua Michael Allen) | Peacemaker | Penguin | Perpetua | Pied Piper | Plastique | Poison Ivy | Professor Ivo | Professor Zoom | Prometheus | Psycho-Pirate | Queen Bee | Queen of Fables | Ra's al Ghul | Rainbow Raider | Rama Khan | Red Death | Red King | Red Panzer | Red Lantern Corps | Red Volcano | Riddler | Roulette | Royal Flush Gang | Satanus | Scarecrow | Science Squad | Sea King | Secret Society of Super Villains | Shade | Shadow Thief | Shaggy Man | Shark | Shirak | Simon Stagg | Sinestro | Sinestro Corps | Solomon Grundy | Star Sapphire | Starbreaker | Starro | Steppenwolf | Steven Mandragora | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | Superwoman | Talia al Ghul | Tattooed Man | Terra-Man | Tempus | The Thinker | The Kindred | T.O. Morrow | Tobias Whale | Tony Palmer | Toyman | Trigon | Timeless | Two-Face | Upside Down Man | Ultra-Humanite | Vandal Savage | Veronica Cale | Volcana | Warp | Weather Wizard | White Martians | Wizard | Xanadoth | Zod | Zoom

Theatrical Movies
Justice League: Steppenwolf | Parademons (Parademon Scout) | Darkseid | Black Clad (Black Clad Alpha) | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Ares
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Darkseid's Elite (Darkseid, Steppenwolf, DeSaad, Granny Goodness, & Parademons) | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Black Clad (Black Clad Alpha) | Ares | Joker
DC League of Super-Pets: Lulu | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Whiskers | Mutant Guinea Pigs

Direct-to-video Movies
Justice League: The New Frontier: The Centre | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grood | Ra's al Ghul | Black Manta | Brainiac | Cheetah | Darkseid | Doctor Light | Gentleman Ghost | Harley Quinn | Joker | Kalibak | Key | Mxyzptlk | Riddler | Doctor Sivana | Star Sapphire | Starro | Two-Face | Ultra-Humanite | Lex Luthor
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Crime Syndicate of America (Owlman, Ultraman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, J'edd J'arkus, & Archer ) | Lex Luthor | White Martians | President Slade Wilson | Rose Wilson | Starro
Justice League: Doom: Legion of Doom (Vandal Savage, Bane, Cheetah, Ma'alefa'ak, Metallo, Mirror Master, & Star Sapphire) | Royal Flush Gang (King, Queen, Jack, Ace, & Ten)
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: Professor Zoom | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Ocean Master | Black Manta | Deathstroke | Lex Luthor | Clayface | Rogues (Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Top, Heat Wave, & Mirror Master) | Joker | Yo-Yo
Justice League: War: Darkseid | Desaad | Parademons | Ocean Master
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Ocean Master | Black Manta | The Trench | Lex Luthor
Justice League: Gods and Monsters: Will Magnus | Darkseid | Desaad | Granny Goodness | Kalibak | Parademons | Steppenwolf | Livewire | Blockbuster | Cheetah | Dru-Zod | Doctor Sivana | President Waller
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon | Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul
Justice League vs. the Fatal Five: Fatal Five (Emerald Empress, Mano, Persuader, Tharok, & Validus) | Bloodsport | Two-Face | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy
Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen: Kilg%re | Arthur Watts (digital copy) | Grimm | Weather Wizard | Mirror Master | Killer Croc
Justice League: Warworld: Mongul | Jonah Hex | Deimos | Lobo | White Martians
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Anti-Monitors | Psycho-Pirate | Lex Luthor | Crime Syndicate of America (Ultraman, Owlman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, & Power Ring) | Hal Jordan | Mon-El | Shadow Demons | Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor (Earth-10), Joker, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Solomon Grundy, Killer Croc, & Electrocutioner) | Parademons | Lobo | Razer | Aya | Joker (Earth-12)

Justice League: Lex Luthor (Justice Lords' President) | Hro Talak | Cheetah | Star Sapphire | Shade | Copperhead | Ultra-Humanite | Solomon Grundy | Joker | Kanjar-Ro | Lord Orm | General Brak | Deadshot | Felix Faust | Gorilla Grodd | Aresia | Morgaine Le Fey | Mordred | Simon Stagg | Amazo | Volcana | Luminus | Firefly | Doctor Destiny | Despero | Giganta | Killer Frost | Sinestro | Parasite | Clayface | Metallo | Kalibak | Livewire | Weather Wizard | Toyman | Royal Flush Gang (Harley Quinn) | Mercy Graves | Vandal Savage | Brainiac | Darkseid | Lobo | Justice Lords (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, & J'onn J'onzz) | Ray Thompson | Kragger | Paran Dul | Manhunters | Old Ones (Ichthultu) | Imperium (J. Allen Carter)
Justice League Unlimited: Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Darkseid | Mongul | Ares | KGBeast | Copperhead | Blockbuster | Cheetah | Mordred | Morgaine Le Fey | Circe | Roulette | Mordru | Maxwell Lord | Amanda Waller | General Wade Eiling | Solomon Grundy | Chronos | Tobias Manning | Atomic Skull | Granny Goodness | Kalibak | Tala | Hugo Strange | Professor Milo | Doomsday | Deadshot | Plastique | Captain Boomerang | Clock King | Felix Faust | Mantis | Gorilla Grodd | Bizarro | Giganta | Heat Wave | Sinestro | Doctor Destiny | Star Sapphire | Toyman | Volcana | Silver Banshee | Metallo | Killer Frost | Orion | Captain Cold | Mirror Master | Fatal Five | Gentleman Ghost | Virman Vundabar | Justice Lords (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, & J'onn J'onzz) | Kragger | Paran Dul | Devil Ray
Justice League Action: Darkseid | Black Adam | Parasite | Lobo | Solomon Grundy | Mongul | Chronos | Joker | Toyman | Lex Luthor | Harley Quinn | Felix Faust | Circe | Brainiac | Zod | Mr. Freeze | Killer Frost | Deadshot | Two-Face | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Roxy Rocket | Desaad | Gorilla Grodd | Mister Mxyzptlk | Amazo | Calculator | Granny Goodness | Kalibak | Sinestro | Brain | Riddler | Titano | Star Sapphire | Cheetah | Carmine Falcone | Bizarro | Kanjar-Ro | Bud and Lou | Mister Mind | Red Lantern Corps (Atrocitus)

Video Games
Justice League Task Force: Darkseid | Shrapnel | Despero | Cheetah
Justice League Heroes: Darkseid | Brainiac | Doomsday | The General | Gorilla Grodd | The Key | Promethus | Killer Frost | Queen Bee | White Martians | Zoom
Justice League Heroes: The Flash: Gorilla Grodd | Circe | Killer Frost | Brainiac
Justice League: Chronicles: Amazo | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Vandal Savage
Justice League Action Run: Darkseid | Harley Quinn | Joker | Lex Luthor | Lobo | Mongul | Mr. Freeze |Circe | Felix Faust | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Penguin | Solomon Grundy | Steppenwolf
Justice League: Injustice for All: Lex Luthor | Star Sapphire | Solomon Grundy | Cheetah | Joker | Shade | Felix Faust | Ultra-Humanite
Injustice: Gods Among Us: One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Yellow Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Shazam, Nightwing, Raven, Hawkgirl, Sinestro, Black Adam, Killer Frost, Solomon Grundy, Catwoman, Bane, & Doomsday) | Joker | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Ares
Injustice 2: Brainiac | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Cheetah | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Bane | Scarecrow | One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Nightwing & Black Adam) | Dr. Fate | The Lords of Order | Grid | Atrocitus | Joker | Darkseid
Injustice: Joker | Brainiac | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Cheetah | Darkseid | Deadshot | Killer Frost | Poison Ivy
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League: Brainiac | Justice League (Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Batman) | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang & King Shark) | Gizmo | Penguin | Lex Luthor | Poison Ivy | Riddler

See Also
Justice League Dark Villains | Justice League International Villains | Justice Society Villains | Young Justice Villains
