Funfun (フンフン), also known as The Devil's Head, is a member of the Brown Sugar Pirates and a major antagonist in Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. He is the leader of Stove Canyon and is the fourth boss in the game.
Funfun is a giant head whose fighting style revolves around breaking blocks with his toungue, trying to get Wario to fall into a chasm and spitting rocks. Funfun is immune to fire, coins, and ground pounds, but the rubble his attacks leave behind are picked up by Wario and thrown at him to defeat him. He sinks behind or into the lava after he is defeated.
- Funfun resembles a stereotypical depiction of The Devil's face.
- Funfun's english name is "The Devil's Head".
Villains | ||
Main Wario Land Wario World Wario: Master of Disguise WarioWare See Also |