Diethard Ried is a supporting protagonist in the anime series Code Geass. He was originally a member of the Black Knights initially as the head of information, espionage, and public relations and following the restructure becomes Secretary of Media and Intelligence before finally defecting to Schneizel el Britannia.
He is voiced by Jouji Nakata (who also voiced Great Professor Bias, Megatron in Transformers: Cybertron, Nrvnqsr Chaos in Tsukihime, Bando in Elfen Lied, and Alucard in Hellsing) in Japanese and by Jamieson Price (who also voiced Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat) in English. Both Nakata and Price voiced Kirei Kotomine in Fate series.
Diethard is, ultimately, an opportunist desiring change at all costs. What matters to him above all else is a grand and captivating narrative that he can document and personally witness as it's being made, even willing to provide a falsified account about the events to his audience. Because of this, he does not have any journalistic integrity and also rejects objective truth, seeing all information as subjective. In addition, his loyalty extends only to leaders whom he believes will bring great upheaval and alter the course of history, and is willing to side with the opposition if it means they'll bring about the change that he so desires. Outside of his loyalty to whomever he's siding with, he's doesn't have any personal morals. He revels in the carnage that Zero wreaks, and only seems to have distaste for stagnancy, such as that of the Britannian aristocracy.