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Biography of Dio Brando from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise.


You were ugly and sly. You drove Mom to death. You were a terrible father! You want me to be rich? Don't worry. I will be. And I'll use any means necessary. I'll start with this Joestar. You pig!
~ Dio figuratively and literally spitting on Dario's grave.
I'll take what mine

Dio Brando standing over Dario Brando his father's grave.

Dio was born in slums of London around 1867-1868 as the son of Dario Brando, an abusive drunk deeply hated for causing his mother's death at an early age. Dio would later acquire poison from Wang Chan to kill his unsuspecting father, who told him of his encounter with a wealthy and extravagant man named George Joestar who felt indebted to him.

Dario tells Dio to take what he can from the Joestar estate with his last breath, Dio paying his final disrespect towards his father before leaving to be adopted into the Joestar family. Once at the estate, Dio kicks the family dog Danny then lies that he was startled by the hound. Dio wasted no time in making the life of George's only son, Jonathan a living hell as part of his plan to subvert him.

When Dio enters the mansion, Jonathan tries to help him carry his suitcase up the stairs. However, Dio grabs Jonathan's hand and pushes Jonathan back with his elbow when Jonathan touches Dio's case. Dio tells Jonathan not to touch his stuff and that he will have a servant carry his luggage up instead. He also warns Jonathan to keep Danny, the family dog away from him, who he later puts in a bag about to be incinerated. Dio starts to outperform Jonathan in everything he does, leading Jonathan's father to praise him and Jonathan himself getting jealous.

Dio joined Jonathan's boxing club, so that he could beat Jonathan up in a boxing match and he nearly gouged Jonathan's eye out. After the fight, Jonathan's friends begin to praise Dio for his skill as a fighter to which Dio replied by spreading fake rumors of Jonathan to them, leading them to bully Jonathan. Dio then started to notice that Jonathan was getting happier by spending time with Erina Pendleton, denying the Joestar love by forcefully taking Erina's first kiss. But once Jonathan heard about this, Dio found himself being overpowered by the enraged youth to the point of bleeding with droplets hitting a Mesoamerican stone mask.

While Dio got revenge on Jonathan by putting Danny in a furnace and have a man unknowingly burn him alive, he realized that he needed to rethink his method and ceased antagonizing Jonathan.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood (1888-1889)[]

Dio: JoJo, there's a limit to human ability. I've learned one thing in my short life: The harder you plan, the less things will go according to your plans. As long as you cannot go beyond humanity...
Jonathan: What? What are you saying?
Dio: I reject my humanity, JoJo!! I'll transcend humanity! I'll use your blood, JoJo!
~ Dio Brando to Jonathan Joestar moments before he became the sadistic vampire he is today.

Seven years pass, both boys attend Hugh Hudson Academy, with Dio studying law. Having spent the last seven years feigning being brotherly and friendly toward Jonathan, Dio decided to enact his plan to poison George. But Jonathan learned of Dio's scheme from the letter that Dario sent to George before his death, confirming it when Dio refused to deny it on his father's word. This forced Dio to think up a means to kill off Jonathan in the freak accident involving the stone mask, only to learn Jonathan entered Ogre Street and expects the Joestar to be killed.

While in a drunken stupor, Dio decided to test the mask on some older drunkards who crossed him, killing one to subject the other to the mask. But Dio is shocked to find the masked drunkard turned into vampire, saved from certain death by morning's light. Later returning to the Joestar Estate after nightfall, Dio finds Jonathan waiting for him and learns the youth found Wang Chan and the antidote to the poison. About to be arrested, Dio then changed his plan to use the stone mask on himself using Jonathan's blood.

As he attempted to stab Jonathan with a knife, George jumped at him and took the blow. Though shot dead by the constables, Dio became a vampire and slaughtered them with Jonathan setting the Joestar estate on fire in an attempt to destroy the monster Dio has become.

Dio Brando ASBR

Dio Brando

However, Dio survived, turning Wang Chan into his zombie minion along with Jack the Ripper. Dio then set up his plans for world dominion in the village of Wind Knight's Lot, absorbing blood to restore his body while turning most of the townsfolk into his zombie army. At one point he kidnapped a mother and her baby child. When the mother begs Dio not to hurt her baby, Dio promises that he won't. However, Dio turns the mother into a vampire and she eats her own baby, further proving his sadism.

When Jonathan learned of Dio's survival, have underwent Hamon training until Baron Zeppeli, he and his group reach Wind Knight's Lot to confront him. But Dio overpowered the Hamon users by using his abilities to block their attacks before allowing the zombie knights Bruford and Tarkus to finish them off. However, Jonathan manages to defeat them. Dio then kidnaps Poco's sister and tries to get her to join his army.

When she refuses, Dio prepares to kill her but is stopped by the arrival of Jonathan and his gang. Jonathan's gang attacks Dio, with Dire wounding Dio and Dio retaliating by killing Dire. Dire managed to injure Dio enough to the point that the vampire summoned his minions to kill the intruders while he deals with Jonathan himself. The battle ultimately ended with Jonathan using his flame covered hands to deliver Hamon into Dio's body as the vampire fell to his death. But Dio decapitated himself for his head disintegrated, retrieved by Wang Chan. Wang Chan delivered Dio to the ship where Jonathan and Erica were having their honeymoon at. When on the ship, he proceeded to turn the passengers into zombies and vampires. In was then that Dio had an apathy that his and Jonathan's destinies had been intertwined from the very beginning, deciding to take the Joestar's body as his own.

Die for nothing, JoJo!
~ Dio Brando after fatally wounding Jonathan Joestar.

Dio fatally wounds Jonathan and then tries to take Jonathan's body. Jonathan uses the last of his ripple to make the sabotage the ship to explode. Dio tries to have his minions undo Jonathan's ripple on the ship, but to no avail. As the ship begins exploding, Dio lunges after Jonathan, preparing to kill him and take his body. Jonathan managed to stab Dio and then hold onto Dio's head while he died. Dio tries to manipulate Jonathan into letting him go, only to realize that Jonathan has already died. Despite a dying Jonathan's last attempt to stop him, Dio took Jonathan's body and entered a casket as the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean.

Pre-JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders (1984-88)[]


DIO during flashback sequences in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean.

Dio's casket was recovered off the coast of Africa by fishermen a century later, who are implied to have been killed by him shortly after. Now known simply as "DIO", the vampire starts traveling around the world, meeting with various people who would later become his henchmen, such as Enya Geil, who later uses a stand arrow on him, which makes him gain his own stand, The World. Around this time, he impregnated a Japanese woman who would later father his child in 1985 named Giorno Giovanna. Later on, DIO learned about a prophecy to create the ultimate stand, who would have the power to "attain heaven". DIO himself was part of this prophecy and in 1987 he met with a young priest named Enrico Pucci, giving him a stand arrow and fixing his deformed foot. A year later Pucci became his most trusted friend. DIO gave him a bone from his own body as a sign of friendship and an apology for trying to force Pucci to betray him and steal his stand. Between the years 1984~1988 DIO had relations with four specific women and seemingly spared their lives to allow for the birth of four children in total seemingly unknown to him, his first son Giorno Giovanna, Ungalo, Rikiel, and Donatello Versus.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders (1988-89)[]

What a truly magnificent feeling! I feel so good, I could break out into song! Eight seconds have passed! One hundred years ago, I attained immortality, but I didn't feel as absolutely wonderful then as I do now! Joestar blood suits me so very well! THIS IS THE GREATEST HIGH!.
~ DIO after sucking Joseph Joestar's blood.

The anime series and vast majority of video games are based on this third arc, which occurs about one hundred years after JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood and begins in the later months of 1987 (later retconned to 1988). DIO's ambitions shift from conquering the world to creating a perfect world for him and his servants. However, because of the fact that he was using Jonathan's body, Jonathan's descendants also developed stand powers. Despite the long time span in which DIO's been using Jonathan's body, he still hadn't fully synced with it and thus he needed the blood of Jonathan's descendants.

Both Joseph Joestar and his grandson Jotaro Kujo developed Stands, as well as Jotaro's mother Holly, who, due to her peaceful nature, was unable to control her stand, getting sick and slowly dying as a result. Because of this, the Joestars embark on a journey to find DIO and kill him before Holly perishes. Despite knowing the Joestars were after him, DIO makes no effort to go after them, deciding to avoid them and sending various stand users hired by him to go after them instead. He only appears occasionally as a shadowy figure, either talking with his servants or reading books on his mansion. However, at one point he sent a message to Joseph and Avdol through a television warning them about Noriaki Kakyoin before making the television explode.


DIO with his Stand, The World.

He only appears to confront the heroes by the end, after all of his henchmen have been already defeated. After the defeat of his right-hand men, Terence T. D'Arby, Kenny G., and Vanilla Ice, DIO finally shows his face and his stand, confronting Polnareff on the stairs and toying with him. He quickly flees when the rest of the heroes join Polnareff, hiding on the top of the mansion. The heroes force DIO's minion Nukesaku to open his casket, but suddenly Nukesaku appears on the inside with his body sliced to pieces. The heroes escape the room, but as the sun sets, DIO finally decides to give pursuit.

The group splits in two, so DIO chases Joseph and Kakyoin, who take on a truck to flee. DIO takes a limousine and forces his owner, a senator, to drive for him. After DIO knocks the truck by tossing the senator after it, Joseph and Kakyoin flee to the rooftops of Cairo, where Kakyoin prepares a trap for DIO, making him unable to move.

However, DIO for the first time demonstrates his power to stop time, easily cutting over Kakyoin's trap and killing him with a punch. Before dying, Kakyoin uses his last strength to shoot a clock tower, so Joseph would understand that DIO could stop time. Joseph protects himself with his stand and his Hamon powers and tells Jotaro of DIO's powers, but DIO stops time and toss a knife on him, knocking him unconscious.

Jotaro confronts DIO and attempts to trick him into believing Jotaro couldn't move during his time stop, in an attempt to hit his head when he lowers his guard. DIO notices the trick, however, stopping time and tossing a salvo of knifes towards Jotaro, who is unable to dodge the attack and is then stabbed by them. Jotaro, who had put various books around his body to relieve his pain, survives the attack but starts pretending to be dead to once again try to get a hit on DIO's head, going so far as to use his stand to stop his heartbeat. Despite thinking Jotaro is really dead, DIO picks up a street sign to slice his head from a distance, but Polnareff appears just before DIO delivers the attack, giving Jotaro enough time to punch DIO's head. Because of the head trauma, DIO is unable to control his own body and attempts to flee by grabbing a passing car, but Jotaro stops him and pummels him.

Seven seconds! I'm going to ROLL ALL OVER YOU!
~ DIO attacking Jotaro Kujo with a road roller (also famously referred as "ROAD ROLLER DA!" in Japanese).

As DIO is flung by Jotaro's attack, he realizes DIO was not actually trying to escape. He falls near Joseph's body and drains his blood, recovering and becoming more powerful than before. DIO goes all out on Jotaro, who plans on stopping time just before DIO's time stop expires, but DIO drops a steamroller on him, pummeling it until it explodes. However, Jotaro escapes the attack and freezes time, breaking DIO's leg. Despite the wound, DIO squirts blood into Jotaro's eyes, momentarily blinding him, and attacks him with a kick, but Jotaro retaliates with a punch to The World's knee. The attacks connect with each other, with Jotaro's Star Platinum hand breaking, but since The World's leg is hit on the same spot where DIO's was broken, the stand shatters and DIO explodes, with only his lower half remaining. Jotaro takes it and does a blood transfusion, reviving Joseph, and leaves DIO's body in the desert to disintegrate in the morning sun, finally ending the century-long struggle between him and the Joestar family.


Giorno's DIO Photo

Giorno Giovanna's photo of his father, DIO.

The Heaven I'm talking about pertains to the soul, and where it goes... I'm not telling you to die. The power of your soul should evolve along with it. And I'm talking about where it ends up. I think you understand what I'm saying... True happiness lies there... if one can get to Heaven.
~ DIO to Enrico Pucci.

Despite DIO's death, his legacy still influences the later arcs.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable, some of the stand arrows were shipped to Yoshikage Kira's father, Yoshihiro, and in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind to Diavolo.


DIO appears a posthumous antagonist in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, a spin-off manga and prequel to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, when it is revealed he killed Pet Shop's owner to train him and the parrot Petsounds as his own minions. DIO is also seen as a flashback antagonist, with Mariah having nightmares over the time where she served him and Hol Horse having a nightmarish vision of him confronting him in Morioh, as a man possessed by his avian minion drives towards him and a crowd before Josuke stops him. A hallucination of DIO also appears after Hol Horse is possessed by Petsounds' Stand, demanding that he kill the Joestars lest he be killed himself. Later on, another vision of DIO is shown, to which Petsounds enacts a memory of himself killing their original owner. The next time DIO is seen in a vision is a memory of him facing off against Daniel J. D'Arby, as the gambler hopes to assert himself as an equal to his master. While DIO isn't immediately one to call out D'Arby's inability to join his brother in servitude, the vampire instead decides to toy with the gambler's mind in order to showcase his dominance. First focusing on his name, DIO comments of his dislike of the name in reference to Danny, pressuring his minion on if he shared this nickname. After nervously denying it, the game does on, with D'Arby attempting to cheat by giving himself a Five of a Kind while DIO gets a worthless hand. Noticing his deceit, DIO stops time, tears off the skin from D'Arby's fingertips, and swaps the decks, all under his nose. After noticing blood on the backs of DIO's cards and unveiling DIO's trickery, D'Arby is further played with after DIO gives him his winning hand back. With D'Arby humbled, DIO makes a solemn demand that D'Arby never lose another game lest he lose his life, something the mortified gambler is forced to accept.


DIO with his diary.

DIO is indirectly seen to have effected the Nijimura family in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable, with a flesh bud DIO put into the patriarch of the family mutating him into a monster-like form, forcing his sons to take care of him.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, DIO's son, Giorno Giovanna serves as the main protagonist and carries a picture of him in his wallet.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, DIO appears in flashbacks and what remains of him is used by Enrico Pucci to carry out his last request with his three other sons aiding him.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run, the beginning of a canon separate from the previous parts, a counterpart to him called Diego Brando (nicknamed "Dio") still antagonizes the Joestars and their allies. In addition, there exists another version of Diego having an alternate version of The World (stylized as THE WORLD) as his Stand.

DIO made a small cameo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: JoJolion in a sequence describing the creation of the Rock Humans and the Wall Eyes, wearing the Stone Mask.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven[]

Main article: Heaven Ascension DIO

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, an alternative version of DIO named Heaven Ascension DIO (DIO, Gone To Heaven in English) is the main antagonist of its Story Mode, with his Stand having evolved into "The World Over Heaven". This version of DIO defeated the Stardust Crusaders, and went on to achieve near immortality.

Jorge Joestar[]

Main article: Dio Brando (Jorge Joestar)