Dirty Duck, also referred to as Coward Duck, is a Outer Heaven mercenary, and a minor antagonist of Metal Gear (1987).
Dirty Duck was the former leader of an extremist terrorist unit called Egg Plant. He would become a mercenary, and go onto join Outer Heaven.
Metal Gear[]
During the events of Operation Intrude 313, Dirty Duck held key card 8, which led to the basement of Building 3, which contained the TX-55 Metal Gear. He confronted Solid Snake in Building 2, using three POWs as human shields, and dared Snake to shoot him. Attacking with his boomerangs, and being additionally protected by a pit trap in case tried to get closer, Dirty Duck was killed by Snake without harming his prisoners.
- While Dirty Duck's nationality is never specified, his choice of boomerangs as weapons has led him to be thought of as Australian.