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Villains Wiki

Disco is one of the major antagonists of One Piece. He served as the major antagonist of Sabaody Archipelago. He is the owner of the now-bankrupt Human Auction House.

He is voiced by Yasunori Masutani in Japanese and Michael Sinterniklaas.


Disco is an announcer of the Human Auction House who was left in charge by his owner, Donquixote Doflamingo. He is the one who kidnapped innocent people to sell them as slaves to the Celestial Dragons. 19 years ago, he is responsible of selling the young Boa Hancock and her sisters to the Celestial Dragons as their slaves to make them as coldhearted misandrists.

When discovered Camie is a mermaid, Disco kidnapped her and attempted to sell to Saint Charloss until Monkey D. Luffy caused an international chaos by striking the Celestial Dragons and free Camie and the wannabe slaves.

While the Human Auction House is on the verge of bankruptcy, Disco contacted to Doflamingo to help him in this situation. However, Doflamingo has no longer any interests of slave trades anymore and moved on with SMILES (artificial devil fruits). Doflamingo tells Disco that he can have the Auction House and never call him again. Rayleigh completely ruined Disco's business when he stole the money from a buyer in order to cause all buyers cancel their orders and demanded refunds, causing the Auction House to finally go bankrupt.

After Timeskip, Disco became a broke and drunk hermit who lives in the unrepaired and now bankrupt Auction House and buried in a huge debt. He stabs the wanted posters of Luffy, Eustass Kid, Trafalgar D. Water Law and Silvers Rayleigh to experience his hatreds towards them for ruining his slave trading business for good.


Disco may look kind-hearted but it was a facade mask. In truth, he is a cruel, sociopathic, greedy, sadistic and abusive slaver who has no problems of selling people (including children (such as the Gorgon Sisters)) to the Celestial Dragons just for money. He shown his cruelty towards mermaids when he kicked Camie and placed her into a giant bowl.

He is also cowardice when he shown shocked that Luffy struck Saint Charloss. He attempted to get Doflamingo help him to save the Human Auction House from going bankruptcy, but only for his pleas to fell into a deaf ear when Doflamingo abandoned him and the Auction House goes bankrupt.

After Timeskip, he became a hermit who is drowning in huge debt and hates those ruining his business such as Luffy, Kid, Law and Rayleigh as far stabbing their wanted posters, to experience his hatred towards them after his slave trades was out of business and his Auction House just went bankrupt. He became drunkard when he drinks alcohol.

           One piece logo by zerocustom1989 d1dghop-pre Villains

World Government
Five Elders: Jaygarcia Saturn | Marcus Mars | Topman Warcury | Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro | Shepherd Ju Peter | Figarland Garling

Celestial Dragons
Saint Charlos | Saint Rosward | Saint Shalria | Saint Jalmack | Saint Mjosgard | Donquixote Doflamingo

God's Holy Knights
Figarland Garling | Figarland Shamrock | Gunko

Cipher Pol
Factions: CP9 | CP0
Agents: Rob Lucci | Kaku | Kalifa | Blueno | Jabra | Kumadori | Fukuro | Spandam | Spandine | Nero | Stussy | Guernica | Joseph | Gismonda | Maha | Blueno | Alpha | Wanze | Jerry |

Fleet Admiral: Akainu
Admirals: Aokiji | Kizaru | Ryokugyu | Zephyr
Vice Admirals: Vergo | Onigumo | Doberman
Officers: Nezumi | Sengoku | Captain Morgan | Ratel

Seraphim: S-Snake | S-Hawk | S-Bear | S-Shark

Impel Down Staff
Magellan | Shiryu | Blue Gorilla | Minotaurus | Minokoala | Minorhinoceros | Minozebra | Sadi | Domino

Four Emperors & Crews
Blackbeard Pirates
Admiral: "Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach
Ten Titanic Captains: "Champion" Jesus Burgess | Shiryu "of the Rain" | "Supersonic" Van Augur | "Corrupt King" Avalo Pizarro | "Demon Sheriff" Laffitte | "Crescent Moon Hunter" Catarina Devon | "Colossal Battleship" Sanjuan Wolf | "Heavy Drinker" Vasco Shot | "Death God" Doc Q | Kuzan

Big Mom Pirates
Captain: "Big Mom" Charlotte Linlin
Sweet 3 Generals: Charlotte Katakuri | "Thousand Arms" Charlotte Cracker | Charlotte Smoothie |
Officers: Charlotte Perospero | Charlotte Compote | Charlotte Daifuku | Charlotte Oven | "Demon Lady" Charlotte Amande | Charlotte Opera | Charlotte Brûlée | Charlotte Broyé | "Scribe" Charlotte Mont-d'Or | Charlotte Cinnamon | Charlotte Galette | Charlotte Snack | Charlotte Prim | Charlotte Kato | Charlotte Akimeg | Charlotte Fuyumeg | Charlotte Pudding | Charlotte Flampe
Combatants: Baron Tamago | "Sweeper" Bobbin | Streusen

Beast Pirates
Govenor-General: Kaido "of the Beasts"
All-Stars: King "the Conflagration" | Queen "the Plague" | Jack "the Drought"
Tobiroppo: Page One | Ulti | Who's-Who | Black Maria | Sasaki
Shinuchi: Sheepshead | Ginrummy | Basil Hawkins | Holdem | Speed | Dobon | Daifugo | Babanuki | Solitaire | Bao Huang | Briscola | Fourtricks | Hamlet | Mizerka | Poker
Numbers: Inbi | Fuga | Zanki | Jaki | Goki | Rokki | Nangi | Hatcha | Kunyun | Juki
Orochi Oniwabanshu: Fukurokuju | Daikoku | Fujin | Raijin | Hanzo | Chome | Jigoku Benten | Bishamon | Yazaemon | Kazekage | Sarutobi
Mimawarigumi: Hotei | Himuro | Hatsume | Gangaru | Garudan
Gifters: Batman | Gazelleman | Mouseman | Alpacaman | Madilloman | Rokuro | Snakeman | Rabbitman | Sarahebi | Alpacaman | Madilloman | Dachoman | Tenjo-Sagari | Nure-Onna | Caimanlady | Wanyudo | Armored Division | Wolf Gifter | Eagle Gifter | Butterfly Gifter | Stag Beetle Gifter | Mantis Gifter | Tortoise Gifter | Hedgehog Gifter | Rooftop Mary | Trio the Grip | Bearman
Others: Scotch | Scratchmen Apoo | Pleasures | Waiters | Sarahebi

Cross Guild
Commanders: Buggy "the Clown" | Crocodile | Dracule Mihawk
Others: Daz Bonez | Mohji | Cabaji | Richie | Alvida | Galdino

Seven Warlords of the Sea & Crews
Baroque Works
Administration: Mr. 0 | Miss All-Sunday
Officer Agents: Mr. 1 | Miss Doublefinger | Mr. 2 Bon Kurei | Miss Goldenweek | Mr. 3 | Mr. 4 | Miss Merry Christmas | Mr. 5 | Miss Valentine
Frontier Agents: Mr. 7 | Miss Father's Day | Miss Monday | Mr. 9 | Mr. 11 | The Unluckies

Thriller Bark Pirates
Gecko Moria | Hogback | Absalom | Perona | Victoria Cindry | John

Donquixote Pirates
Captain: Donquixote Doflamingo
Elite Officers: Trebol | Diamante | Pica | Vergo
Officers: Sugar | Giolla | Lao G | Senor Pink | Machvise | Dellinger | Gladius | Buffalo | Baby 5 | Monet
Others: Bellamy | Caesar Clown

Dracule Mihawk | Bartholomew Kuma | Edward Weevil

Other Pirate Crews
Rocks Pirates
Captain: Rocks D. Xebec
Others: Kaido of the Beasts | Charlotte Linlin | Shiki the Golden Lion | John | Buckingham Stussy | Streusen

Kid Pirates
Eustass Kid | Killer | Heat | Wire

Alvida Pirates
Alvida | Heppoko | Peppoko | Poppoko

Black Cat Pirates
Kuro "of a Hundred Plans" | Jango | Sham & Buchi

Krieg Pirates
Don Krieg | Gin | Pearl

Arlong Pirates
Arlong "the Saw" | Chew | Kuroobi | Hatchan | Pisaro | Kaneshiro | Take | Shioyaki

Bellamy Pirates
Bellamy | Sarquiss | Lily | Eddy | Muret | Rivers | Hewitt | Mani

Foxy Pirates
Foxy "the Silver Fox" | Porche | Hamburg | Itomimizu | Chuchun | Capote | Monda | Pickles | Big Pan | Referee | Gina

Macro Pirates
Macro | Gyaro | Tansui

Caribou Pirates
Caribou | Coribou

New Fishman Pirates
Hody Jones | Dosun | Zeo | Daruma | Ikaros Much | Hyouzou | Hammond | Kasagoba | Harisenbon

Flying Pirates
Vander Decken IX | Wadatsumi

Golden Lion Pirates
Captain: Shiki the Golden Lion
Others: Dr. Indigo | Scarlet

Bluejam Pirates
Bluejam | Porchemy

Fake Straw Hat Pirates
Demaro Black | Manjaro | Chocalat | Mounblutain | Drip | Nora Gitsune | Cocoa | Turco

Other Groups
Black Drum Kingdom
Wapol | Chess | Kuromarimo | Chessmarimo | Musshuru | Kinderella

God's Army
God: Enel
Priests: Ohm | Satori | Shura | Gedatsu
50 Divine Soldiers: Yama | Hotori & Kotori

Franky Family
Franky | Zambai | Square Sisters | Tamagon | Kiev | Schollzo | Kop

Sea Kings
Lord of the Coast | Master of the Waters

Germa 66/Vinsmoke Family
Vinsmoke Judge | Vinsmoke Ichiji | Vinsmoke Niji | Vinsmoke Yonji

Kurozumi Family
Members: Kurozumi Orochi | Kurozumi Higurashi | Kurozumi Semimaru | Kurozumi Kanjuro | Kurozumi Daimyo
Subordinates: Orochi Oniwabanshu (Fukurokuju | Daikoku | Fujin | Raijin | Hanzo)

Bekori | Buckingham Stussy | Caesar Clown | Duval | Hakuba | Higuma | Loki | Smiley | Uta | York

Trump Pirates
Bear King | Honey Queen | Pin Joker | Boo Jack | Skunk One

Zephyr | Ain | Binz

Eric the Whirlwind | Nelson | El Drago | Hyena Three | Commander Shepherd (One Piece) | Gasparde | Needless | Noko | Tatsu | Baron Omatsuri | Lily Carnation | Loki | Jessica | Don Accino | Arbell | Breed | Byrnndi World | Bill | Lola | "Crescent-Moon" Gally | Shupeal the Hexagon | Mad Treasure | Gild Tesoro | Baccarat | Douglas Bullet | Tot Musica | Adio Suerte | Isaac | Kagero | Patrick Redfield | Fang
