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“ | You thought you could stop me? You're up against Doc Seismic, kid! | „ |
~ Doc Seismic introducing himself to Invincible. |
“ | For too long I've been marginalized--sidelined, thought to be little more than a joke! I once brought fear into the hearts of superheroes--they trembled beneath my power! The Meteor Twins, The Immortal, even Omni-Man knew i was not a threat to be taken lightly! There will be a time when the superheroes of this generation tremble again--that they begin to fear the name Doc Seismic! That time is NOW!! | „ |
~ Doc Seismic. |
Doc Seismic is a supporting antagonist in the Image Comics series Invincible and its animated adaptation of the same name. He is a mad scientist with special wristbands that allow him to induce earthquakes. At times his confrontations seemed heavily ego based, Seismic taking perverse pleasure in the fame and power of the heroes he fought.
He is an enemy of both Invincible and the Guardians of the Globe and the ruler of the Magmanites and other subterranean monsters.
He is voiced by Chris Diamantopoulos, who also voices Rodgers and Vidor inthe same series, and portrays Sotto Voce in Red Notice, Clark Ingram in the TV series Hannibal, David Willard in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and Julius Pope in Pantheon.
Invincible #10[]
Doc Seismic appears for the first time while carrying out a scheme to destroy Mount Rushmore, Seismic was challenged by Invincible. During the conflict, Doc Seismic fought hard to keep from being defeated by the still unknown hero, causing both combatants to plunge into a crevasse. Invincible attempted to grab Doc Seismic and keep him from falling to his death, but death was more favorable to him than defeat at the hands of an "unknown". In a final act of defiance, Seismic let loose with a shockwave that forced Invincible away before he could rescue the villain.
The Pact Vol 2 4[]
While it was presumed that Doc Seismic was killed by the fall into the crevasse, some months later, Invincible and three other young heroes (ShadowHawk, FireBreather, Zephyr) discovered him deep within the Earth while they were investigating an attack by by a group of lava monsters. These monsters were the Magmanites, who now served under the thrall of Doc Seismic. Once Seismic saw Invincible, rather than attacking him, he thanked him for allowing him to thrive in his new underground kingdom. However, because he can now communicate with all underground creatures, he plans to invade the surface world. Invincible punches him out before he can summon any monsters, but this makes the Magmanites angry. They try to cause a cave-in, and Shadowhawk protects Zephyr and himself with a force field from his costume. Zephyr questions his abilities, and Firebreather blasts a new hole through the rocks.
Invincible flies them all out with Doc Sesimic, who he imprisons in the Pentagon.
Invincible #36[]
Doc Seismic bid his time in jail but later escaped aided by legions of his Magmanite minions, while simultaneously releasing a large number of superpowered inmates (among them The Mauler Twins, Rampage, the Elephant and some members of the Lizard League). While Monster Girl and Robot take care Magmanites, Shapesmith poses as one of the Mauler twins and a Magmamite, then uses his shapeshifting powers to capture Seismic.
Invincible Universe[]
In issue 2, Doc Seismic attempts to escape out of prison along with other supervillains, just to be stopped by Chupacabra and Code Blue.
In issue 48, Doc Seismic managed to break out of the Stronghold Penitentiary and plan an attack on all the superheroes in the world (including the Astounding Wolf-Man and Zechariah) with his legion of subterranean monsters.
Invincible and Atom Eve get a call from Cecil and ask them for help.
They arrive to the location and learn that the heroes were captured and placed underground, bud Doc Seismic uses his wrist bands to summon giant monsters. Eve is knocked unconscious by a monster’s tongue and Wolf-Man catches her while Invincible manages to kill one of the monsters, but falls unconscious. Seismic declares his victory.
In issue 49, After locking up both Invincible and Atom Eve, Doc Seismic is attacked by Darkwing ll and Reanimen, send by Cecil to help heroes. Darkwing ll throws his projectiles and the heroes escape. The Reanimen begin killing the monsters and Darkwing starts assisting other heroes. Darkwing lands a blow on Seismic while the heroes fight off the Magmanites monsters.
Seismic taunts Invincible and he readies to punch him. Darkwing pulls him into the Shadowverse and knocks him unconscious. Seismic is sent in prison again.
In issue 67, Doc Seismic break out of prison again and fight Fortress who is using his bands to push him back. Savage Dragon attacks him, but Seismic launches him back. Fortress goes to help Dragon and attempts to bearhug him. This causes him to absorb Seismic powers and Seismic falls unconscious.
In issue 79, Doc Seismic is one of the villains that Invincible fight with.
In issue 100, Doc Seismic is one of variuos reactions of seeing "Mark"'s death in the hands of Dinosaurus.
In issue 106, Doc Seismic backs in Earth’s bedrock and calls to the Magmanites, but is instead burned by lava. He screams in massive pain as his skin is incinerated and is restrained by bedrock. He asks why he being brought there. A voice calls out to him to tell him he’s been chosen and pain will be temporary. He screams again in pain.
In issue 107 it's revealed that Doc Seismic's bath in lava was actually a process to turn him into a Lava Monster. Volcanikka, the voice behind the scene in the previous issue, tells him that she was impressed by Doc Seismic's ability to move the earth due his devices and speak to the Magmanites, she has watched him for a long time and has waited to transform him. Seismic asks why she done this to him and Volcanikka tells him that he will rule by her side as a king, stating that he will be the bridge for her to the surface.
With his new form, powers and ally on his side, Doc Seismic and Volcanikka attack the surface world with their army of Magmanites and subterranean monsters, before to battle with Invincible and the Guardians of the Globe.
Monster Girl breaks Volcanikka’s rock path and Rex tells Invincible to focus on the giant Magmanite monster, but is tackled by Seismic. Seismic burns lava onto Invincible ’s skin, though the latter has no effect on him. Invincible throws him off and charges for the monster, only for it be killed by someone else.
While the Guardians help the civilians to evacuate the city, Volcanikka uses the opportunity to escape, but Seismic argues that they can still beat them. Volcanikka manages to convince him telling him that they gained valuable knowledge and that they don't want to defeat them but defeat all of them. The duo leave to the Earth’s bedrock.
In issue 113 during another attack, he and his monsters get slain by Robot's drones during the latter's take over of the world.
Years later, Mark touched a white light that put him back at the time before he received his powers. With all of his memories, Invincible managed to convince his father to turn against the Viltrum Empire and, with the help of the original Guardians of the Globe and Teen Team to prevent death and destruction, defeating several supervillains, including Doc Seismic. Eventually Mark chooses to back in his original timeline and Doc Seismic remains dead.
- Doc Seismic is likely based on Graviton and Mole Man from Marvel.
- Doc Seismic's brutal transformation into a fire entity is most likely a callback to the Lava Monster in the Samurai Jack episode "Jack and the Lava Monster".
- According to Cecil, Doc Seismic is indeed an actual doctor, as he has a doctorate in seismology. Seismic mentions he also has an undergrad in sociology, women studies, and a minor in African dance.
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Viltrum Empire Alternate Mark Graysons The Order Lizard League Global Defense Agency Flaxan Empire Others |