0101 |
3K |
Abigail Brand |
Abomination |
Absorbing Man |
Absalom |
Acanti |
Acolytes |
Adversary |
Agatha Harkness |
Agent Lundqvist |
Albert Grey |
Ahab |
A.I.M. |
Akhenaten |
Alan Lewis |
Amanda Sefton |
Anatoly Rasputin |
Ani-Mator |
Annihilus |
Ape-Man |
Apocalypse (Earth-295) |
Apoth |
Arakko |
Arcade |
Archangel |
Arclight |
Arnim Zola |
Arkea |
Assassin |
Astra |
Ao Jun |
Avalanche |
Avatar |
Awesome Android |
Azazel |
Badoon |
Barbarus |
Bastion |
Baron Karza |
Baroness Krieg |
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker |
Batroc |
Beast |
Beef |
Beetle |
Belasco |
Beyonder |
Bird-Man |
Black Tom Cassidy |
Black Box |
Blastaar |
Blockbuster |
Blood Brothers |
Bolivar Trask |
Blob |
Bogeyman |
Boomerang |
Bouncing Betty |
Burst |
Brood |
Brotherhood of Evil Mutants |
Brainchild |
Bulldozer |
Bullseye |
Burner |
Cameron Dodge |
Carnage |
Captain Ezra |
Cassandra Nova |
Celestials |
Chameleon |
Chen Zhao |
Children of the Vault |
Chimera |
Crimson Commando |
Clan Akkaba |
Coach |
Computo |
Constrictor |
Count Nefaria |
Creeps |
Crossbones |
Cordyceps Jones |
Curse |
D'Ken Neramani |
Dark Avengers |
Dark Beast |
Dark Phoenix |
Dark X-Men |
Danger |
Deadpool |
Demon Bear |
Demogoblin |
Destiny |
Death | Death's Head |
Doctor Corina Ellis |
Doctor Doom |
Dr. Alia Mcgregor |
Doctor Rice |
Dominant Species |
Dracula |
Egghead |
Electro |
Emma Frost |
Enchantress |
Erich Paine |
Erik Killmonger |
Emplate |
Exodus |
Fabian Cortez |
Fourth School |
Foursaken |
Feilong |
Fenris |
Freedom Force |
Friends of Humanity |
Frightful Four |
First Fallen |
Frost Giants |
Galactus |
Gamesmaster |
Genesis |
Genesis |
General Robert Callahan |
Graydon Creed |
Green Goblin |
Grizzly |
Hammerhead |
Harrower |
Hand |
Hela |
Hellfire Club |
Henry Peter Gyrich |
Hex Butcher |
High Evolutionary |
Hordeculture |
Horde |
Holocaust |
Homines Verendi |
Horsemen of Apocalypse |
Impossible Man |
Jackal |
Jack O' Lantern |
J. Jonah Jameson |
Joseph |
Juggernaut |
Kang |
Kid Omega |
Kingpin |
Killer Shrike |
Klaw |
Kull |
Krakoa |
Kraven |
Lobe |
Lord Deathstrike |
Lady Deathstrike |
Legion |
Leper Queen |
Lilith |
Living Monolith |
Lobe's Team |
Locus Vile |
Lois London |
Loki |
Lydia Nance |
Mad Thinker |
Madame Viper |
Madelyne Pryor |
Magneto |
Magus |
Malekith the Accursed |
Malice |
Mandarin |
Marrow |
Masters of Evil |
Master Mold |
Medusa |
Maximus lobo |
Maximus |
Mesmero |
Mikhail Rasputin |
Mister Clean |
Mister Jip |
Mister Negative |
M.O.D.O.K. |
M.O.D.O.K. Superior |
Mojo |
Mole Man |
Moonstone |
Morbius |
Morlocks |
Moria Mactaggert|
Moses Magnum |
Mutant Response Division |
Mystique |
Mysterio |
N'Astirh |
Namor |
Nanny |
Nathaniel Essex/Enigma (Mister Sinister, Doctor Stasis, Orbis Stellaris, Mother Righteous),
Nature Girl |
Nekra |
Neo |
Nightmare |
Nimrod |
Nitro |
Norman Osborn |
Obnoxio the Clown |
O-Force |
Omega Gang |
Omega Red |
Omega Sentinel |
Onslaught |
Orchis |
Ord |
O*N*E |
Orphan-Maker |
Ozymandias |
Pale Girl |
Pandermic |
Pandemonia |
Phalanx |
Phillip Scurvy |
Piledriver |
Pilgrimm |
Predator X |
Pretty Boy |
Proteus |
Pogg Ur-Pogg |
Psycho-Man |
Puma |
Punisher (Earth-95216) |
Purifiers |
Pyro |
Quicksilver |
Reavers |
Red Ghost |
Red Skull |
Reverend Craig |
Rhino |
The Future |
Right |
Rogue |
Ronan |
Sabretooth |
Sadurang |
Sandman |
Sat-Yr-9 |
Sauron |
Savage Land Mutates |
Scarlet Witch |
Scorpion |
Sebastian Shaw |
Selene Gallio |
Sentinels |
Serpent Society |
Stonewall |
Shadow King |
Shadow Xavier |
Shocker |
Sick Bird |
Siryn |
Silver Sable |
Silver Samurai |
Simon Trask |
Sinister Six |
Sisisterhood of Mutants |
Skrulls |
Spiral |
Stranger |
Stinger |
Stryfe |
Stephen Lang |
Sublime |
Sublime Corporation |
Sugarman |
Super-Adaptoid |
Super-Apes |
Super Sabre |
Supreme Intelligence |
Swarn |
Swordbearers of Arakko |
Tarn The Uncaring |
Thanos |
Thug |
The Hag |
Thunderball |
Thunderbolt Ross |
Tiger Shark |
Tinkerer |
Toad |
Trevor Fitzroy |
Typhoid Mary |
Tyrannus |
Upstarts |
Unus |
Vampires |
Venom |
Verre |
Vulcan |
Vulture |
War |
Wendigo |
Whiplash |
Whirlwind |
White Rabbit |
William Stryker |
Wizard |
Wrecker |
X-Man |
Xarus |
Xemnu |
Xorn |
Ymir |
X-Men: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth, Toad) | Pyro
X2: William Stryker Jr. | Lady Deathstrike | Jason Stryker | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Pyro)
X-Men: The Last Stand: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Dark Phoenix, Pyro, Juggernaut, Multiple Man, Mystique) | Omega Gang (Callisto, Psylocke, Quill, Arclight, Avalanche, Spike, Glob Herman, Phat) | Archangel
X-Men: First Class: Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Azazel, Angel Salvadore, Riptide) | William Stryker Sr. | Magneto | Mystique
X-Men: Days of Future Past: Trask Industries (Bolivar Trask, William Stryker Jr., Sentinels) | Magneto | Mystique | Toad | Horsemen of Apocalypse (Apocalypse)
X-Men: Apocalypse: Ashir En Sabah Nur/Horsemen of Apocalypse (Apocalypse, Magneto, Psylocke, Archangel) | Dark Phoenix | Mystique | William Stryker Jr. | Blob
X-Men: Dark Phoenix: Dark Phoenix | D'Bari (Vuk, Jones) | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Selene Gallio) | Mystique
The New Mutants: Demon Bear | Essex Corp (Cecilia Reyes) | Reverend Craig | Smiley Men
X-Men (1992)
Magneto | Sentinels | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | Mesmero | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Omega Red | Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Avalanche, Blob, Pyro) | Dark Phoenix | Master Mold | Bolivar Trask | Henry Peter Gyrich | Silver Samurai | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Jason Wyngarde, Donald Pierce, Emma Frost) | Reavers (Bonebreaker, Lady Deathstrike) | Supreme Intelligence | D'Ken | Deathbird | Friends of Humanity (Graydon Creed) | Toad | Sauron | High Evolutionary | Phalanx | Brood | Skrulls | Super-Adaptoid | Awesome Android | Mojo | Red Skull | Pretty Boy
X-Men: Evolution
Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Avalanche, Toad, Blob, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch) | Acolytes (Magneto, Pyro, Mastermind, Gambit, Sabretooth, Colossus) | Edward Kelly | Duncan Matthews | HYDRA (Madame Viper, Omega Red) | David Haller | Juggernaut | Bolivar Trask | Sentinels | Hungan | Apocalypse | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Mesmero | Destiny | Arcade
Wolverine and the X-Men
Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut, Quicksilver, Avalanche, Blob, Pyro, Toad) | Dark Phoenix | Bolívar Trask | Sentinels | Sabretooth | Mutant Response Division (Colonel Moss) | Shadow King | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, Selene Gallio, Emma Frost, Stepford Cuckoos) | Master Mold | Silver Samurai | Nitro | Mojo | Mister Sinister | Apocalypse
Marvel Anime: X-Men
Hellfire Club (Mastermind, Emma Frost) | U-Men (Sublime)
Legion | Shadow King | Oliver Bird | Time Eaters
The Gifted
Sentinel Services (Jace Turner, Ed Weeks) | Trask Industries (Roderick Champell) | Ted Wilson | Hellfire Club (Fenris, Reeva Paype, Frost Sisters, Rebecca Hoover) | Benedict Ryan
X-Men '97
Operation: Zero Tolerance (Bastion, Mister Sinister, Bolivar Trask, Henry Peter Gyrich) | Magneto | Rogue | Sentinels (Master Mold, Tri-Sentinel, Nimrod) | Madelyne Pryor | Friends of Humanity (X-Cutioner) | Mojo | Adversary | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Jason Wyngarde, Donald Pierce, Emma Frost) | Trish Tilby | Kree Empire (Ronan the Accuser) | Deathbird | Blob | Baron Zemo | Doctor Doom | Silver Samurai | Omega Red | Apocalypse
Video Games
The Uncanny X-Men: Magneto | White Queen | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Boomerang
X-Men: Madness in Murderworld: Arcade | Magneto | Juggernaut | Blob | White Queen | Mystique | Pyro | Wendigo | Silver Samurai
X-Men II: The Fall of the Mutants: Mystique | Avalanche | Blob | Pyro | Spiral
Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge: Arcade | Carnage | Rhino | Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Master Mold
X-Men (1992): Brotherhood of Mutant Terrorists (Magneto, Mystique, White Queen, Juggernaut, Blob, Pyro, Wendigo, Living Monolith) | Sentinels
X-Men (1993): Magneto | Apocalypse | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Sentinels | Ahab | Mojo
X-Men 2: Clone Wars: Apocalypse | Phalanx | The Brood | Magneto
X-Men: Children of the Atom: Magneto | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Silver Samurai | Sentinel | Spiral | Mojo
X-Men (1994): Magneto | Sebastian Shaw | Callisto | Sauron | Brood Queen | Omega Red
X-Men 2: Game Master's Legacy: Gamesmaster | Apocalypse | Mister Sinster | Exodus
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Brood Queen | Sentinels | Acolytes | Exodus | Magneto
X-Men vs. Street Fighter: Apocalypse | Acolytes | Magneto | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Rogue | Angel
X-Men 3: Mojo World: Mojo | Magneto | Master Mold | Trevor Fitzroy | Spiral
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Magneto
X-Men: Mutant Academy: Magneto | Mystique | Sabretooth | Toad
X-Men: Mutant Wars: Magneto | Mystique | Sabretooth | Apocalypse
X-Men: Wolverine's Rage: Lady Deathstrike | Sabretooth | Deadpool
X-Men: Mutant Academy 2: Magneto | Mystique | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Toad
X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Archangel | Magneto | Dark Phoenix | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Silver Samurai | Sauron | Blob | Pyro
X-Men: Next Dimension: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Magneto, Sabretooth, Toad, Mystique, Juggernaut, Blob, Lady Deathstrike, Pyro) | Bastion | Sentinels
X2: Wolverine's Revenge: Magneto | Sabretooth | Wendigo | Lady Deathstrike | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Apocalypse | Mr. Sinister
X-Men Legends: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Acolytes (Magneto, Mystique, Blob, Pyro, Avalanche, Sabretooth, Toad) | Marrow | Juggernaut | Shadow King | Apocalypse | Master Mold
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | The Brood | Lady Deathstrike | Sauron | Omega Red | Stepford Cuckoos | Deadpool | Mister Sinister | Dark Beast | Living Monolith | Mystique | Destiny | Blob | Emma Frost | Sebastian Shaw | Archangel | Selene Gallio | Quicksilver
X-Men The Official Game: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Sabretooth, Pyro) | HYDRA (Silver Samurai, Deathstike) | Multiple Man | Jason Stryker | Master Mold | Mystique | Toad
See Also
Alpha Flight Villains |
Deadpool Villains |
Excalibur Villains |
New Mutants Villains |
Wolverine Villains |
X-Factor Villains |
X-Force Villains |
X-Men Movie Villains