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What makes those rich scum so special? What makes them so much better than me? Gonna knock them off their high horses.
~ The Dog Trainer revealing his motive of mutilating dogs to attack rich socialites.

The unnamed Dog Trainer is a one-shot antagonist in the Moon Knight comics. He serves as the main antagonist of "Old Gods' Favors".

He is an auto repair shop owner and an abusive, greedy dog trainer who abducts and trains dogs into becoming homicidal attack dogs that would maim and kill rich people and steal their belongings for the trainer to make a fortune on selling them but at the same time, punish the dogs if they didn't go enough. The punishment that is killing them if they fail to bring back anything. The series of dog attacks ended up catching Moon Knight's attention.


The Dog Trainer has likely been around capturing dogs nearby his shop - named "7 Sons Auto Salvage" - for quite sometime and has been harshly trained them to become bloodthirsty, aggressive, and vicious attack dogs whose only instincts are to maim people alive and take their belongings, likely so he could find any value in either selling them off for cash or keeping it for himself. Keeping the dogs in cages while training his current batches, there are times that the trainer does not tolerate failure and does not hesitate killing one of them if they don't bring back anything of value or nothing at all. Upon unleashing his dogs on nighttime, he ended up having the dogs score and target wealthy socialites that sees having each one of the targets brutally maimed to death, as well as stealing their belongings for his own benefits. The series of nightly dog attacks were so bad that headlines quoted it as "Werewolves by Night".

In a recent attack, the dogs were seen targeting another socialite until Moon Knight intervenes. Examining one of the bodies left from the past attacks and noticing a common pattern with the victims being wealthy, the next attack would soon take place in a fancy restaurant where there are dozens of wealthy dining patrons, to which the attack dogs came around the kitchen, immediately attacking, maiming and killing several of the staff and chefs and almost came close to attacking and killing the customers until Moon Knight intervened. As Moon Knight tries fending them off, their numbers proven too great that they've managed to overwhelm and nearly maim him alive until he fought back, scaring the dogs off to where they came from, not without placing a tracker onto one of them to get a glimpse of their location.

Locating the hideout to be an auto repair shop, Moon Knight spotted the dog that he put his tracker on, only to find it with the tracker impaled to its eye that killed it, indicating that someone is responsible for these attacks and head onto the shop. As he entered, he sees dozens of dogs caged and whimpering, as well as numerous things and clothing that once belonged to the victims, examining a Testoni Norvegese shoe before looking at the caged, abused dogs before him, angered by the trainer's actions. Once the trainer arrived back, noticing the complete silence of the dogs, he figured they've "learned their lesson" that gave him a headache until he is pushed back by Moon Knight, who called him out and questioned his motives. The trainer explains his petty hatred for rich people and that his scheme concocts on "knocking them off their high horses", which Moon Knight retorts that he had no right to teach the dogs violence or dictate others' fates, which the trainer believed he was one of them and that he was trying to protect them from him.

Scoffing off the trainer's deluded words, Moon Knight freed the abused dogs and have them get revenge on their abuser, allowing them to maim and kill the trainer for his crimes, thus ending his scheme. Before leaving, Moon Knight spots one of the few dogs that didn't hold any aggressive behavior and reassures it to tell its master, "Anubis", that they're even from Khonshu's protection for them.


          Moon Knight Vol 9 Logo Villains

Achilles Fairchild | Agony | Amatsu-Mikaboshi | Amutef | Anubis the Jackal | Arsenal | Arthur Harrow | Black Spectre | Black Spectre | BlueBeard | Bora | Coachwhip | Collective | Committee | Conquer-Lord | Count Nefaria | Crossfire | Cubist | D'Spayre | Deadpool | Deadzone | Deathbringer | Dog Trainer | Elisa Warsame | Dr. Emmet | Grand Mal | The Hellbent | Tutor | Hunter's Moon | Jester | Jigsaw | Khonshu | Killer Shrike | Living Monolith | Lupinar | Lynn Church | Madame Masque | Master Sniper | Midnight | Midnight Man | Morpheus | Moonstone | Morning Star | Nemean | Nightmare | Night Shift | Penance | Profile | Princess Nepthys | Rampage | Raul Bushman | Raptor | Ringer | Scarecrow | Secret Empire | Serial Rapist | Shadow Knight | Skein | Slasher | Slayers Elite | Société des Sadiques (Ernst) | Snapdragon | Stained Glass Scarlet | Sun King | Sunstroke | Taskmaster | Truth | Vampires | Vermin | Wax-Man | White Angel of Death | White Dragon | Xenos | Zapata Brothers | Zodiac | Zohar

Disciples of Ammit (Arthur Harrow & Ammit) | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Raoul Bushman
