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Villains Wiki

Tear down the city, lie by lie. Then throw it back at the liars, stone by stone.
~ Domri Rade

Domri Rade is a human Planeswalker and antagonist in Magic: the Gathering. An agent of Nicol Bolas, he is a member of the Gruul Clans and is against society and laws.

In Magic the Gathering: Arena, he is voiced by Jason Spisak, who also voiced Vladimir and Professor von Yipp in Legends of Runeterra, Jason Dante in Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Vulpes Inculta in Fallout: New Vegas, Silas in The Vampire Diaries, Silico and Packrat in the 2016 Powerpuff Girls series, Oswald Cobblepot in Telltale's Batman, Scorpion in Marvel's Spider-Man, Deag Ranak in Doom: Eternal, Joker in Batman: Hush, and Silco from Arcane.


Joining the Gruul[]

In his youth, Domri was physically weak and small. He looked up to the Gruul and wished to have the Clan's strength and aggression. He attempted to join the Gruul, but was rejected due to his stature. This did hurt him, but it didn't deter him in the slightest. Without a family to call his own, he found companionship with the beasts that occupied the wilds. He grew to cherish them and developed beast related magic. This magic allowed him to finally enter the Gruul Clans. His biggest test came when the Orzhov Syndicate pushed into Gruul territories. Domri led an army of ragebeasts and drove the Orhzov away. This action was appreciated by the Guildmaster Borborygmos and he rewarded Domri by making him an honorary member of the Burning Tree Clan.

Rite of Passage[]

While he was a member of the Gruul, Domri Rade lived an average life. He made friends with other Clan members and tore down buildings that the Gruul had already ransacked. He was also known for being a pest to most people that Domri encountered. This mundane lifestyle changed when Domri had to complete the Gruul initiation. He had to be buried alive for a certain amount of time. He acted tough to his friends, but deep down he was nervous. Before he was buried, he was given protection magic to keep him alive, but it did nothing to remove the fear from his mind. After he was buried, he tried numerous methods to calm himself to little success. After some time he discovered that he wasn't on Ravnica anymore.

He arrived on the Alaran shard of Naya, a lush green world with vast jungles and where beasts are worshipped as gods. Unaware that his Planeswalker spark had ignited, Domri was happy to be above ground and safe. While he was exploring the place, he met a gargantuan who attempted to kill Domri. He was saved by the Cylian elves and proceeded to tell them about his home of Ravnica which eventually coincidentally allowed him to Planeswalk him back to Ravnica.

Ravnica Allegiance to War of the Spark[]

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Domri in War of the Spark holding a Bolas staff.

After much time had passed, Domri rose through the ranks of the Gruul until he finally dethroned Borborygmos and became the leader of the Gruul. Unbeknownst to him, the elder dragon Planeswalker Nicol Bolas aided in his rise to power as a part of his grand scheme. His first order of business was to lead Ravnica into more chaos than it is currently in(partially due to Bolas's machinations). The centaur Nikya believes that Domri's ascension is the catalyst for the End-Raze, an event when Ilharg the Rage Boar would return and destroy Ravnica's cities and allow the Gruul to thrive. He gained a large following and Domri led them to destroy as much of Ravnica as they could, making the Guilds of Ravnica more paranoid than usual.


Domri having his spark absorbed, leading to his death.

Domri became trapped on Ravnica because of the Immortal Sun, as per Nicol Bolas's plans. When the war started, Domri fought against Bolas. He slayed some of the Dreadhorde and even saved Kaya. But when Bolas toppled Vitu-Ghazi, he sided with the dragon believing that Bolas would help him conquer the other Guilds(even though the rest of his followers felt that was a terrible idea). Though Domri went to greet the dragon and offered to work for him, the dragon turned on him: Bolas sought to steal the sparks of all the Planeswalkers trapped on Ravnica, and had no intention of sparing Domri. This led to Domri's death at the hands of Bolas's undead minions. His spark was the catalyst needed to cast the Elderspell, the spell that would allow Bolas to harvest the sparks collected from the Dreadhorde and ultimately regain his godlike powers.


Your precious laws can’t save you now!
~ Domri Rade
Smash this city to pieces.
~ Domri Rade
No peace accord will save Ravnica. You don’t build on rot. You burn it down and start again.
~ Domri Rade
They said obey and you’ll be happy. They said you’ll be safe. But we’re not safe. We’re not happy. And we will not obey.
~ Domri Rade



           Magic-The-Gathering-logo-800x279 Villains

Nicol Bolas | Urza | Ashiok | Azor | Dovin Baan | Domri Rade | Liliana Vess | Nahiri | Ob Nixilis | Oko | Tezzeret | Tibalt | Vraska | Xenagos | Lukka | Ravidel | Tevesh Szat | Geyadrone Dihada | Leshrac | Sifa Grent | Tamiyo | Ajani Goldmane | Nissa Revane | Jace Beleren | Baltrice |

Phyrexians | Yawgmoth | Mishra | Gix | K'rrik | Volrath | Crovax | Ertai | Tsabo Tavoc | Elesh Norn | Jin-Gitaxias | Sheoldred | Vorinclex | Geth (Magic: the Gathering) | Roxith | Azax-Azog | Kraynox | Thrissik | Vraan | Ezuri | Atraxa |

Multiversal Threats
Eldrazi | Slivers | Marit Lage | Sengir |

Villains by Plane
Lim-Dûl | Mairsil | Kaervek | Laquatus | Karona | The Cabal | Heidar | Weaver King | Rona | Society of Mishra |

Mirrodin/New Phyrexia

Takeshi Konda

Oba | Szadek | Lazav | House Dimir | Rakdos | Cult of Rakdos | Momir Vig | Savra | Svogthir | Augustin IV | Orzhov Syndicate | Zomaj Hauc | Mazirek |

Oona | Nath | Gaddock Teeg |

Malfegor | Marisi | Rakka Mar | Order of the Skyward Eye | Gwafa Hazid | Seekers of Carmot |

Anowan | Kalitas |

Gisa and Geralf | Avacyn | Griselbrand | Skirsdag | Olivia Voldaren | Tovolar | Ormendahl | Henrika Domnathi |

Heliod | Erebos | Phenax | Mogis |

Zurgo | Sidisi | Tasigur |


Gods of Destruction | Bontu | Razaketh | Eternals |

Kumena | Vona |



Extus Narr

