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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

The evil overlord of our universe... Don Armage was defeated. But he secretly had prepared a body double. For some reason, Don Arkage has come to this universe. I don't know what his reasons are... But worse case scenario... this universe could end up completely dominated like ours was.
~ Lucky regarding Don Arkage.

Don Arkage was the new shogun of the Space Shogunate Jark Matter and the main antagonist of Lupinranger VS Patranger VS Kyuranger.

He was voiced by Atsuki Tani, who previously voiced Chanbaano, a Mercenary Org, and Don Armage.



A being of unknown origin, Don Arkage served as Don Armage's body double before the Shogun's death at the hands of the Kyurangers. Due to not being enlisted for the Jark Matter's final attack on the universe, Don Armage survived the collapse of the Jark Matter and aspired to conquer the universer like his late master.

Lupinranger vs Patranger[]

A year later, shortly after the death of Destra Majjo, Don Arkage emerges and plans to to take hold of Jark Matter’s Hidden Treasure concealed within the guitar of Hoshi Minato and use the Hyper Planetanium that it contains to become extremely powerful and conquer the universe. With the Jark Matter destroyed, he is forced to align himself with Rirus Lippig of the Interdimensional Crime Group Gangler for help and tasks him with stealing the guitar. After Don Arkage arrives a bit late to a meeting with Rirus, he tells his plan to Rirus Lippig because the guitar contains Hyper Planetium and with that power will allow them to conquer Earth. However, unknown to the two, they are being eavesdropped by Stinger, Hammie, and Spada. Before Don Arkage and Rirus leave with the stolen guitar, they are stopped by the three Kyurangers and the arrivals of the Lupinrangers, Balance and Naga Ray. With that, Don Arkage asks Rirus and the Pordermen to deal them whilst he takes his leave with the guitar. Once outside, he strums the guitar and absorbs the Planetium to grow stronger and easily defeats the arriving Patrangers, Lucky and Noel with no effort. After defeating and demorphing Lucky and Keiichiro when they try to fight him, he retreats although not before promising to kill them at dawn the next day. In the meantime though, they realize that Lucky shielded parts of Arkage's body from the Planetium so he has weakspots to exploit.

The next morning, the assembled Patrangers, Lupinrangers and Kyurangers confront Don Armage in the quarry only for him to summon an clone army of Indaver and the Vice-Shoguns. Don Arkage fights Keiichiro, Kairi and Lucky and has the upper-hand until they gain the upper-hand and cut him down. Surrounding Don Armage, all three teams combine the All-Star Crash, Infinish Blast, PatrenUgou's One Hit Strike, Tsurugi's Phoenix End, Noel's Superiur X and the Lupinrangers' Super Super Super Strike to strike all the areas not covered by Planetium. Arkage temporarily resists his demise only to be obliterated before growing to giant size. They form Good Feeling Kaiser VSX and Don Arkage is quickly overwhelmed by quick changing the VS Vehicles before being easily killed by Good Cool Kaiser VSX's All-Star Strike.


Don Arkage was an extrmeely violent and sadistic warlord but was well mannered to his allies as seen when he apologized for his latness for Rirus Lipig.

Powers and Abilities[]

Default Form[]

  • Power: Don Arkage was an incredibly powerful being, being at least as strong as Don Armage in his ultimate form and fighting Kairai, Lucky and Keiichiro at once. It took the combined power of all three Sentai teams in their powered-up forms and a Kyuutama enhanced Good Feeling Kaiser VSX to put an end to him once and for all.
  • Energy Slashes: Don Arkage could fire a giant purple energy slash just by swinging his right hand. This took down Lucky, the Patrangers and Noel down with one hit.
  • Dark Energy Blast: Don Arkage could fire a dark purple energy blast from his left hand but it had no effect on Keiichiro.
  • Fists: Don Arkage was able to overwhelm Lucky and Keiichiro with his bare hands.


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Strength: Single slashes from Don Arkage took down Keiichiro, Lucky, Kairi and Tsurugi and effortlessly throw off Tsurugi and Lucky when they tried to restrain him.
  • Durability: Don Arkage was virtually indestructible, being unfazed by multiple hits from the VS Changers, X Changer and Seiza Blasters as well as Lucky's KyuSpear. Even being blasted by RyuuDragon's fire breath and slammed into a cliff didn't faze him.
  • Energy Strikes: Don Arkage could fire sharp purple energy points from the circle on his back that caused large explosions and took down all ten Sentai Rangers with one hit.
  • Energy Slashes: Don Arkage retained his ability fire an energy slash by swinging his right hand. However, it was now colored red and stronger as it took down Asuka, Tsukasa and Tsurugi with one hit.
  • Revival: Don Arkage could revive the Vice-Shoguns and some Indavers by flashing the circle on his spine which would make them appear from the ground.
  • Weapons Combat: Don Arkage was a skilled swordsman, fighting and defeating Kairi, Tsurugi, Keiichiro and Lucky with ease despite them all attacking at once.
  • Reviving: Don Arkage could revive himself after his death.  
    • Enlarging: Don Arkage was able to enlarge himself to giant size at will through a small red energy ball emerging from his remains and enlarging itself.
  • Exposed Skin: Lucky managed to prevent several areas across Don Arkage's body from being covered by Planetium whilst he wrestled with the Don. Powerful enough hits to these areas killed Don Arkage almost immediately.


  • Armaswords: Don Arkage wielded an pair of short swords to his predecessor Don Armage.
    • Deflection: Don Arkage deflected shots from Kairi and Keiichiro's VS Changers with his Armaswords.


Sorry to keep you waiting.
~ Don Arkage's first words when meeting with Rirus Lippig.
Inside is Hyper Planetasium, worth 100 planets. If I bathe in that, I will surpass Don Armage. I will become the ultimate double. Shall we go?
~ Don Arkage's goal.
Tomorrow, at the crack of dawn... You will feel my might now that I have absorbed true power!
~ Don Arkage after absorbing the Hyper Planetium.
Looks like the small fry have multiplied. But a school of small fry are still small fry! This is the end!
~ Don Arkage when confronted by the Kyurangers, Lupinrangers and Patrangers.
Hm? HA! A mere 20? Let me show you my power! Get them!
~ Don Arkage when creating his Jark Matter clone army.
Hm? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?! Huh? Huh huh huh huh? No! Ahhhhhhhhh!
~ Don Arkage's final words before his initial defeat.
Bow down!
~ Don Arkage upon enlarging.
This can't be happening to me! No! no! Oh! Erraaaaaaaaaaaagh!
~ Don Arkage's final words.


  • Don Arkage's suit was a modified and repainted version of the complete Don Armage's Hooded, Don Quervo, Phoenix. One of Don Armage's clones And Then Final Form. His enhanced form, however, reuses elements of Armage's complete Don Armage's Hooded, Don Quervo, Phoenix. One of Don Armage's clones And Then Final Form.


           Logo-supersentai Villains

Shōwa Era Villains
Black Cross Army | Criminal Organization Crime | Secret Society Egos | Vader Clan | Machine Empire Black Magma | Dark Science Empire Deathdark | Tailed-People Clan Jashinka Empire | Neo Empire Gear | Great Star League Gozma | Reconstructive Experiment Empire Mess | Underground Empire Tube | Armed Brain Army Volt

Heisei Era Villains
Hundred Boma Tribes | Galactic Imperial Army Zone | Dimensional War Party Vyram | Bandora Gang | Gorma Tribe | Youkai Army Corps | Machine Empire Baranoia | Space Bosozoku Bowzock | Wicked Electric Kingdom Nezirejia | Space Pirates Balban | Psyma Family | Londerz Family | Ogre Tribe Org | Universal Ninja Group Jakanja | Invasion Garden Evolian | Space Criminals Alienizer | Underground Hades Empire Infershia | Gordom Civilization | Jaryuu Clan | Dark Shadow | Ashu Tribe | Rinjuken Akugata | Genjuken | Banki Clan Gaiark | Gedoshu | Universal Annihilation Army Warstar | Earth Condemnation Group Yuumajuu | Machine Onslaught Empire Matrintis | Dark Headders | Space Empire Zangyack | Vaglass | Deboth Army | Evil Army Shadow Line | Kibaoni Army Corps | Izayoi Way Ninja Army Corps | Deathgalien | Space Shogunate Jark Matter | Interdimensional Crime Group Gangler | Druidon Tribe

Reiwa Era Villains
Dark Empire Yodonheim | Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo | Noto | Juto | Earth Empire Bagnarak | Uchu | Great Space Invasion Running Team Hashiryan

           Lupatologo Villains

Interdimensional Crime Group Gangler
Leader: Dogranio Yaboon
Status Double Gold: Destra Majjo | Zamigo Delma
Status Gold: Goche Ru Medou
Status Double: Zarudan Hou | Yoshi Urazer | Narizma Shibonz
Status Triple: Rirus Lippig
Status Quintuple: Experimental Body | Ganima Noshiagalda
Gangler Monsters: Ruretta Gerou | Garatt Nargo | Namero Bacho | Rabroom Jaws | Bundorute Peggy | Merg Arita | Brez Arenishka | Pitch Cock | Jenko Copamino | Naiyo Kapaja | Nanpario Pengino | Odordo Maximoff | Anidara Maximoff | Togeno Aves | Manta Bayarsh | Nero Kilner | Sudaru Urukyu | Zarudan Hou | Gabatt Kababacci | Demeran Yatmis | Magooda Pone | Wilson | Herlock Sholmes | Gristo Lloyd | Zonic Lee | Pyodor | Ryugu Tamatebacco | Modified Porderman | Kunks Butylmercaptan | Envy Chiruda | Kerbero Gangan | Doryun Sanbu | Pekka Zeppelin | Yadogar Gohome | Jarnake Saucer | Iselob Starfryed | Dugon Manattee | Tokagale Nakushaku | Samon Shakekisutanchin | Kazemi
Raimon Gang: Raimon Gaorufang | Ushibaroque the Brawl | Giwi Newzie
Soldiers: Porderman | Goram

Space Shogunate Jark Matter
Don Arkage | Tecchu | Akyanba | Kukuruga | Indaver

Druidon Tribe
Kureon | Griffon Minosaur | Drunn Soldiers

           KyuRanger Titlecard Villains

Space Shogunate Jark Matter
Don Armage | Quervo | Don Arkage | Indaver | Tsuyoindaver
Vice Shogun: Tecchu | Akyanba | Kukuruga | Akyachuuga
Karo: Scorpio | Magera | Thunderbird | Eriedrone | Wunjet | Jumotsu | Desgon | Gloven | Mecha Madakko | Southern King
Daikaan: Gamettsui | Yumepakkun | Denvil | Toome | Mothma | Yuterujan | Goneshi | Olmega | Manavil | Shaidos | Mika Retsu | Moretsuyoindaver | Mamoritsuyoindaver | Megatsuyoindaver | Meshiubaindaver | Metchatsuyoindaver | Mutchatsuyoindaver | Mondomuyoindaver | Mediatsuyoindaver | Microtsuyoindaver
Excutioner: Gyabler
Assassins: Ikargen | Madakko
Independent Unit: Geth Indaver | Ommo Indaver | Kaal Indaver
Scientist: Dr. Anton | Dogyun
Others: Deathworm | Metal Deathworm | Bossworm | Jark Sentai GoIndaver | Cow-Type All-Purpose Weapon Zero | Space Ikadevil | Stinger
