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Villain Overview

You call this a table? You call this a table? I wouldn't hit a guy over the head with this table.
~ Donbot's first line in the series.

Donbot is a supporting antagonist in Futurama.

He is a round greenish-gray robot with rings around each of his fingers. He almost always has a dark brown hat, a dark brown suit jacket, and occasionally a cane. He is the head of the Robot Mafia, joined by his subordinates Joey Mousepad and Clamps. His wife, Fanny, had an affair with Bender and his daughter, Bella, had sex with Bender at her sister's wedding.

He is voiced by Maurice LaMarche, who also voices The Big Brain, Lrrr, Walt, Francis X. Clampazzo, Fishy Joe, Melllvar, Schlump and Fleb, and Leonardo da Vinci in the same series, as well as Father in Codename: Kids Next Door, Joseph Stalin in Histeria!, Calendar Man and Mr. Freeze in the Batman: Arkham video game series, Mortimer Mouse in the Mickey Mouse franchise, Big Bob Pataki in Hey Arnold!, Mr. Big in Zootopia, Yosemite Sam in the Looney Tunes franchise, Koto in All Hail King Julien, Doctor Doom in Marvel's Avengers, Alec Baldwin in Team America: World Police, Dr. Nitrus Brio in the Crash Bandicoot franchise, and Brain in Anamaniacs and Pinky and the Brain.


The Donbot's personality is basically the stereotypical criminal mob boss personality, which is basically defined as calm, calculating, and intelligent. However, it also comes with arrogance, greed, selfishness, and a demanding hunger for power. The Donbot is also a murderous robot who would murder anyone who would not pay money to him. However, he is also shown to be forgetful about people a lot as he would try to kill them in one scenario and sell them something in another. He is also a manipulative person as he took over a casino and fooled the Martian police into doing his orders.


The Series[]

The Donbot hired Bender Bending Rodríguez to work as a goon to the Robot Mafia and steal a shipment of Zuban cigars, attempted to kill Flexo with an unbendable girder after Bender, disguised as Flexo, continued to flash his filthy scab money, was o ne of the FART, which shows that he is a parent, attended the Big Robot Party, and was a member of the League of Robots.

Fanny, his wife, cheated on him with Bender after Bender met her in the Gearotica Theatre. When the Robot Mafia became aware of the affair, they shot them and buried them a few times as a warning. However, the Donbot and Fanny had already gotten back together by the legalization of Proposition ∞. He later had Clamps try to kill Bender again after Bender had testified concerning Donbot's assault on Calculon.

In the Donbot's final appearance, he was seen being taken away by the police, implying that he finally had to face punishment for his actions.

Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow[]

Donbot is an unlockable character available during Act 2 of the Wise Bots event. Donbot is available in the store for 6000 Nixonbucks and can be fully unlocked with Pizza.


  • The name Donbot comes from Don (a slang word for a mafia boss and) and Bot which obviously means robot.


          FuturamaTitle Villains

Major Villains
Mom | Walt, Larry & Igner | Killbots | Invasa | Hoverfish

Earth Government
Richard Nixon | Professor Ogden Wernstrom | DOOP (Zapp Brannigan & DOOP troops)

Bender Bending Rodríguez | The Robot Devil | Lrrr | Nudar | Dark One | The Big Brain | Yivo

Supporting Villains
Alcazar | Alpha Funbag | Ambassador Mervin | Andrew & Mugger | Bart Simpson's Creatures | Basil | Bev | Chaunakah Zombie | Chelsea | Computer Judge | Destructor | Donbot | Dr. Banjo | Dr. Brutalov | Dr. Kind | Edna | El Chupanibre | Elzar | Fishy Joe | Fnog | Flamo | Francis X. Clampazzo | Giant Unattractive Monster | Glurmo | Headless Spiro Agnew | Hypnotoad | Joey Mousepad | Langdon Cobb | Leo Wong | Leonardo Da Vinci | Lucy Liu Robots | Master of the Hunt | Melllvar | Michelle | Morbo | Morgan Proctor | Pickles | Princess Flavia | Project Satan | Roberto | Robot Mayor | Robot Santa | Schlump and Fleb | Silicon Red | Slurm Queen | Pa | That Guy | Thubanian Leader | Tunneling Horror | Unattractive Giant Monster | V-GINY | Worms of Cologne | Zookeper

Groups & Species
Amazonians (Thog, Kug & Ornik)| A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. | Robot Mafia | New New York Police Department | MomCorp | Masked Unity | History's Greatest Villains | Sunset Squad Robots | Spheroids | Thubanians | Robot Elders | Pine Barrens Hunt Club | Nintendians

Turnga Leela (Dial L for Leela, Wicked Witch)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Giant, Beachmaster)
Dr. Zoidberg (Lobster, Round Wheels)
Others: Brrr

Video Games
Futurama: The Game
Mom | Walt, Larry & Igner | Sun God Impostor | Destructor

Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow
Mom | The Robot Devil | Billionairebot

Aliens for the Ethical Treatment of Humans | Fry Puppet | Glab | Honest Brannigan | Honest Brannigan's Assistant | Homicidal Bender Bots

See Also
The Simpsons Villains | Disenchantment Villains
