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Doomeye is a supporting antagonist in Lord Brocktree, the thirteenth book in the Redwall novel series. He is the dimwitted brother of Ripfang who is just as sadistic as him as they would both sail the seas as corsairs, killing whatever creatures they came across before coming across Ungatt Trunn's Blue Hordes, having heard of Ungatt Trunn's fame due to his bloody conquests, as they were in the midst of conquering the mountain Salamandastron and join said hordes. After joining, they would try to assist him in the takeover of the mountain while being cruel and sadistic towards the other troops as well.


Doomeye was a corsair with his brother, Ripfang, and would sail the seas with him for plunder. Along the way, they would come across numerous creatures, young, old, male, or female, and kill them whatever way they could, even a few ways they don't bare thinking about, taking pleasure in the kills. Eventually, they hear of Ungatt Trunn's fame and desire to join his Blue Hordes. Upon coming across them as they were in the midst of conquering Salamandastron, they volunteer to join his troops. After Trunn is brought to them by once of his captains, Mirefleck, Ripfang introduces themselves, pledging his loyalty to Ungatt Trunn. Fragorl, Trunn's advisor, after having held a brief whispered conference with Trunn, welcomes them in before having them put aside their weapons and come. They then carry out the instructions given to them by Groddil to join, being dyed in dark blue powder and officially becoming Blue Hordebeasts afterwards.

They get their first task assigned by Ungatt Trunn in the form of torturing Groddil and Swinch by means of being staked out on the shore, deprived of food and water, and beaten with the flats of their own sword blades while layed on hard to be released at dawn the next day with him sentencing them to this punishment under the pretext of failing to find Lord Stonepaw, badger lord of Salamandastron, and his hares and two of the horderats being beaten by the hares and robbed of their supplies, when it's really for his own amusement. They carry out the punishment with sadistic glee, with Ripfang himself giving them a faux apology as they do so. After Swinch gets killed as Stonepaw sacrifices himself to take him and the rats out while saving the hares, Ungatt Trunn demotes Groddil (who had ordered for Stonepaw to be killed despite Trunn's orders being for him to be brought to him alive), Fraul, and Mirefleck and promotes Ripfang and Doomeye as captains, having them exchange uniforms with the two searats and become their servants to bring them food, carry out their wishes, and keep both their accommodations and their kit clean while permitting them to treat them as harshly as they please as punishment towards them for failing to capture the hares, who had escaped.

Before he dismisses them, Trunn assigns the three to return to the cave where Stonepaw died and stay down there until they capture the hares or at least find out how they escaped under the supervision of Ripfang and Doomeye. He sentences for them to be flogged with willow canes and starved each day they are unsuccessful in their task and orders Ripfang and Doomeye to march them off to their task. As captains of the horde, Ripfang and Doomeye would enjoy their positions of power and take joy in tormenting the three, subjecting them to the cruel abuse Trunn sentenced them to and more. When Fraul questioned Ripfang's order to stay where he can see him and to avoid hiding in dark corners where he can catch a quick nap as he wouldn't be able to search, Ripfang had Doomeye, who was a skilled archer, shoot him in the paw just for "cheeking" him, sadistically asking him afterwards if he'd like some more or has learned his lesson to which Fraul says he's learned his lesson while addressing him as captain, much to Ripfang's satisfaction. Ripfang asks Doomeye if Mirefleck herself has learned to address him as captain to which Doomeye notched an arrow at her while ordering her to stay still with her doing so while addressing him as captain, much to Doomeye's disappointment as he sought for an excuse to shoot the arrow at her, commenting on how she's no fun due to obeying him presumably due to not being able to run faster than an arrow. For their sick twisted amusement, Ripfang suggests he tries her to see if she can, leaing to Doomeye playing a sadistic game with her by ordering her to run before shooting her with the arrow, though he winds up killing her with that.

Stunned, Doomeye drops his arrow and, while showing no remorse over the deed, shows concern over what Ungatt Trunn would say and worries if he'll have him killed with an arrow. Ripfang, however, merely brushes this off and instead continues amusing himself by ordering Fraul and Groddil to come over. Once they do, Ripfang, while putting on a serious expression and grave tone, lies about her having shouted and said nasty horrible things about Trunn and asks if they heard while pointing his willow cane from one to the other as they affirmed so. Doomeye himself joins in by asking if they saw her attack him and Ripfang and try to escape with both of them affirming that they've seen it, much to the two sadistic brothers' amusement as they tittered about it. Nodding toward the body of Mirefleck, Ripfang orders them to tie her corpse with rocks and sling it in the pool before continuing their search. When Groddil tells him they need rope to carry out the order, Ripfang orders him to go get some and lots of it while they're at it as they'll need to tie them up to ensure they stay down there while he and Doomeye get some decent rest and food. After they carry out the task, Ripfang has them be bound together from tails to necks before pushing them down, mockingly telling them to get a good night's sleep as they'll be busy the next day before going to sleep with Doomeye. Unbeknownst to them, however, Groddil and Fraul would escape the knots and use the rope to escape the mountain after having found where the hares escaped, though Fraul ends up dying to a large group of crabs they came across as they made their way out.

Later, as he lay back on a straw pallet facing the long rectangular window of the chamber below the hares' cell, Doomeye woke up and briefly noticed a rope, which was used by the escaped hares along with friends to climb up to set up an escape plan, go up and awakens Ripfang, asking him if he saw a rope go up. Ripfang only jokes about this, commenting on how it's probably Groddil and Fraul escaping to catch a passing cloud. Probing at one eye, Doomeye suspects that an eyelid dropped over his eye and that the blue dye is playing havoc with his eyesight, making him envision a rope. To check, Ripfang gets up and the two decide to go to the hares' cell to make sure, though they get summoned to Ungatt Trunn by his Grand Fragorl before they could even get far. Once they arrive to him, knowing that the two were searats and sailed many places, Ungatt Trunn asks if they have ever come across a badger carrying a double-hilted sword on his back to which the two respond that they didn't, leading to Trunn dismissing them. As they make their way down to the dining hall, Doomeye chuckles with relief as he had thought he found out about Mirefleck, getting silenced by Ripfang for this so that no one hears. Ripfang, however, reveals that he himself had had dreams about a badger before they go to eat breakfast. When they start eating, however, they find the food not to their liking as the fish was going bad due to supplies running low. When he asks the cook fi there's anything else to report, the cook reveals that a couple of guards have deserted and that there will likely be a few more if the grubstakes don't improve. Taking a dislike to the cook, Ripfang prods him while telling him that there's bad fortune to them if they do, saying that he'll use them to bait up the fish hooks before telling him to get back to work and to bring back the pieces of fish of those who have deserted.

As supplies continue to run low, Ripfang and Doomeye get notified by one of Karangool's captains that they are going to the cooking pots the next day as Ungatt Trunn and Karangool have concocted the horrific idea to cannibalize the 60 imprisoned hares. As such, Doomeye steals the key off the guard captain and suggests to Ripfang that they go have a look at the longears to select a nice fat one. Once they arrive, Doomeye is unable to open the door with the key, much to Ripfang's anger as the two then get into a fight while trying to find other ways to open the door like three beads and a blanket. Unbeknownst to them, the hares are escaping the cell with the help of the hares and the creatures they befriended from earlier as they fight. Trying to turn the key in the hole again, Doomeye ends up breaking it in the lock, much to Ripfang's frustration before Doomeye idiotically sugests they break it down, getting berating from Ripfang for this suggestion as they'd be overwhelmed by the hares, leading to them attacking each other with Doomeye biting Ripfang's tail for insulting him and exaggerating a scratch on his head as a skull split. Doomeye then runs off down the passage and turns at the stairhead where he sticks his tongue out at his brother and insults him, leading to Ripfang brandishing his spear and chasing after him, threatening him. After this, the 60 hares complete their escape safe and sound.

They get imprisoned under Ungatt Trunn's orders in the dungeons as he knew they lied to him about Mirefleck insulting him and starved until he decides what to do with them. Afterwards, the hares would terrorize Trunn's troops while disguised as a group of bandits called the Bark Crew by means of stealing their supplies for themselves and routinely sent to Trunn while going through the water chained to deliver messages that would consist of insults to him. When this happens one too many times, Ungatt Trunn orders for Ripfang and Doomeye to be released and brought to him. Once they are, he offers them food and drink on a tray after having Karangool sip from the flagon and bite off a piece of scone to prove it's not poison. As they ate, Trunn tells them that he isn't having them done away with as he's figured out what to do with them before conversing with them about their pasts as corsairs, with Ripfang and Doomeye both sadistically bragging about the creatures they had slain and how they'd slay them any way they'd like. After this, Trunn discusses with them about what they should do if they want to keep eating food like that and regain their rank as captains in his Hordes: capture and slay the Bark Crew.

Taking a hundred and fifty hordebeasts out of the mountain long before dawn, Ripfang and Doomeye conceal themselves in the crags and crannies behind Salamandastron where they watch as the forage party decoys they set up, who are themselves unaware that they're decoys, are on their way northeast to the clifftops and dunes to scout for berries and roots. Climbing down from his lookout spot, Ripfang orders Doomeye to take his gang and sweep southeast and to get well back from the cliffs before they start closing in. Doomeye asks where Ripfang will be going, commenting that it'll be the short way to which Ripfang responds by telling him he and his lot will be following the same route as the foraging party, which is what he had been drumming into Doomeye half of the night with the intent of catching the Bark Crew in a pincer movement from back and front. Brandishing his dagger, Ripfang begins to rally his lot and commands that they move themselves, though Doomeye still complains about how he and his gang are taking the long route, leading to Ripfang flinging the dagger and burying it in the earth right between his brother's footpaws and angrily ordering him to get going under the threat of reporting to Ungatt Trunn. Doomeye complies as a result and signaled his party off but not before asking Ripfang what the signal is despite being told 10 times already, with Ripfang reminding him that Firrig will give two curlew cries to signal the attack. Leading his party out of the rocks, Doomeye continues but not before shouting one insult back at his brother, leading to Ripfang flinging a rock at Doomeye that fell short and telling him that he'll get him for that.

Once the Bark Crew has robbed the forage party decoy, despite the signal not yet being given, Doomeye's Hordebeasts come charging out of the eastern moorland, howling and yelling, firing slingstones and discharging arrows at the Bark Crew, managing to get an arrow into the throat of a hare named Torleep, who fell over the cliff from this. The hares would proceed to engage in battle against the vermin who were scrambling over the clifftop and then begin to pick of the outsiders to stop them from circling them, with an otter and Brog going down with a spear through him. Doomeye's contingent began to slow their headlong rush and were advancing cautiously, trying to stay in a tight bunch. Ripfang soon came in, having his group halfway over the clifftop, and noticed how furiously they were retaliating. Dropping back below the rim, he called out orders to the vermin to keep their heads down and that they'll snipe them to bits. Eventually, Brog and Stiffener force the forage party into two lines and have them go north then strike east the moment trees are spotted, using them as a living shield to take them out of there. This ends up working as it confuses the vermin who ceased fire, allowing the Bark Crew to move smartly off while they had the advantage.

Hauling himself over the clifftops, Ripfang yells at the vermin to kill them, though Doomeye comes running up at the head of his vermin group, telling Ripfang that they fooled them that time. Ripfang then punches his brother in the eye, berating him for not waiting for the signal, leading to a ferret from Doomeye's patrol to explain that he stepped on a thistle and yelped out loud, ending up causing everyone to think it's the signal. This only results in a punch square on the ferret's nose from Ripfang as he declares that he's giving the orders around here and tells him to go after them and slay the Bark Crew. When the ferret lashed out, cracking Ripfang between the ears with his spear haft, and refused as this would mean having to kill their own mates, Ripfang kills him with his cutlass and threatens to kill whoever else wants to stay there, pressing them onward. While the vermin attacked, at the rear, Ripfang watches Doomeye, who was holding a pawful of wet sand to his eye that Ripfang had punched, telling him that it'll only get him an eyeful of wet sand. Doomeye responds by spitting contemptuously at him and telling him he isn't his brother and hopes one of the arrows in the air gets him in the eye so he'll now how it feels. All of a sudden, one of the vermin informs Ripfang of them climbing down the cliffs to the shore, causing Ripfang to realize they are trying to make it to the rocks and, knowing they can easily surround the rocks, Ripfang orders them to slow down and catch their breaths, confident that they are going nowhere.

As the vermin climbed down to the shore, the creatures decided to set the forage party decoy free. While Ripfang was giving orders to form a circle around the rocks, Doomeye, due to his idiocy, winds up shooting one of them whilst mistaking it for one of the Bark Crew. Ripfang cuts his bowstring with his cutlass, pointing out that it was one of their own. Doomeye in response asks what if he did and reminds him that he said it was all right as long as they got the Bark Crew. Ignoring him, Ripfang calls to the forage party to come over to their spot. Once they arrive, Ripfang orders them to get some slings and gather some stones as well as help capture the Bark Crew. The Bark Crew along with other creatures then gave a battlecry that briefly caught Ripfang offguard before he quickly recovered and declared that he'll paint the rocks red with their blood. A bit later, the battle between them begun, getting some creatures left and right killed. AS the battle went on, Ripfang stood out of it and directed it from the rear while laying about the half-hearted ones who tried to hang back and keeping his brother Doomeye with him. Doomeye, however, had bloodlust in his eyes now that he could see victory in sight and begged to Ripfang that he let him at them, wanting to kill a few, though Ripfang refuses as they've retreated for their last stand and that they'll be real dangerous since they have nothing to lose and warns him to stay out. However, Doomeye ignores him and dashes forwards waving his blade.

At this moment, however, Brocktree, the badger whom Ungatt Trunn had been hallucinating about, comes in with an army of creatures he formed with the help of Bucko Bigbones, who had been seeking revenge against Karangool for slaying his people and family and torturing him as Trunn's captain in chief, and his hares along with others and defeats the vermin, getting them knocked unconscious and looking distinctly groggy. After having them captured and discovering Ripfang and Doomeye as the leaders, Brocktree has them bury the creatures they killed before sending them parading through the waters linked together at neck height by four long pikes lashed two by two, the poles pressing close against their necks with there being long metal spearheads twisted together at either end of the pikes, there being two at each end to seal the fourteen like peas in a pod to deliver a message to Ungatt Trunn. Once they arrive on shore to Trunn, he has them be released before threatening Ripfang's life by placing his blade against Ripfang's throat, asking him where the bodies of the Bark Crew are along with the hundred and a half soldiers he sent out to deal with them and promising to spare him a slow death if he answers truthfully. Ripfang responds by informing him that he saw the badger, causing Ungatt Trunn to drop his sword out of shock and order everybeast except Ripfang to leave. When they do, Ungatt Trunn asks him questions about Brocktree to which Ripfang first makes sure that he and his brother Doomeye are still captain to which Trunn guarantees before Ripfang tells him everything.

Later on, Ungatt Trunn has his Blue Horde parade around to show off their army size to the creatures while supervised by Karangool, though he is unaware that they actually saw it while hidden. Afterwards, during council with Karangool, Fragorl, and Ripfang, Ungatt Trunn discusses if they saw the parade, with none of them having being able to. During this discussion, Ripfang suggests thtat they could have had the horde sweep out both sides of the cliffs and scour his enemies out to which Trunn rationalizes that it would have left the mountain undefended and that he wants them to come to him. When Karangool asks what if they don't, Ungatt Trunn explains that he will take up Ripfang's suggestion and send the Hordes to root them out, much to the their surprise. Despite the surprise, Ripfang answers readily enough that they best not leave it too long as his beasts are getting hungrier everyday. After patrolling the mountain passages, Ungatt Trunn and Karangool go to the main mountain entrance where the former asks Ripfang if there's anything to report with Ripfang declaring that there isn't anything. Suddenly, Fragorl interrupts further conversation and alerts them of a fire started by the cliffside northward, said fire having been started by Jukka, one of the creatures, as a diversion and they all run to the window where she saw it. Upon arriving and noticing it, Ripfang finds amusement, explaining that it shows they aren't shore of nerve, burning a whopper campfire. Karangool explains that it could be a trap with Ungatt Trunn angrily explaining that he knows that and that they're taunting him. Ripfang agrees to this and asks what he is going to do, to which Ungatt Trunn responds by giving orders to Karangool to take half of the entire Hordes and split them in three columns, one either side to clifftops and dunes and the third to go flat out along the shore and circle around behind them, wanting the leaders alive and the rest slaughtered.

However, right after, another fire is started aboard the ships, causing Ungatt Trunn to realize it was a decoy to divert their attention and make plans to turn it into a trap. As such, he orders Karangool to take some crews out there and cut the burning vessels away from the others and Fragorl and Ripfang to take command of those attacking the decoy fire by the cliffs and carry out the orders he gave to Karangool. After they go off to carry the orders out, though, Fragorl betrays and deserts them by having her band carry straight on going instead of heading out along the shore and circling back behind the enemy. Ripfang chased after her with Doomeye and the others, though after a while, they come across clumps of charlock growing everywhere and stonecrop with a little stream of sweet water and tutsan sprouting around it. They also find periwinkles and mussles off the rocks below the tideline. As such, they set up camp and cook them all up together. Ungatt Trunn himself arrives while the creatures are battling his hordes and Ripfang explains everything before Trunn orders them to go back to the mountain after intimidating and threatening Ripfang, who conversed with Doomeye about something strange having happened back at the castle.Arriving back, Dotti, one of the hares, carries out her scheme of showing the starving vermin there was no shortage of food on her side to dishearten them by tossing a pie crust or scrap of cheese from the second-level windows to give the impression that there was a limitless amount of food at their disposal. During this, Log a Log Grenn, leader of the Guosim shrew tribe, sand a song about nice things to eat while the Guosim cooks burned branches of aromatic herbs used in their cooking. This worked and caused a fight amongst the Blue Horderats for a bit, particularly Ripfang and Doomeye, who were behaving in a most undignified manner for two horde captains and joined in the wild scrabble for the food tossed from the second-level windows. When a rat tried to fit an awwor to his bow, Doomeye grabbed it and kicked him, sending him sprawly, telling him not to go shooting the creatures due to the food being thrown down with Ripfang himself declaring that any food is good food when they're starving.

Soon, Brocktree challenges Ungatt Trunn to a duel which Trunn accepts while both pledge their words to respect the terms. However, Ungatt Trunn had every intention to do anything but. While conversing with Karangool, Ripfang, and Doomeye, he concocts a scheme using Doomeye, who was the best archer of the three, to kill Brocktree during the battle by shooting the arrow against him should the battle be going against Trunn's favor. After departing, though, Karangool realizes Trunn is wavering and comes up with a plan to betray him with Ripfang and Doomeye, involving killing Trunn with the badger if he lose, promising to help each other become lords and take all. During the duel, however, when Ungatt Trunn is losing, Doomeye ends up missing and hits the badger's shoulder, giving his position away and getting himself killed by an otter who threw a javelin at him, horrifying Ripfang while Brocktree defeats Ungatt Trunn and cripples him. The hordebeasts, including Ripfang who was upset over Doomeye's death, then start retreating onto the ships, leaving Doomeye's corpse on the island.


           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
