The Doppler Army is the main villainous faction from Mega Man X3.
The Doppler army is a gigantic military force made by Dr. Doppler during the period of time were Maverick attacks were at an all time low, many members used to be peaceful Reploids that where brainwhased by the Maverick Virus, others joined out of their own free will. After gaining enough fire-power, they stage a war against humanity organazing attacks across the world.
Before Mega Man X3 Doppler had become famous for seemingly creating a vaccine against the Maverick Virus, which cured affected Reploids from the effects, in reality Doppler was Maverick himself, and the vaccine merely suppressed the Maverick virus until Doppler desired, once Maverick attacks ceased completely, the vaccine effects started to stop working. Doppler created a base on the town made in his name during this time. He also began building a new body for Sigma.
In Mega Man X3 The newly form Doppler army made primarly from supposedly cured Mavericks start creating riots across the world, X and Zero are send to apprehend Dr. Doppler but they're called back as the Army is destroying the Maverick Hunters HQ. After clearing the building of Mavericks X and Zero moved to DoppleTown and started getting rid of the Mavericks in the city, Doppler sended his Nightmare Police to hunt them down, including a resurrected Vile but where un-successful. Eventually X reached Doppler at his Super Computer and defeated him, Doppler was somehow able to go back to his senses and warned X about Sigma's new battle body. X found Sigma destroyed him once again, and left along with Zero.
With all their bases and operations failed, the Doppler Army eventually disbanded.