Dr. Caselli is a doctor at Belle Reve who secretly worked for LuthorCorp in the WB/CW TV series Smallville. He appeared as an antagonist in the Season 6 episode "Justice".
He was portrayed by Michael Puttonen.
Dr. Caselli worked at Belle Reve and had access to high-security levels there. He was paid by Lex Luthor to authorize transfers of dangerous metahuman criminals to his Level 33.1 for experimentation. His shady dealings were uncovered by Chloe Sullivan and she arranged a meeting with him at the [http://smallville.wikia.com/wiki/Daily_Planet Daily Planet.
When Caselli arrived, she questioned why several dangerous patients with special abilities had been transferred out of Belle Reve and if LuthorCorp was involved. At first, Dr. Caelli denied any accusations but when Chloe mentioned Level 33.1, Caselli pulled out a gun on Chloe to silence her.
Before he could shoot her, a red streak super-speeds towards him and knocked Caselli out then left. Clark Kent appeared and Chloe thanked him but he said Dr. Caselli was already down when he arrived. He realized someone else was around that could move as fast as him.
Bart Allen rescued Chloe and Caselli was arrested, but Lex coordinated his release shortly afterward. Clark confronted Lionel in Metropolis and accused him of helping Caselli get out of jail. Lionel denied any involvement, explaining that presumably the incident was covered up by Lex. Dr. Caselli disappeared and continued working for Lex and his experiments.