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Dr. Stinky McNasty is the main antagonist of the first Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot book.


Dr. Stinky McNasty wears a white labcoat and bears two black or red gloves, presumably made from a glossy rubberlike material. He has a wipsy black beard and his teeth are portrayed as sharp. Most prominently, McNasty wears a black eyepatch on his right eye though the reason why is unknown.

In his older designs, McNasty wore a similar white labcoat with white gloves and a pair of goggles.


McNasty is a cynical, narcissistic, and evil scientist often portrayed by the conventional standards of a mad inventor. He enjoys tormenting Ricky's hometown through plots. Though not much is known about his personal life, he is a genius in his field, and created several other inventions such as a raygun, a compound that can transform organisms, and the very robot that Ricky later befriends.


In his secret cave, McNasty created the mighty robot. McNasty initially, ordered it to wreak havoc on the town, though the robot refused. This enraged McNasty, who started to zap the robot with his raygun.

To retaliate further against the robot, McNasty feeds one of the class lizards a compound that turns it into a giant monster, which the robot is forced to fight. However, after some battle with the lizard, it is defeated and transforms back into the original small lizard.

McNasty, furious, decides to take matters into his own hands, planning to blow up the robot using a rocket launcher. However, this action is foiled as Ricky disorients McNasty, causing him to misfire and eventually blow up his own cave with the rocket itself.

McNasty is then captured by the robot and taken to the Squeakerville prison, where he is shown in every successive book.


  • Dr. Stinky McNasty is the only villain in the series that originates from the planet Earth.
  • In previous designs of McNasty, he was shown to wield some sort of handheld laser gun.


           45F1DA9A-9301-485E-B6B1-789255B94D23 Villains

Dr. Stinky McNasty | Mr. Mosquito | Victor Von Vulture | Major Monkey | General Jackrabbit | Sergeant Stinkbug | Uncle Unicorn | Nimrod Nightcrawler | President Penguin
